Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:20 AM

Chapter 563

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After drinking shaqing wine, Xiao Yunhai returns to his room and tells Zhao Wanqing about Wang Youcai.

Zhao Wanqing said, "no problem. My dad was still saying yesterday that there were too many scripts recently, and the editors were too busy. If Mr. Wang Youcai could go to Hanhai, it would be good for both of us. I'll give my dad a call now

Soon, Zhao Wanqing got the job done.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai found Wang Youcai and said, "Mr. Wang, my father-in-law asked you to go to Hanhai to sign a contract today. Now the editorial department is in a mess, saying that there are countless scripts under review. You can go and have a look. If you come across a really good script, you can leave it and the company will invest in shooting it for you

Wang Youcai said excitedly: "you mean I can really direct a film and TV play."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. However, I hope you must be careful when choosing your first play. As you said, your fame is not big in the circle. Once the first play is defeated, it may be a very serious blow to you, and the company's attention to you will decline. On the contrary, if your play is a great success in the future, ha ha, you can choose all the scripts of the company at will. "

Wang Youcai nodded and said, "I understand. Director Xiao, I have nothing to do with the following press conference. I want to fly to Yanjing immediately. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now my heart is flying to the vast sea. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, then you go."

At 9:30, "Jingwu hero" killing press conference was officially held.

On the second floor of the hotel, more than one hundred reporters poured in.

When Xiao Yun brings everyone in, the shutter sound of cameras and cameras doesn't stop, and the flash light makes people feel miserable.

After all the main creators sat down one by one, Xiao Yunhai coughed, took the microphone and said, "thank you very much for coming to our" Jingwu hero "killing press conference. I'd like to introduce our main creators. The person next to me is Mr. Luo Tianxiong, the head of the Luo family class, who also plays a role in it

Luo Tianxiong stood up and bowed to everyone. The reporters also clapped their hands to face.

Xiao yunhaidao: "the next one is Japanese karate master Watanabe Chun. He is a real martial arts master. He is good at various boxing techniques in the world. He plays the role of Japanese master Chuan Yue Wen Fu."

"I don't need to introduce Zhang Xiaojing. He plays the male No.2 Jingwu sect master Huo tingen

"Su Hong is playing karate hall owner ryunoichi Akutagawa, and I had a big fight, very good-looking."

"The biggest villain is Fujita Gang, played by the newcomer Zhou Lihu. He is a member of the Shaolin clan. He is proficient in iron cloth clothes and Shaolin boxing. We should not take him seriously. There are more than ten people who can't get into his kung fu. "

"Next is Lin Lu, who plays the role of......

every time Xiao Yunhai introduces one, the corresponding actor stands up and bows to everyone.

Soon, all the main creators were introduced.

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, everyone, what questions can I ask you?"

"Director Xiao, it's said that your movie" Jingwu hero "was shot at the request of fans. It took only a month and a half to prepare for the film. Isn't there something about it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "do you want to say that I'm trying to circle money. Ha ha, this reporter friend, I tell you, Xiao Yunhai will never shoot any film and TV series for the sake of money in my life. The reason why we can shoot so fast is that our actors have a good foundation of Kung Fu, they can go on the stage directly without any training, and the shooting is very smooth. So thanks to my brothers and me for this play

"Director Xiao, is there anything special about" Jingwu hero "compared with other action movies

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said: "boxing to meat, pay attention to actual combat. I can tell you that this drama contains more than 20 kinds of Chinese martial arts, such as Taiji, Xingyi, Bagua, shawl, Baji, Zhanyi Shiba, capture, Tiebu, Shaolin boxing, Thai boxing, Western boxing, Japanese karate, judo, taekwondo and so on. Each one is not fancy. It is all based on actual combat. If you can learn some moves from it, they can be used for self-defense. Of course, don't try any extra big moves, so as not to hurt yourself

Luo Tianxiong said: "ladies and gentlemen, I have been a martial arts instructor for more than ten years. It's the best movie I've ever made, and it's an insurmountable peak in the history of Chinese action movies. "

"Master Luo, do you mean that this play is better than" Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu "

Luo Tianxiong nodded and said, "of course. "Proud of the world" is a martial arts film, which needs elegant and natural moves. It looks gorgeous, but it doesn't work at all. It's impossible to appear in reality. But this play is a real kung fu movie, and I don't play a very important role in it. Because director Xiao and master Watanabe are the top practical martial arts experts. They discuss all the movements together. My main job is to put their actions into practice. Hehe, it's really beneficial. ""Master Luo, what do you mean by the top real combat experts?"

Luo Tianxiong thought for a while and said, "we should often watch free combat on TV. The champion in that can't stand three times in front of them."

"Oh, No.

"Shit, it's not bragging."

"What a bull to blow. Master Luo is famous in the action circle. What he said will certainly not be false. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "my elder martial brother drank a lot yesterday. Now he may not have a clear mind. Master Watanabe is the first karate master. It is not surprising that he can do this. I can't

Watanabe listened and said, "I'm not the opponent of director Xiao. The reason why I came to participate in the shooting of "Jingwu hero" was that I lost the contest to him. Director Xiao's Kung Fu is really the best in the world. I've practiced martial arts for 40 years, and I've never met anyone more powerful than him. "

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said in his heart, "it's over."

Sure enough, when the reporters under the stage heard it, their eyes flashed with gold and their faces were excited.

"Mr. Xiao, is it true that master Luo and master Watanabe said?"

"You are the best in the world, do you admit it?"

"Can you show us how good you are?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dear journalists, these are details, which have nothing to do with" Jingwu hero ". I hope you can ask about our movie. I will not answer any questions about my own Kung Fu. Well, the reporter who knew about entertainment. "

"May I ask director Xiao, when will your film be released?"

"It depends on the schedule of the cinema. The film will be shown not only in China, but also in the United States. If the results are good, it's not impossible to show them all over the world. "

Xiao Yunhai's words immediately made the reporter fry the pot.

In this world, due to Chinese film and television barriers and cultural differences, films rarely can be shown in the United States. For decades, only a few films have this opportunity, but the box office is basically a fiasco.

Today, Xiao Yunhai dares to say in front of so many reporters that the film may be shown in the United States, which means that the matter has been basically settled.

Thinking of this, reporters have thrown countless questions to Xiao Yunhai.

After answering several reporters' questions in a row, we let him go and turned to others.

An hour later, the conference was over.

In the afternoon, the main creative staff have left one after another, only Xiao Yunhai is still in the hotel room.

He will wait for Zhao Wanqing to return to Yanjing together.

"Lonely city" is half a month away from being killed, so Xiao Yunhai plans to do editing, dubbing and post production of Jingwu hero here.

Hengdian, as the largest film and television shooting base in China, is naturally full of talents in all aspects. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai found a film post production company with good reputation and started the post production of Jingwu hero. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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