Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:37 AM

Chapter 552

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At night, Xiao Yunhai's mailbox, sent dozens of applications, which was simplified by the vast sea.

Zhao Wanqing looked at the sad face of xiaoyunhai, and couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, he said: "husband, you should be happy. You think these applications have fully demonstrated your strong influence in the Chinese film and television industry, and it is no less inferior than those old directors. This should be your military work chapter. So, husband, come on, laugh. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at zhaowanqing, who turned his eyebrows at the smile, and said, "as the saying goes, behind a successful man, there must be a great woman. So, there are half of me and half of yours. Come on, wife, let's discuss it together. "

Zhaowanqing listened, hurriedly shook his head, and said, "this is your action drama, I still do not interfere with good."

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing's waist and kissed her face hard, and said, "please, wife, help me.". In the circle, I am only familiar with some directors, actors, other deputy directors, photography, art teachers, and I don't know them basically. I can't see who is good or bad. I can't see it from my resume. If you choose an inappropriate one, it will make the hero of martial arts a great success. Is it not your money that you lost at last? Right? "

Zhao Wanqing smiled: "you are right. Well, I'll help you for my wallet. "

Xiao Yunhai immediately moved his laptop to zhaowanqing, and he also went to bed, and looked around zhaowanqing.

Xiao yunhaidao: "let's start with the deputy director. Do you know anyone first? The best acquaintances with the root and the bottom. "

Zhao Wanqing looked at more than ten names of the application, pointed to one of them, and smiled: "husband, deputy director has."

"Wang Youcai?" Xiao Yunhai points out his personal profile, and looks and asks, "how do you know him?"

"When he first filmed Emperor Kangxi," Zhao said, "there were two deputy directors in Chen director, and Wang Youcai was one of them. He is 42 years old, from group performance, has been mixed up to the deputy director, the drama group big and small things, he is clear, ability not to choose. You are a crew that is not much smaller than the star gathering Emperor Kangxi. So it must be OK for the crew to give it to him. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, then choose him. Here is the photographer, find out one of the most capable, and then the team will give him to form. "

Zhao Wanqing smiled: "don't look for it. I met someone I know again. Once won the golden bottle Award Best Photography Yang hair, did not expect even he wants to enter your play group. Also, your art group leader also has a foothold, "spring and Autumn" art group leader Liu Qi. "

Seeing zhaowanqing in less than three minutes, he took care of his most headache. Xiao Yunhai had some silly eyes and said, "this is the end?"

Zhao Wanqing grinned and said, "it's over."

Xiao Yunhai asked in a puzzled way: "wife, you didn't make many plays. How do you know that? "

Zhao said proudly: "as a film and television actor, if they do not know, what else is in the circle?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes and said, "good Zhao Wanqing, dare to mock your husband, see how I can clean up you."

After that, xiaoyunhai's two big hands, have already felt zhaowanqing that full of double peaks, gently rub, zhaowanqing face suddenly showed scarlet, all over the soft and weak, and asked for mercy: "husband, please, let me go. I dare not to do it any more. "

If it is normal, hear Zhao Wanqing's whisper, Xiao Yunhai will not let her go. But now it is in the ward, zhaowanqing is a wounded, and Xiao Yunhai is unlikely to fight her for 300 rounds.

So Xiao Yunhai can only bear the desire to rise up, and pulls her hand out of her clothes and says, "wife, I will forgive you this time. I will be welcome to dare to do so next time."

Zhao Wanqing looked at him charming, and said, "I know. Husband, it's eight o'clock. You can turn on the TV and switch to mango station. The second season "good voice of China" is about to be premiered. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and turned on the TV. Zhaowanqing nestled in his arms and watched it.

With the first season "good voice of China" bottom, the second season of ratings, Xiao Yunhai is not worried.

Sure enough, two hours later, Xiao Yunhai saw the results of the second season "good voice of China" from the homepage of mango table online.

The average ratings were 5.7%, and the highest ratings were 11.2%, much higher than "run, brother".

Netizens like the six students with different timbre and express their views in the forum.

Many famous websites responded quickly after they learned the ratings of "good voice of China", and the front page headlines were all about it.

"The second season" good voice of China "has created a brilliant new glory, with 11% ratings and a smile on Huaxia

"The ratings of" Chinese voice "are no less than mission, and ratings shock the entertainment circle

"The variety show is hot, mango station ratings are the first."The second season of "the voice of China" and "run, brother" the same fire throughout China. Because these two variety shows are planned and sponsored by Xiao Yunhai, he is also called the king of variety show by netizens.

After watching the sound, Xiao Yunhai called Wang Youcai, Yang FA and Liu Qi according to the number on the profile, and asked them to set up a team as soon as possible to make preparations for shooting in Hengdian.

three people heard the members under their hands has the final say, and naturally pleased to have it, they agreed to come down and then busy with the contacts.

The next afternoon, they took their members to Hengdian.

Xiao Yunhai asked Luo Tianxiong to arrange a hotel for them and treat them to dinner in the evening.

On the wine table, Xiao Yunhai made a detailed division of work.

Everyone was very satisfied, and they were busy the next day.

Zhao Wanqing recovered very quickly. In less than three days, she was able to walk on the ground. After five days, she was as good as before.

Instead of staying in the hospital, they returned to Yanjing together to attend the graduation ceremony of Yanjing Film Academy.

Since Xiao Yunhai became famous, he has been so busy that he seldom returns to the college. If it wasn't for Yao Wenyuan, his teacher, he would have forgotten about graduation.

From Yanjing International Airport, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were arrested by reporters.

In fact, the reporters did not know that Yun Huangqing will return to Beijing today. The reason why he is waiting here is to welcome South Korea's top star Li Yongjun.

He came to Yanjing to promote his new drama "romantic garden" on the same flight with Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

It can be said that they were completely implicated by Li Yongjun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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