Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:34 AM

Chapter 554

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Between the two laughing, the car quickly stopped at the school gate.

After getting off the bus, Xiao Yunhai said to Li Bing, "brother Li, go back first. Our classmates may have a party this evening

Li Bing nodded and said, "OK. Call me in advance so that I can pick you up

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK."

Hand in hand, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the teacher Yao Wenyuan's office.

There was a knock on the door, and Yao Wenyuan's voice came from inside.

"Come in, please."

After they went in, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "teacher, I'm back."

Zhao Wanqing also said hello.

Yao Wenyuan looked at his most proud student and said with a smile, "you two haven't been back to school for some days. How do you feel about graduating now? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'm really reluctant. Although I haven't been back to school for a long time, in my heart, it's like my home. It's hard for me to leave now

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you girls are sentimental. If you want to come, you can't just come here? Can the school stop you. Besides, our home is not far from the school, and it takes less than half an hour to take a taxi. "

Zhao Wanqing sighed, shook his head, and said, "I don't know how to say you to a heartless guy like you."

Yao Wenyuan looked at the couple's appearance. He could not help but smile knowingly and said, "no matter what, you will graduate sooner or later. Yunhai, Wanqing, you two are the most outstanding students in our class. We must take a down-to-earth road in the future. I hope to see you on the world stage one day. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "today I am proud of my school. In the future, I will make the school proud of me."

On hearing this, Yao Wenyuan exclaimed, "that's good. Yunhai, with your ability, I believe you will do it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as the teacher of the future king of heaven, you are waiting to be famous in the history."

Yao Wenyuan laughed and said, "OK, I'll wait for this day."

Zhao Wanqing said: "teacher, he is bragging here, you also believe it."

Yao Wen said: "I'm not afraid of him bragging, but I'm afraid he can't even boast."

Xiao Yunhai gave Yao Wenyuan a thumbs up and said, "this is very philosophical."

Yao Wenyuan said with a smile, "don't flatter me. Go to the classroom. You'll be short of you

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, we're going."

If you can touch your heart for two days, you will feel the world in peace

In the classroom, the monitor Hu Haitao is standing on the platform to discuss how to have a good time at night.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the classroom hand in hand. All the students looked at the golden boy and the jade girl.

In a short period of two years, the name of yunhuangqing has been resounding throughout China.

Although the two have almost never had classes since they became famous. But in the same class, they still feel proud.

When some students go out to film, they will report the name of empress Yun Huangqing and tell the crew that they are their classmates. In this way, no one dares to bully them.

I can't help it. The entertainment industry is so realistic.

Hu Haitao and Xiao Yunhai didn't deal with each other from the beginning of their enrollment, but now the gap between them is just like a big difference.

Therefore, before the matter, Xiao Yunhai did not put in mind.

After all, it's hard for an elephant to resent an ant.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and nods to him, saying hello. Then he pulls Zhao Wanqing to Huang Bo who beckons at him.

Hu Haitao had no sense of superiority in front of Xiao Yunhai for a long time. Let alone him. Even his cousin Xia Hongda was scolded and scolded by him. How dare he go to trouble with him.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai didn't seem to care about the previous things, he had an idea and said, "our cloud Huangqing arrived after driving. Should we applaud and welcome him?"

The students in the classroom clapped their hands when they heard it.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing quickly bowed to everyone.

Hu Haitao said with a smile, "I think you can ask the emperor Yun to tell us a few words? How about that? "

"Good." Everyone said with one voice.

Xiao Yunhai smile, also did not refuse, in the applause of the students, Xiao Yunhai stepped onto the platform.

In the face of Hu Haitao, who could not hide his panic, Xiao Yunhai opened his arms and hugged him.

We all know the friendship and resentment between the two people. On the last two days of graduation, they broke up their old grudges and burst into applause and cheers.

Hu Haitao put down his heart completely and said softly to Xiao Yunhai, "I'm sorry."Xiao Yunhai shook his head, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I used to have something wrong. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Hu Haitao nodded gratefully.

With a long sigh of relief, Xiao Yunhai looked at his dozens of classmates and said, "Haitao and I have been looking at each other since we were freshmen. We quarreled with each other, and even once we moved our hands. Ha ha, now I want to come. It was really naive at the beginning. Now, four years later, I have no grudge against him. The past, like a good memory, is hidden in my mind

"Students, I'm not a sentimental person, and I don't want to say anything sad. I just want to tell you that our more than 20 years of school life has been completely ended, and we are going to work hard in the society. Maybe ten years later, our social status will be divided into three grades, some may be famous in the world, some may be unknown. But in any case, I hope that we can all remember the feelings of our classmates. This evening, I'll cover the cost of eating, drinking and playing. Later, we'll have a good discussion about where to play. Don't try to save me money. "

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed.

"Finally, I would like to send you a poem called Qinyuanchun Changsha."

Xiao Yunhai picked up chalk and wrote down the poems of the former Taizu on the blackboard.

"Independent cold autumn, Xiangjiang River north, Orange Island head.

See the red mountains, layers of forest dye; ManJiang Bi tou, hundreds of boats contend for the current.

The eagle strikes the sky, the fish flies in the shallow bottom, and all kinds of frost compete for freedom.

Melancholy, ask the vast earth, who is the master of ups and downs?

With a hundred friends have traveled, recalling the past eventful years thick.

He is just a young student, in the prime of his life, and a scholar is full of vigor.

Pointing to the mountains and rivers, inspiring words, dung was the Marquis of thousands of households.

Did you ever remember that when you hit the middle stream, the waves stopped the boat? "

After Xiao Yunhai finished writing, everyone was stupid. Even Zhao Wanqing was very surprised.

And then the applause came again.

"Well, that's great."

"I don't quite understand the meaning, but it's very exciting to read it."

"Sister in law, the third elder brother is too talented. Do you know the poem? "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "where can I know. Well, up to now, I have found that I don't fully understand your third brother. "

At this time, the school principal, the teacher came to the classroom.

According to the tradition over the years, they have to go to every classroom and say goodbye to all the students.

Zhuang bin came in and said with a smile, "the atmosphere is very warm. Several classes in front of us were crying to tears. Only your performance class seems normal. Yes, with Xiao Yunhai as a living treasure, we can't cry if we want to. "

A teacher nearby touched Zhuang bin and said, "headmaster, look at this poem on the blackboard."

Zhuangbin turned his head to the blackboard, his eyes brightened and asked, "who wrote this? That's great. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the writing of graffiti, let the teachers laugh."

Zhuang Bin said with a smile: "I guess it's you. Other people don't have this literary talent. It's a writer after all. This poem, I think, is very good, should let more people know. So, Yunhai, give me this poem. I'll see if I can send it to the people's daily. "

"Wow, people's daily, that's amazing."

"I think this poem really deserves to be reported."

"It's still Xiao Yunhai. No one can match him."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud, no more."

People's daily is the most popular newspaper in China. In addition to some current news, it also publishes some excellent literary works. Even if online novels are popular, it still sells millions of copies every day, which is a miracle.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Zhuang, this poem will be handled with you."

Zhuang bin nodded and said: "your song" facing the sea, spring flowers bloom ", I will send it together and let them review it. Well, you go down first. I'll say a few words

When Xiao Yunhai returned to his position, Zhuang Bin said a few good-bye words, and then took a picture of the poem on the blackboard with his mobile phone. Then he went to another class with several teachers.

After the teachers left, everyone spoke freely. After a heated discussion, they finally decided to eat first and then go to KTV.

More than 30 students played together until 12 o'clock before returning to school.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to the villa in Li Bing's car.

Xiao Yunhai, who has been holding back for so many days, naturally won't let Zhao Wanqing go. After struggling for two hours, she let her go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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