Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:18 AM

Chapter 564

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At the conference, Watanabe said Xiao Yunhai is the best master in the world, which spread rapidly in China.

There is also a heated discussion about Chinese Kung Fu on the Internet.

"Emperor Yun's Kung Fu is the best in the world. Is it true or not?"

"It's so interesting upstairs that I have to ask such questions. It must be fake. Although I am the iron powder of emperor Yun, the truth of this matter is too low. I don't believe it. "

"All along, Chinese Kung Fu is known as the best in the world. It's really a fight, but not at all. I think they just said that just to promote the film. "

"No. I'm a karate fan. I am very clear about master Watanabe. He is the first karate master. He used ten moves to beat the world champion and three to defeat the Japanese Sumo champion. In his status and position, he would never lie for a movie

"According to the story upstairs, is the emperor really the best in the world? It's unbelievable. "

"Look at the answer of emperor Yun, he seems to be very cold to this title."


just as everyone was talking about it, a netizen searched all the videos about Xiao Yunhai against the enemy.

One is the martial arts contest between him and Liang Hu in Hengdian, the other is his fight with Yamamoto Lianggong at the premiere of "great master", and the other is a video of him turning reporters around with a little push.

The three videos immediately set Xiao Yunhai on fire.

All the major forums on the Internet are talking about this matter, and there are millions of posts on Xiao Yunhai's home page asking about him.

The response of Hebei TV station was the fastest. Wang Yongquan's super interview directly invited Zhang Qiming, vice president of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, to comment on the three videos.

Zhang Qiming also has a real ability, majoring in Taijiquan, and is also involved in all kinds of other martial arts.

He said in the program: "the first video is that Mr. Xiao uses Xingyi Quan to compete with his opponent's Muay Thai. Although the attack of the other party is extremely fierce and the ferocity of Thai boxing is fully displayed, Mr. Xiao has practiced the cannon boxing in Xingyi Quan to a perfect level, and has already gained the absolute upper hand. The second video, because the gap between the two is too big, does not show Mr. Xiao's Kung Fu. And the last video shows his real strength. Don't think it seems very simple for him to push some reporters around. In fact, there is a universe. He uses the turning force of Taijiquan, and he has reached the point of natural lifting weight as light as possible. "

Wang Yongquan said: "president Zhang, how high is the emperor's Kung Fu?"

Zhang Qiming said: "our national arts are divided into bright, dark and Huajin. Judging from his last shot, he is already a master of energy dissipation. In the past hundred years, Mr. Xiao has been able to compete with no more than ten fingers. If master Watanabe is really defeated by Mr. Xiao, I can tell you clearly that Mr. Xiao is indeed the best master in the world. At the very least, I've never seen a warrior better than him. "

"Super interview" once broadcast, the average audience rating reached 12%, which can be said to create a miracle of the interview program.

With the comments of such professionals as Zhang Qiming, Xiao Yunhai's reputation as the world's top expert has become solid. The number of fans has soared by more than 30 million to 150 million, becoming the most popular star in China.

Numerous reporters rushed to Hengdian to interview Xiao Yunhai, but they couldn't find him.

Some reporters are very clever, directly came to Xiao Yunhai's grandfather Chen Jiahong's Xingyi Taiji gate.

Liang Jiahong did not get tired of these reporters, called Xiao Yunhai to reprimand a meal, and then took Liang Hu to the field to play.

Things in the entertainment industry always come and go quickly.

It didn't take long for Xiao Yunhai to be covered by another big news.

After such a long time of preparation, man Wenbin's Xianyue video website will finally be officially launched.

Once the news was released, there was a big earthquake in the entertainment industry.

All along, the network video is the world of the three major websites. In order to make more profits, they cooperate and oppose each other.

Now, the fourth network video website is about to appear, the most unhappy of all is them.

Man Wenbin and Yu Yuexian have registered to get married. Like Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, what they lack is just a wedding.

In order to create momentum, the two sent invitation cards to dozens of stars at home and abroad.

Yu Yuexian focuses on domestic affairs, while man Wenbin is in charge of foreign countries. Even Yu Haidu intervenes and personally calls in and invites the managers of many entertainment companies.

As Yu Yuexian's good friends, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are naturally included in the invitation.

Zhao Wanqing asked Zhang Tieshan for a day off and returned to Yanjing by plane with Xiao Yunhai.

At noon that day, the two dressed up and came to the site of the website's opening Conference - DHL hotel.

When they got out of the car, the cameras, DVS and cameras in the hands of countless reporters were all in full swing, and the light from the flash lamps was even masked by the sunlight.See two people, man Wenbin and Yu Yuexian smile to welcome up.

Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing hugged each other tightly and said, "I thought you two didn't come?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "your sister Yu's opening ceremony, I and Yunhai dare not come. We arrived from Hengdian by plane this morning, so it was a little late. "

Yu Yuexian said, "it's good to come. Wenbin, let me introduce you to you. This is... "

man Wenbin said with a smile:" how can I not know the name of yunhuangqing. Miss Zhao is graceful and graceful. She is immortal. I don't know how many good things she has done in her life to get your favor. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Wenbin, it's not a good thing for you to praise another lady in front of sister Yu. I can't do it well. I have to kneel and kneel at night. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "I'm not so stingy. By the way, I haven't congratulated you on becoming the best master in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "don't mention it. I'm going to have a headache about it now. You say that I am an artist and I have become the best master in the world. Ha ha, it's funny to think about it. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "well, husband, let's not disturb them to welcome the guests."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "you are right. Brother Wenbin and sister Yu, we're going first. "

Entering the hotel, there is a western style buffet party.

Xiao Yunhai met many acquaintances, such as Wang Guoan, Wu Zixu, Liang Hui, ye Yongren, Wu Lan, Yao Na and so on. They gathered together to form a large circle and talked and laughed at each other.

There are also some Hollywood stars that Xiao Yunhai doesn't know but often see in the movies, such as Jones, amritte, lemon, and they sit together.

Yu Yuexian's father Yu Hai is the last group of entertainment bosses. Among them, Wang Mingsheng, Xiao Yunhai's father-in-law, and Xia Hongda of Hongda film and television media company, speak with them.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, ye Yongren waved to them, and they walked past with a smile.

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "Yunhai, you're a good boy now, all of you are..."

Xiao Yunhai quickly interrupted him and said with a bitter face: "Mr. Wang, stop talking, I know what you want to say. Well, after making a kung fu movie, I became the first in the world. It's not worth a lot of money. I'm a singer and a performer. It's just a rumor. It's a coincidence if there's any similarity. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Liang Hui said, "I heard that Hanhai is going to cooperate with Xianyue video website. Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "it's true. It seems that my father and Mr. man signed a contract a few days ago. After all, we and sister Yu are acquaintances. Who do we give, not to? "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "Yunhai has given them langyabang and if you are the one. Can this be fake? Ha ha, don't say anything else, just cloud's "Langya Bang" can make this website popular. In my opinion, Yuexian still needs to pay Yunhai advertising fee. "

Wang Guoan said, "that's too expensive. With the popularity of "Langya Bang", even if you make an advertisement of 3.5 billion yuan, I'm afraid it has no such influence. However, in this way, Yunhai, you are offending the other three major video websites. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said: "soldiers will block, water comes and earth covers, let it go."

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "your boy's heart is really big. By the way, at the Jingwu hero press conference, you said that the play could be taken to the United States of America. Is that true? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course it is true."

Wu Zixu was puzzled and asked, "how did you get in touch? You know, the United States generally won't accept our Chinese movies. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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