Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:32 AM

Chapter 555

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Since the establishment of Yanjing karate hall ten years ago, it has rapidly swept the whole Yanjing. There are a lot of people coming to learn martial arts. Many parents will put their children here to practice karate on weekends and winter and summer holidays.

Karate Museum charges vary from place to place. In a big city like Yanjing, it must be much more expensive than other second and third tier cities.

According to statistics, karate hall has branches in almost every city in China.

Just a year's income, can reach billions of Chinese dollars, comparable to a large enterprise.

Xiao Yunhai came to Yanjing karate hall alone in order to invite Watanabe to play his own "Jingwu hero".

Because today is not a weekend, most of the students go to school and go to work. Therefore, there are only a dozen people practicing in the Taoist temple. They should be unemployed Vagabonds.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the surrounding environment and said to himself, "it's quite suitable for me to shoot Jingwu hero."

The coach who was teaching his disciples saw Xiao Yunhai and asked in a loud voice, "are you here to learn martial arts?"

Those young people who practiced martial arts looked at Xiao Yunhai in unison.

"My God, isn't this the emperor? What is he doing here? "

"Don't you come here to learn karate

"It would be great if we could be brothers with him."

"No, isn't it true that emperor Yun is a master at all?"

"You can believe in entertainment magazines."

The coach frowned slightly and said angrily, "shut up and practice hard."

The man seemed to have great prestige, and the students quickly turned around and practiced like a model. But the ears were all open, trying to hear what they were saying.

The coach went to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I don't know what you're doing this time? "Sorry to disturb you. I'd like to meet Mr. Watanabe and ask him to make a film. I don't know if I can be informed. "

The coach nodded and said, "yes. However, I don't think he will agree to this

Xiao Yunhai said, "how do you know if you don't try?"

The coach said, "please wait a minute."

After a while, a middle-aged man in his forties and a young man in his twenties came in.

When the young man saw Xiao Yunhai, his eyes were bright. He pointed to him and said, "Xiao Yunhai, I'm just looking for you to compete in martial arts."

It turns out that this guy is the Yamamoto Lianggong who was taught a lesson by Xiao Yunhai at the premiere of "great master".

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Yamamoto is worthy of being a believer. He sent the money to the Red Cross Society of China the next day. His conduct is really admirable."

At the beginning of the contest, they bet that whoever lost would donate 100 million to the Red Cross.

After Yamamoto lost, he beat the money without saying a word, which made Xiao Yunhai feel good for him.

Yamamoto said: "I'm not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. Since we met today, I want to fight you again

Watanabe beside patted Yamamoto on the shoulder and sighed: "cool palace, forget it. Even if you practice for another lifetime, you are not Mr. Xiao's opponent."

Yamamoto Lianggong turned to look at Watanabe and said, "teacher, what do you say? How can it be. "

Watanabe pure way: "Mr. Xiao has practiced Chinese Kung Fu to the bone. You have no chance to win. I didn't expect that in modern society, there could be an invincible master. It's incredible. "

Xiao Yunhai hugged his fist and said, "Mr. Watanabe, although I know some Kung Fu, I'm not a martial arts person. I want to invite you out of the mountain to play a Japanese martial master in my new drama Jingwu hero. Please do whatever you can

Watanabe shook his head and said with a smile, "I decided to quit the entertainment industry last year. I'm sorry to ask Mr. Xiao for nothing

Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Watanabe, can't you accommodate me? This character is a master of martial arts in the world and will not discredit you in karate. "

After seeing Watanabe himself, Xiao Yunhai felt that he was the best choice to play Chuang Yuewen Fu.

is as like as two peas in the boat, who are in the same boat.

Watanabe thought for a while and said, "I'm a martial artist. When I meet a top expert, I want to compete with him. If Mr. Xiao can beat me, I can give you the role without any money. If you lose, go back. "

”Wow, master Watanabe wants to do something. Today is really a blessing. "

"Master Watanabe is the first karate master. I once saw him kick a tree with his foot as thick as an arm. Can emperor Yun do it? "

"I guess it will. The cloud emperor is a big star worth 10 billion yuan, so he should not agree to it. "

"If it was me, I would not agree."While the students were whispering, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Watanabe, we will be better than one. No matter who wins or loses, I hope it doesn't spread to the outside world. "

Watanabe nodded and said, "of course. None of you can say anything about today. Otherwise, I won't let you go. Have you heard me clearly? "

"Listen clearly." All the students answered in unison.

Watanabe pure way: "you all retreat to the corner, lest injure you by mistake."

After that, Watanabe took off his shoes and saw that everyone had retreated to one side. With a swing of his right hand, he said, "Mr. Xiao, please."

Xiao Yunhai is not used to the Japanese samurai taking off their shoes to compete in martial arts. But in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you wear shoes, it will be unfair.

No way, Xiao Yunhai can only take off his shoes.

Xiao Yunhai clasped his hands and said, "Mr. Watanabe, please."

Watanabe bowed to him and said, "Mr. Xiao, please give me more advice."

The two were almost five meters apart. They looked at each other. Neither of them had the first move, but the momentum was soaring. The tense atmosphere filled the whole room.

All the students around looked at the field excitedly, but they didn't dare to come out.

Looking at the momentum like a rainbow, like Xiao Yunhai, Watanabe's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that if he didn't do it again, when the momentum of the other side reached its peak, he would surely lose.

Therefore, Watanabe pure steps in karate, his hands into a knife, quickly cut to Xiao Yunhai's neck.

The track drawn by the hand knife in the air is a perfect circle. With its speed and strength, even the air around it makes a hissing noise.

All the students were shocked by Watanabe's hand, and their eyes were almost staring out. It's too powerful.


Although there is no distinction between the overt force, the dark force and the melting force in Japanese karate, Xiao Yunhai can see from his attack that the opponent's strength is hard and soft, and his whole body is full of Qi and strength, which is similar to the Chinese Kung Fu's "one feather can't be added, and the flies and insects can't fall".

According to the state of Chinese martial arts, Watanabe has really reached the level of strength. No wonder elder martial brother Luo Tianxiong is not an opponent.

These things flash away in Xiao Yunhai's mind.

In the face of Watanabe's power like breaking a dike in a raging sea, Xiao Yunhai did not hide. Instead, he went up against the current with a blow to the opponent's knife.

This is the cannon fist of Xingyi boxing, which is extremely strong and fierce.

Xiao Yunhai's fist seems to be like a shell. Driven by Xiao Yunhai's powerful force, the whole Taoist temple seems to shake three times.



The fist collided with the hand knife, and the air exploded and crackled.

Watanabe seems to be hit by a train head-on, the body involuntarily back ten steps, this is to stabilize the body.

The first confrontation between the two made everyone present startled.

"Shit, is this a movie?"

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that karate I practiced was so powerful."

"But the emperor seems to be more powerful. All of them were beaten back by Watanabe. "

The most shocking thing is Yamamoto's cool palace. Since he lost to Xiao Yunhai, he has made every effort to improve himself. He practices at least eight hours a day. Compared with last year, he feels at least twice as strong.

Can now see Xiao Yunhai's hand, just know that he is a frog at the bottom of the well. In Xiao Yunhai's eyes, it is just a joke.

Watanabe on the field by Xiao Yunhai a boxing back, shocked, said: "you Kung Fu in the end to what extent?"

Xiao Yunhai suddenly stepped forward a step, boundless momentum roared up, and said: "the world is invincible."

Xiao Yunhai's words are not really bragging. Since he was struck by lightning, his body has changed. His strength is getting stronger and stronger day by day, as if there is no end to it. Although there is still some gap between the martial arts level and the masters such as my grandfather, in actual combat, no one in the world should be his opponent.

Watanabe was also a martial arts master. Although he failed in the first move, he was not discouraged.

Steel is not good, then soft.

The footwork of karate moves very fast, and as a martial arts master, Watanabe is undoubtedly faster.

From the first step he took, the whole person seemed to be a white shadow. He came to Xiao Yunhai and used Japanese jujitsu to beat him close to his body, so that Xiao Yunhai's strength could not be exerted.

It has to be said that Watanabe's strategy is really good, but unfortunately, he met Xiao Yunhai, who is extremely keen on five senses.

His proud speed didn't give full play to his power. Before he got close, he was whipped back by Xiao Yunhai's single whip of Taijiquan.

Xiao Yunhai's right arm is like a real whip, whips in the air.

Watanabe attacked five times in a row, but he was unable to get close.After all, he was old. After a few moves with all his strength, he was no longer able to do anything. He had to withdraw his fist fight, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "thank you for your kindness. I'm far from your opponent. I'm afraid no one in the world will be your opponent. You deserve the word "invincible in the world."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm a star, and practicing kung fu is just to strengthen my body. If Mr. Yamamoto didn't say that Chinese Kung Fu was not good last time, I would not have done it. Mr. Watanabe, according to our previous regulations, have you agreed to be my actor

Watanabe nodded and said, "of course. However, I hope my character doesn't vilify Japan and karate. Otherwise, even if I lose, I won't go. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't worry about that. I've brought the script with me today. You can have a look at it. I'm sure you'll like the role. If Mr. Watanabe has nothing else to do, I'd like to go to Hengdian together tomorrow. What do you think? "

Watanabe pure way: "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai handed the script to him and said, "Mr. Watanabe, I will come here to meet you at eight tomorrow morning. Goodbye. "

Watanabe pure way: "I see you off." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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