Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:30 AM

Chapter 556

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After the two left, more than a dozen students discussed excitedly.

"See, my God. My idol emperor Yun is the best in the world. It's amazing. "

"Master Watanabe's Kung Fu is amazing to me. I didn't expect that yunhuang, a star, was even more powerful. "

"I'm not dreaming."

"What a dream. Master Watanabe and Emperor Yun, two of the top masters, gather in the play "hero of martial arts". What a thrilling duel between them will be. "

"Yes. If you don't watch this movie ten times and eight times, I'm sorry for the two masters. "

The master who taught Kung Fu gave a big drink and said, "start practicing for me. If you want to reach the position of master Watanabe and Mr. Xiao, it is impossible without decades of hard training day and night. As long as you don't be lazy and reach 30% of their skills, you should still be able to do it. "

A student murmured: "the emperor is only 22 years old, OK? It's hard to train every day. "

As soon as the master was about to reprimand him, Watanabe came in and said, "that's because Mr. Xiao is a martial arts wizard. He can practice at such a young age. His talent has surpassed your two martial arts masters, Damo and Zhang Sanfeng. It's a pity that he doesn't want to be here. Otherwise, there may be another great master who is far away from the past and the present in the modern society. "

When they heard Watanabe's evaluation, they were all speechless.

After finishing Watanabe Chun, the most troublesome actor problem for Xiao Yunhai has been completely solved.

After five or six days of professional teacher training, Zhou Lihu, who plays Fujita Gang, is absolutely different.

Xiao Yunhai saw his performance again the day before yesterday. He was very satisfied and gave the role to him.

Other actors have already been found.

Nong jinsun is played by Zhao Chongxu, an old dramatist. Yamada photonics is given to Lin Lu and Xiaohong is played by Lin Hui. The master Ni who fights with Huo tingen is directly handed over to Luo Tianxiong, who has never been to the front stage. Other supporting roles have also found suitable actors.

Production, photography, art, radio, drama and other departments have already arrived, and the studio is almost decorated.

If Xiao Yunhai didn't need to attend the graduation ceremony, I'm afraid he would have started shooting now.

Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind.

After Xiao Yunhai came out of karate hall, he returned to the villa.

Zhao Wanqing was cooking in the kitchen. When she heard his voice, she quickly came out and asked, "how about it? Did Mr. Watanabe agree? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course."

Zhao Wanqing asked happily, "how did you do it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I gave the script to him. After he saw it, he immediately became interested in the role."

He did not dare to tell Zhao Wanqing that he had a fight with the other party. Otherwise, Zhao Wanqing will surely give him a talk.

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Wanqing did not have the slightest doubt and said, "I think so. That role is perfect. As long as he is a Kung Fu actor, he should not give up. You'll have a rest and have dinner in half an hour

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm not tired. Let's do it together."

After dinner, they came to the auditorium twice.

That evening, the graduation party of Yanjing Film Academy officially started.

In the hall of the college, the lights are bright, and all the teachers and students are here.

Everyone sat in their seats, chattering and discussing.

"It's said that yunhuangqing has come back this time. I don't know if there will be a performance?"

"I think so. Oh, so is the school. It's so annoying that it didn't publish the program. "

"I heard that the party will be hosted by Queen Qinghou. It seems that emperor Yun is going to sing a new song."

"Really, that's great."

Backstage, Xiao Yunhai is chatting with Huang Bo.

"Neck, are all our classmates back? Yesterday, I looked as if five or six people had not arrived. "

Huang Bo said: "except Xu Qianqian, everyone else has arrived."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "why didn't she come?"

Huang Bo said, "it's said that it's filming outside. Well, it's too much not to attend the graduation ceremony. Third brother, do you know how good she is now

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I'm not very interested in these things?"

Huang Bo said: "Xu Qianqian is now a celebrity of Hongda film and television company. It is said that all films invested by Hongda should be selected by her first, and the rest will be in the hands of others. What's more, she has to bring at least three assistants, a beautician, a makeup artist, a stylist and four bodyguards when she goes to the set to shoot. Oh, my God, that's a lot of momentum. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "she was originally a vain woman, but now she has become famous, she is naturally how to be dignified."

Huang Bo snorted and sneered: "such a woman is too realistic. Third brother, I'm glad you didn't come together. Otherwise, she must be angry to death. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm very glad that she kicked me. Otherwise, how could I have chased your sister-in-law into my hands. "

Huang Bo nodded and said, "yes. It's just that she's bad at doing something good. "

The host of the party is Zhao Wanqing and another sophomore of dubbing department, Yang Xin.

After reporting the curtain on stage, Yang Xin began to make fun of Xiao Yunhai.

"Sister Zhao Xuejie, do you know how excited and worried I am now?"

Zhao Wanqing asked with a smile: "excited? worry? Why? "

Yang Xin said: "I'm excited because I can host the program with a goddess like Zhao Xuejie. I'm afraid that elder martial brother Xiao will beat me. He is a martial arts expert who can beat me with one hand."



The students laughed.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "you don't need to worry about this. Elder martial brother Xiao won't mind. Otherwise, the leading men who are acting with me will be beaten up by him

"Ha ha ha"

Yang Xin said with a smile: "this is also true. I'm relieved. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "today is the graduation party of our senior students. I don't want to cry like I did before. Four years ago, we happily entered the campus, four years later, we also want to leave the school happily. Elder martial brother Xiao said a word that I like very much. He said that today we are proud of our school, and tomorrow the school will be proud of us. They say, don't they? "


The hall burst into applause.

Yang Xin clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Xiao Xuechang's words are very good."

Zhao Wanqing said, "Yang Xin, let's not waste our time. There are a lot of shows today, and I'm afraid I won't finish it tomorrow morning. "

Yang Xin said: "let's start the formal performance. The first program is a sketch "tomorrow" brought by Huang Bo, Zhao Yan and Wang Hong from the performance department. Please enjoy it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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