Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:23 AM

Chapter 561

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Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Tony's pupils shrunk slightly and said, "Mr. Xiao, I think it's very unreasonable for you to do so."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is my worst plan. In fact, I have a better way to deal with this crisis. As long as I move the whole magic to China, all the problems will be solved. The rapid development of China's film and television industry is amazing, thousands of films and TV plays every year are enough for us to make magic money. What do you say? "

Tony took a sip of coffee, relieved himself and said, "Mr. Xiao, if I want to buy magic, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "magic is the foundation of my foothold. I have no intention to sell it. In fact, I don't understand one thing until now. Why do you want to buy the magic shares of MGM? "

Tony was stunned and said, "for the magic technicians, of course."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Tony, there is an ancient Chinese saying in China that people in the Ming Dynasty do not speak in secret.". If you need a special effects technician, you don't have to pay that much. I thought about it for a long time, and finally I think it's my special effects patent that can make you so angry. You buy magic is fake, the idea of my special effects patent is true. Mr. Tony, it took magic a decade to develop new special effects. Your so-called new technology will not be based on magic effects. If so, we'll have a good discussion. "

Tony was shocked when he heard it.

Colombia's new special effects technology just changed one direction of magic effects, making it more simulation and faster work efficiency. To be exact, it should be an improved or enhanced version of magic effects.

This matter is the top secret of Columbia film company. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunhai knew it.

Is there a traitor in your company?

Although Tony had realized that things were out of his control, his face did not change. He said, "Mr. Xiao, you are really joking."

Xiao Yunhai is how the eyes, in his words, has been staring at Tony's face, although the other side of the cover is very good, but the moment of shock or let Xiao Yunhai aware.

"Not the best. Mr. Tony, since things don't agree, that's fine. Thank you very much for your coffee. Goodbye

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai really got up to go, Tony even said, "slow down. How do you know, Mr. Xiao? "

At this time, if he can not see that Xiao Yunhai is not afraid, then Tony is not qualified to be the CEO of Columbia Pictures.

Xiao Yunhai laughed, and his analysis was indeed right.

Daniel's face didn't change, but he also had a smile in his heart. The magic crisis was lifted.

They are still number one in the world.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Tony, if I said I guessed it, would you believe it?"

Tony sighed and said, "I have to say, you're the toughest opponent I've ever met. Mr. Xiao, make an offer. "

Xiao Yunhai said rudely: "first, your new special effects technology must be provided to us free of charge for magic use, and we have obtained half of the patent fee. After all, the foundation of your special effects technology is our magic. "

Tony's face changed wildly and said, "No. We should at least account for 80% of the patent fees. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Tony, you have to understand that you have lost."

Tony said: "the reason I bought MGM shares is for today. Don't forget that there is one in it that is......

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and interrupted him and said, "Mr. Tony, you have miscalculated one thing. That is, magic technology patents are my own, not magic effects company's. Unfortunately, I didn't sign with MGM. You should understand what that means? "

Tony's eyes widened, his eyes uncanny, and he exclaimed, "is MGM's law department a mess? Such a big loophole can't be seen. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "they are expected to change the law department soon. If I can't apply for a new magic special effects company, I will apply for a new magic special effects company. I don't think you can get a patent from me without billions of dollars. "

This is how Tony feels at the moment.

Although this young man is only in his twenties, younger than his own son, he is too cunning. He has been completely defeated in the confrontation with him.

Tony said helplessly, "Mr. Xiao, you won. You won beautifully. I spent a billion dollars to buy 21% magic shares in MGM. I thought it was a big bargain, but I didn't expect it was a big hole. Well, I agree

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "second, I want you to buy all the shares of magic special effects company to me free of charge."

Tony quickly shook his head and said, "no way. You can't let me give you a billion dollars worth of shares for nothingXiao Yunhai said: "as long as I apply for bankruptcy, it is not worth a cent. Mr. Tony, you can also get a promise from me. That is, I am willing to share all magic technology patents with you, and you can use my patents without any restrictions. In this way, I can't give you any restrictions. Of course, you can rest assured that if I want to sell the patents in the future, I will give them priority to you. Well, Mr. Tony, I think it's a good deal to buy one billion dollars for this promise. "

Tony's face turned blue and white. He looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "you are so terrible. Unfortunately, I have no choice, otherwise, I will not cooperate with you in any case. Well, I promise you

Xiao Yunhai held out his third finger and said, "the third...

" what, there is a third? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the third is very simple for you. I know that you are a major shareholder of Columbia cinema. If I invest or shoot any good films in the future, you should help me unconditionally if I need to put them in your cinemas. Of course, the amount of film layout is not too large, but it should not be less than 5%. Others can be implemented according to your market standards. "

Tony said, "No. If you bring dozens of movies a month, can't we all show them? Well, at most three of them a year. You should be responsible for the publicity expenses. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "three are too few. I want five. Chinese films have always been acclimatized in the United States, and the profits from the three films may not be enough for my publicity expenses. Five is my bottom line. If you agree, we can sign the contract. "

Tony thought about it and sighed, "OK. Today is the worst time that I have lost since the negotiation. It is almost impossible to fight back. We'll have a contract with Lorraine

The young man next to him nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Tony."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Daniel and said, "you also call the lawyer and ask them to come over. After all, it's a big contract. "

"I'm going to let them come here," Daniel said

Although Tony failed in the negotiation, he was a man who could afford it and let it go.

Next, he talked with Xiao Yunhai. He was invincible to his emotions, as if what had just happened had not happened.

Xiao Yunhai in the heart of his open-minded is very admire, this guy is definitely a hero.

However, he knew that although there was nothing on Tony's surface, he was afraid that his lungs would explode, but he was so deep that he didn't show it on his face. Such a person is the most terrible.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai is not a vegetarian. He chats with him in vain.

The two talked for an hour, during which laughter kept going and the atmosphere was very good.

As for what they think in their hearts, only they know. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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