Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:24 AM

Chapter 560

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Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Thomas fell into meditation.

If you want to make 1.6 billion dollars in revenue, you need to make 1.6 billion dollars in magic time.

If Columbia Pictures really has technology far beyond magic, I'm afraid this time will be delayed.

If there is a problem in the middle, I'm afraid I can't make any money.

However, with Xiao Yunhai's shrewdness, what he thought of, could he not think of it? Is it really as simple as he said?

Thomas was skeptical.

Since Xia Yunhai was once a pawn, Thomas is very careful to Xiao Yunhai, for fear that he will be fooled again if he is not careful.

Thomas thought about it and said, "are you willing to buy my shares for 310 million dollars?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. But I'll only give you one chance. Later, I may have to negotiate with Mr. Tony. Once you sell him the magic, you won't have the chance. "

On hearing this, Thomas suddenly realized: "I understand. You want to buy back the 22% shares from me for 310 million dollars. When you negotiate with Mr. Tony, you can sell it to him at a higher price, right? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a smile, "Thomas, you've really become a lot smarter since I haven't seen you for such a long time. Unfortunately, it doesn't work even if you know it. Because you have no choice. Well, if I hadn't seen Mr. Pippen pay $300 million, I wouldn't have paid 200 million. Come on, sell it or not? "

Thomas snorted and said coldly, "I don't sell it. I'd rather lose ten million dollars than sell it to Pippen than sell it to you to make money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is a saying in China called harming others and not benefiting yourself. Your behavior perfectly interprets this sentence. Unfortunately, you are wrong. Once I sell Tony 51% of the shares, do you think he will buy 22% of you? Don't be childish. At that time, he was already a major shareholder, and he also owned most of magic's special effects patents, so your shares were no longer so important. Even I suspect that he will empty the magic, directly add to his special effects team, ha ha, you can imagine, what will happen to you? Three hundred million dollars. You're kidding

Thomas said angrily, "you are so calculating."

Xiao Yunhai said: "forget it, since you are so determined, I won't buy it. Let you accompany this 22% share to finish together. Daniel, take Mr. Thomas out for me

Daniel nodded and said, "Mr. Thomas, please."

Thomas turned a deaf ear and glared at Xiao Yunhai for half a minute. Then he said, "you won. 310 million dollars. When will it be given to me? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "now. We need to sign the contract before I negotiate with Tony. Daniel, get a lawyer for a contract. "

Daniel nodded and said, "OK."

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai looked at the transfer contract and nodded with satisfaction.

Thomas said, "where's my money?"

Xiao Yunhai smile, way: "leave your bank account, before 5 pm, 310 million US dollars, I will call you a lot."

Thomas, with a sullen face, snorted, said nothing, and left in a huff.

After Thomas left, Xiao Yunhai suddenly looked at Daniel and said, "I want to sell magic. Why don't you worry at all?"

Daniel said with a smile: "boss, if you really want to sell magic, I'm afraid you won't have a lot of talk with Thomas."

Xiao Yunhai burst out laughing and said, "you are really an old man."

"Boss, what are you going to do now that the situation is so grim?

"Severe? Daniel, you're wrong. In my eyes, the situation has never been severe. After some time, magic's share price will surely plummet, and the company will certainly cause panic. But it doesn't matter. The wind will pass soon. Daniel, during this time, you tell people that they will not be paid less than a cent. If so, there are still people who want to leave. Don't stop us. We don't need employees who can't share weal and woe with the company. There are only four words for them and they will never be hired. Do you understand? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Daniel was completely relieved. If the boss dares to say so, it means that he has a way to get through the crisis.

"Boss, you are testing their loyalty. Well, I know what to do. "

Just then, Daniel's office phone rang.

"Hello, this is Daniel."

"OK, wait a minute."

Daniel covered the receiver and said, "boss, eleven o'clock sharp, Mr. Tony will treat you to coffee. Look..."

Xiao Yunhai said: "promise him, I just want to see this big man."

Daniel nodded and said to the phone, "our boss will be on time."At this time, it is already 10:30 a.m., Xiao Yunhai and Daniel rush to the appointed Cafe together.

At 10:55, they walked into a small box under the guidance of a staff member. There were two people sitting in it.

One is a well-dressed middle-aged man in his forties, and the other is a young man in his twenties.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the middle-aged man did not get up, but made a gesture and said, "Mr. Xiao, please have a seat"

Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that the big guy of Columbia film company should be so impolite. He frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Tony, don't you know what's the matter with me?"

Tony said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, I think you should know what happened to us in Colombia?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know some."

Tony is very domineering, said: "new technology to replace the old technology, this is the inevitable social development and progress. Our Columbia special effects team has only more than 100 people, which has seriously affected our development. But your company has thousands of people. Once the two are combined, the power of explosion is absolutely earth shaking. So I want to buy 51 percent of your magic and all the special effects patents you have. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how much is Mr. Tony prepared to pay?"

Tony held out his middle and index fingers and said, "two billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai chuckled and said, "are you kidding? Among other things, the advertising effect of magic alone has exceeded one billion dollars. Would you sell it for you? "

Mr. Xiao said that the most important thing that restricts the magic world is that Tony has the magic effect. Now we have a better, its desolation has become inevitable. Once we get the news out to the world, its share price is bound to plummet. By then, I'm afraid you won't be able to sell even 200 million dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the magic itself is what I won back, without spending a cent. Even if it's finished, I'll destroy it myself. However, I will never let go of its special effects patent. Because there will be many companies interested in Huaxia. Although your technology is advanced, the price is certainly not cheap. I only need to be 50% cheaper than you. I believe that the patent fee of 200 million US dollars a year is not a problem. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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