Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:27 AM

Chapter 558

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai simply held a start-up ceremony. Without even opening the press conference, he took the crew to film.

The first scene is the scene in front of Huo Yuanjia grave played by Xiao Yunhai and Chuan Yuewen Fu by Watanabe Chun.

The crew had already arranged the set. Xiao Yunhai checked around and found no problems. So he found Watanabe and Luo Tianxiong to design the action together.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Watanabe, our play will be divided into two parts. In the first paragraph, I hope you can use all the Kung Fu you have learned without any reservation. In the second paragraph, we are fighting from the eyes, so we need you to give full play to Japanese jujitsu and seizing

Watanabe said with a smile: "I understand. After shooting for so many years, only this time I can give full play to it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Watanabe will tell you about your moves first. I can suit the remedy to the case and see how to disassemble it, which will make our movements more beautiful."

Luo Tianxiong nodded his head and said, "our film is a practical one. The action should be concise, fierce, fast and effective, and absolutely not sloppy. Otherwise, there will be problems in the later editing. "

All of them are martial arts experts. This discussion took a full hour. All kinds of fantastic ideas have sprung up one after another. Xiao Yunhai feels that these actions seem to be more domineering than before.

After almost the design of the action, Xiao Yunhai and Watanabe went twice. They felt that there was no problem, so they started shooting.

"The first action for the first time"

with the order of the recording, Xiao Yunhai put on an extremely depressed look and looked at Watanabe who was warming up before the war.

This plot is very interesting in the film, so Xiao Yunhai kept it.

After warming up, Watanabe put on a karate frame and said, "please."

Xiao Yunhai sighed a long sigh and said, "please."

As soon as the words fell, Watanabe suddenly stepped forward to take a few small steps. With the help of Weiya, he flew up in the air and kicked Xiao Yunhai's chest.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's face changed, his arms closed, and he was kicked back seven or eight steps by Watanabe.

Watanabe won't let people. Looking back, he launched an attack again. The speed was as fast as lightning. He moved to attack the key of Xiao Yunhai. He had the potential to kill him once.

The other actors in the crew looked at each other and said, "martial arts master, it's really different.". If they didn't know in advance, they would have thought they were really doing it. "

Wang Youcai, who sits on the monitoring screen, is also the deputy director of many kung fu films. Watching you come and go on the court, you can't help being surprised that you can't even close your mouth.

"Is this a kung fu movie? It's too much exaggeration. "

Luo Tianxiong said softly, "don't be surprised, director Wang. Both of them are real masters of martial arts. No matter what kind of action, they can give you no deviation to walk down

Wang Youcai said, "but this is too true. You see, the two people's actions are so cruel that they seem to have a grudge against each other. It won't hurt if you fight like this? "

Luo Tianxiong said with a smile: "director Wang, their mastery of strength has reached a superb level. Although their posture is very frightening, in fact, when they hit the body, they all put in their strength, and there was no pain at all. Naturally, there would be no injury problem. "

"Well, it's a pity that I only see the two artists who can reach this level. If there were more, it would be easier to make kung fu movies. "

The first scene was very smooth. The two fell down twice.

Watanabe used boxing, karate, Thai boxing and other tricks, while Xiao Yunhai disassembled them with various kinds of Chinese Kungfu, such as Yongchun, Hongquan, qigua, Taiji, Xingyi and so on.

The two men's body shape is fast as electricity, the attack is fierce, but the posture is quite natural and handsome.

After one scene, all the crew clapped.

"Great. It's the most successful action play I've ever seen."

"Ordinary action actors need to shoot for at least two days, and it's only a few minutes for them. That's amazing. "

"Two or three days? I'm telling you, you can't do that in two or three days. You know, it's all about meat. "

Xiao Yunhai went back to the monitoring screen and looked at it again. He said with a smile: "very good, yes. Let's go on to the next scene. "

In this way, with their unparalleled Kung Fu, the war was finished in less than a day.

Luo Tianxiong looked at them, shook his head and sighed, "I've been shooting action plays for more than ten years. Today I've opened my eyes."

Su Hong said with a bitter smile, "who said it was not. I don't know now. What should I do? If I take it according to the way of director Xiao and master Watanabe, I don't think I'll be finished if I don't hold on to two. "One side of Zhang Xiaojing said: "I am more miserable. You just had a contest with Xiao Dao, and then you were killed by Fujita, but I had to fight three times. I'm dead now. "

For the first day of shooting, Xiao Yunhai was very happy, and invited the main creators of the crew to have a good meal in the evening.

But the next day, when shooting Xiao Yunhai and others, it was not so easy.

After a whole day, I just shot two scenes, and I can't compare with Watanabe.

Xiao Yunhai was not worried.

Action movies are one of the most difficult types of movies, and many scenes need time to grind. Actors like Watanabe won't have a second person in the entertainment industry.

When Xiao Yunhai was filming Jingwu hero, Daniel suddenly called and his voice was very anxious.

"No, boss. For some reason, MGM suddenly sold our magic shares to Tony, the boss of Columbia Pictures, and Thomas is looking for a buyer

Xiao Yunhai a listen, frown slightly.

Magic special effects company ranks first in the world, and the stock price has been rising slowly. With such a strong special effects team, MGM is absolutely profitable without any harm.

Now they have sold their shares.

There are only two reasons to think about it.

First, they are eager to use the money. They need to exchange magic shares for real gold and silver for other purposes.

Obviously, this is impossible. MGM's "Star Trek" has grossed $2.9 billion worldwide. In a short period of time, there will be no shortage of liquidity.

The second may be very unfavorable to Xiao Yunhai. That is, magic effects has its own problems. MGM knew that magic's share price would plummet, so it took the initiative to sell it to avoid heavy losses. And Thomas knew about it, so he was actively looking for buyers.

But Xiao Yunhai doesn't understand why Tony, the boss of Columbia Pictures, wants to take over.

Xiao Yunhai did not want to understand, so he said: "Daniel, you need to find someone to check Columbia Pictures Company, to see if there is any movement there? Especially in special effects. You don't have to do your own work. "

Daniel said," I see, boss. "

After the phone call, Xiao Yunhai sat on the chair, fingers constantly beating the table.

But he can't think of any reason to come, so Xiao Yunhai used his mobile phone to call Kerry in the past.

"Hey, Xiao, what can I do for you?"

"Kerry, are we friends?"

"Of course not. We are brothers. "

"In that case, I hope you can tell me why you sold the magic stock to Tony of Columbia?"

"What? The company sold its stake in magic effects? God, that's stupid. I've been on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone recently, and I don't know what's going on inside. Don't worry, Xiao. I'll ask you the details. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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