Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:14 AM

Chapter 567

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The next morning, Xiao Yunhai sent Zhao Wanqing to Yanjing International Airport.

On the way back to the villa, Xiao Yunhai receives a call from Su Yingxue.

"Yunhai, how could you suddenly offend so many companies. They've issued a joint statement to ban you. Now the whole entertainment industry is in uproar. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "I've been waiting for them. Sister Xue, what companies are there? What is the reason for blocking me? "

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai seemed to know something, Su Yingxue calmed down, took a long breath, and said, "they blocked you on the pretext of arrogance and disrespect for your predecessors. It includes more than ten entertainment companies, including Hongda film and television investment company, Oriental entertainment company, pengpai entertainment company and Shunhua music company. After their statement, Huafeng international cinema and Baihua cinema also issued a ban order

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said: "I can understand the Huafeng thing, but what does this Baihua cinema mean? I've never been in contact with them

Su Yingxue said: "the boss of Baihua cinema has a close relationship with Xia Hongda. He may have made it."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "I see. Good. Now it's all out. Snow elder sister, the next thing, you don't care. These guys are at that level. Ha ha, arrogant, disrespectful, I am drunk. The reason is far fetched. "

Su Yingxue said anxiously, "Yunhai, don't take it seriously. They're all old timers in the entertainment industry, and they're not easy to deal with. Maybe they'll suffer a lot from carelessness. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yingxue, I will never look down on anyone, let alone so many entertainment tycoons. It's just that they made a mistake, that is, I'm not Xiao Yunhai at the beginning. Don't talk about them. Even the big eight Hollywood film companies can't help me now. Don't worry, it will be over in a few days. "

Su Yingxue's phone call seemed to be the beginning. Then Zhao Mingsheng, Wu Zixu, Yu Yuexian, Yao Wenyuan and others who had close ties with him called one after another. Xiao Yunhai explained to them one by one to reassure them.

The last call is from Shen Qiu, vice chairman of the golden cup award.

"Yunhai, you are very good. It's not what ordinary people can do to get so many companies to block you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "a group of clowns are just like this. However, Mr. Shen, you are now the president of China Artists Association. I am in trouble as a member. Should you stand up and say something to me. This is the best time to make our association famous. "

Shen Qiu said: "originally I wanted to comfort you, but when I saw you like this, I was relieved. Come on, what do you want the association to do? It's not going to be a fight with them, is it

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. I don't want the association to conflict with them for me. To tell you the truth, I didn't care about their block. I mainly want to ask the association to return my innocence. The reason why they blocked me was that they were arrogant and disrespectful to my predecessors. I just want the association to prove for me that this reason doesn't hold water. I'll take care of the rest myself

Shen Qiu said with a smile: "it's simple. I'm going to find the artists who have worked with you and ask them to prove it for you. Isn't it over? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you very much. It seems that my membership fee has not been paid in vain. "

Shen Qiu cursed: "go away. When you say this, it's like the association is helping you because of your money. Yunhai, I'm curious about you and them. Can you tell me about it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "isn't it because of the special effects?"

Xiao Yunhai finished the whole thing, Shen Qiu said angrily, "this group of people are really unreasonable."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "nothing to be angry about. This is what this group of people who can't get up early without profit. It's a pity that they met me. Look, I'm going to make them pay for their wives and lose their soldiers. "

We should despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically. Xiao Yunhai's favorite sentence is that of the former Taizu.

It has to be said that the energy of more than a dozen entertainment companies and the two major cinemas has exceeded Xiao Yunhai's expectation.

Since they issued the ban, the whole entertainment industry has been in a funk.

Major entertainment newspapers and magazines have published this information, and attacked Xiao Yunhai, saying that he is arrogant, disrespectful to artists, and can't tolerate any disobedience.

One newspaper office even directly said that Xiao Yunhai was involved in the underworld. At the beginning, Guan Changfeng, a gangster in Xiangjiang, died in Xiao Yunhai's hands. It's about noses and eyes, as if they saw it with their own eyes.

Once the news was sent out, it aroused strong repercussions in the whole entertainment circle.

The Internet has long been boiling.

Xiao Yunhai's fans had a fierce battle with the black water army.

"Guan Changfeng has been in the Xiangjiang River for so many years, and his power is huge. If Xiao Yunhai is not involved in the underworld, why should Guan Changfeng kill him?""It seems that the water army is upstairs. You don't know the cause and effect of the incident. Please talk about it after watching the press conference jointly held by yunhuang and Xiangjiang police. "

"The cloud emperor is really pitiful. He is usually so low-key, but he doesn't want to offend so many entertainment companies. Ah, I hope the emperor can resist. "

"Can you not be so stupid upstairs? Xiao Yunhai is only an artist. How can he offend so many companies at the same time. It must be that he did something bad to attract the collective blockade. "

"I agree with you upstairs. Although Xiao Yunhai has talent, artistic morality is more important. Let the cloud emperor get out of the entertainment circle. "

"Fart. You bastards know the black cloud emperor. He is just an artist, how could he offend more than ten entertainment companies for no reason. He is so talented that his brain must be better than yours

"Yes. And it said that he did something bad. What is the bad thing? Say it, let's listen. "

"Don't embarrass the sailors upstairs. For more than a month, yunhuang has been filming Jingwu hero while accompanying Qinghou in Hengdian. How can he have time to do something bad. "

"Ah, don't talk about these water troops. Even those companies can only use such lame excuse as arrogance and disrespect for the elders to kill the emperor Yun. How can they tell the specific things. Maybe the editors are making up stories to frame the emperor. "


Xiao Yunhai has 150 million fans, and there are thousands of water soldiers on the Internet. How can they be their opponents.

In less than one day, I was scolded by the fans and didn't dare to show off.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't care about things on the Internet.

His eyes were directed at the newspaper that said he was involved in the underworld.

This newspaper called Pinnacle is very famous in the industry. On the surface, it is independent. In fact, it is just a subsidiary of pengpai entertainment company.

Xiao Yunhai is worried that he has no target to attack. Now the summit newspaper has publicly called him involved in the underworld. Unless they have clear evidence, otherwise, he has committed the crime of defamation.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai did not delay much. Instead, he asked his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng to introduce him to a barrister, and directly sued the summit newspaper and more than a dozen other newspapers spreading his involvement in the underworld.


Once the news spread, the whole entertainment industry was shocked again.

Xiao Yunhai's fans were so excited that they left messages on his homepage.

, "Yun Huang, you are so awesome."

"If you don't, you'll have to. If you do, you'll be the emperor."

"Ha ha, I dare not write in those newspapers. Once the crime of defamation is established, I am afraid that it is not only a matter of fine money, but also that the corresponding person will be sentenced. "

"These people are dead."

"Unless the emperor doesn't sue them, otherwise, if they don't give evidence, it's a crime."

"I study law. Emperor Yun is a public figure, belonging to a special group. General propaganda can not constitute a crime. But it is a very serious problem. If the relevant newspaper can not provide evidence, the court will impose a severe sentence. Hehe, the evidence, even if you let them make up, they can't make it up. Because the Xiangjiang police have already handed down a verdict on Guan Changfeng's case. Unless they can overturn the conclusion, they will have to wait to go to prison. "

"Somebody's going to die now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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