Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:26 AM

Chapter 559

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Five minutes later, Kerry called Xiao Yunhai back.

"Xiao, I have very bad news for you. Columbia's special effects team has developed new special effects technology, with a fidelity of 94 percent and a work efficiency of 30 percent higher than magic. In other words, they only need seven days for magic work to be completed in ten days. So when our company learned about this, we sold magic shares to Colombia for one billion dollars. For this reason, my father was so angry that he sold the goods he bought for two billion dollars with one billion dollars. It was a huge loss. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "their special effects are really so powerful?"

Kerry affirms: "this has been verified by our special effects team. There's nothing false about it."

"Why do they spend so much money to buy magic shares?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Kerry said: "magic can become the world. Kerry exclaimed," Xiao, you are a devil. You are so cunning. God, there is such a big loophole in our contract. It seems that MGM's lawyers and think tanks should be replaced. "

They talked about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone for a while, and then hung up.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai handed over the shooting of "Jingwu hero" to Wang Youcai and flew to Hollywood by plane.

More than ten hours later, Xiao Yunhai came to Los Angeles International Airport. There was only one driver who came to pick him up. Daniel didn't come.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai asked, "what is Daniel doing?"

The driver said, "Mr. Thomas was visiting our company with a boss. Mr. Daniel was there as the person in charge, so he couldn't come here. Boss, are we really going to go out of business? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why do you say that?"

"Now Hollywood is telling that Columbia Pictures has made a breakthrough in its special effects technology, and magic's technological advantages have disappeared. Now, we are all in a state of panic within magic, for fear of something wrong with the company. "

"Do you like working in magic?"

"Of course. Boss, although I'm just a driver, my salary is higher than that of special effects technicians in other companies. I don't know how many people envy me. If magic doesn't exist, I'm afraid I'll never find such a good job again. "

"Don't worry. Magic doesn't work."

The car soon stopped in front of the magic company building.

Xiao Yunhai walked into the company and found that it was lifeless. Compared with the last time, the working atmosphere was not a little bit worse.

A sharp eyed staff member saw Xiao Yunhai and exclaimed happily, "the boss is coming."

Other staff members looked at Xiao Yunhai with expectant eyes.

Xiao Yunhai naturally knew what they were thinking, so he went to them and said with a smile, "I know everything about Colombia. Go back to work, things are not as bad as you think, magic will not fail. I heard that Thomas brought a businessman here. Where is he now

A technician said, "it's in Mr. Daniel's office."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said: "do well, guys, the bonus in the second half of the year is waving to you."

Xiao Yunhai then left.

Come to Daniel's office door, just want to knock in, Xiao Yunhai suddenly heard the fierce quarrel inside.

"300 million dollars? My God, Mr. Pippen, are you kidding

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thomas. I'm not joking. Columbia Pictures already has a more powerful special effects technology than magic. Once released, magic's share price will fall sharply. 300 million dollars, I think it should be a very reasonable price. "

"I spent more than two billion dollars to buy shares, and in less than half a year, it dropped to 300 million dollars. Well, Mr. Pippen, would you sell it for you

"Mr. Thomas, magic used to be the number one special effects company in the world, but now it's not. If you don't get the latest special effects technology, magic will be completely destroyed. At that time, let alone 300 million dollars, I'm afraid no one will want 30 million. "

"Then why do you want to buy my shares?"

"I'm gambling that magic won't fall down too soon. If it can last two years, my profit should exceed 300 million. Of course, if it's finished right away, I'll have to admit that I'm in bad luck. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai opened the door and walked into the office. He said with a smile: "it seems to be quite lively here."

"Here you are, boss," Daniel cried happily

Xiao Yunhai nodded to him slightly, and then said to Thomas, "do you really want to sell magic shares?"

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Thomas snorted coldly and said, "of course. Xiao, you are going to die, and so is magic. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Thomas, to be exact, it should be your end. Even if magic goes out of business, I'm still a multibillion dollar millionaire, and you're just a pauper. "Thomas said angrily, "nonsense. I still have a stake in paramount."

"Sorry, I almost forgot that." Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who wanted to buy Thomas' shares and said, "I heard that Mr. Smith is going to buy Mr. Thomas' shares with 300 million dollars? "

the middle-aged man nodded and said," that's right. "

"Boss, he's one of the shareholders of Columbia Pictures, Mr. Pippen," Daniel said

"Colombia?" Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just got magic shares from MGM. Now I'm looking for Thomas. What do you want to do? Not even my part. "

Raul said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, since you are here, that's very nice. Mr. Tony wants to buy you a cup of coffee. I wonder if you are free? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem."

Raul said, "Mr. Thomas, have you considered it? 300 million dollars to buy your magic shares and special effects patents in your hands, do you sell them or not

Thomas said: "I've heard that MGM's shares sold for one billion dollars. Why can I sell only 300 million dollars. I think 800 million is a good price. "

Raul shrugged and said, "Mr. Thomas, 300 million dollars is the bottom line of our company. If you want to sell, you can call me. In a week, we will hold a conference on the new special effects technology. At that time, don't blame us for not giving you a chance. "

Pippen finished, did not look at him, just nodded to Xiao Yunhai and left.

Thomas was ignored by Raul, angry, picked up the water glass on Daniel's table, and fell on the ground. With a crack, the cup broke into pieces.

"Poor Daniel, shake your head," he said

Thomas's remaining anger did not disappear, suddenly turned to Xiao Yunhai standing there, and said, "Xiao, what do you say to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "in modern society, special effects technology is changing with each passing day. It is normal that new technology replaces old technology. Daniel, if you like, I can pay 310 million dollars to buy your shares. "

On hearing this, Thomas asked suspiciously, "is there any way you can make magic come back to life?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I'm not God. How can I do this. My thoughts coincide with Pippen. Magic has brought me a profit of 500 million US dollars in half a year. If it can last for half a year or even a year, will I not make a lot of money? Columbia, of course, if we can only defeat the magic company. In fact, I still make money, because this company is originally won from you. Even if it is lost in the end, I don't feel sad. "

You are so angry, Thomas

Xiao Yunhai said: "we are all about the same. Don't talk about the second brother. Of course, Thomas, you can bet. You own 21% of the shares. If magic makes a profit of 1.6 billion before it goes down, you can get more than 300 million yuan, which is a bet. Of course, if you don't, you'll have to admit that you're in bad luck. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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