Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:10 AM

Chapter 570

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In the hotel of Hengdian film and Television City, Zhao Wanqing with a satisfied face is lying in Xiao Yunhai's arms, drawing circles on his chest.

"Husband, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "I don't know. It spread so much that I didn't expect it. I have to say that fans are really awesome. "

"Go ahead and be proud." Zhao Wanqing gave him a look, and then said, "it's not because of the poem you wrote that you are so excited about now? Broken bones Hun not afraid, to stay innocent in the world, I read some of the blood surging, not to mention fans. However, husband, I don't think this matter can be delayed for too long, otherwise it will be very troublesome. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it depends on the situation. If they can get rid of the ban, it's better. If you can't, you can do it. Although I don't have the pricing right for Columbia Pictures' special effects patent, I asked them for Huaxia's option. Without my consent, it's impossible for them to build a special effects team. I think Xia Hongda should know about my relationship with Colombia in a few days. Hehe, I don't know what their faces would look like at that time

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "if I were them, I would cry. What's more, once the fantasy side of the new special effects technology, it doesn't make them mad. Honey, you're dead. "

Indeed, because of the breach of contract, five companies have already paid Xiao Yunhai $10 million in liquidated damages.

The next Columbia special effects technology, Xiao Yunhai accounted for 50%, which is a lot of money.

After they worked hard to set up a special effects team, they found that Xiao Yunhai had even more powerful technology in his hands, so how to choose Xia Hongda is another big problem.

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you do evil, you can't live. If Xia Hongda and his colleagues like Xue Tianhua discuss with me, even if I don't deal with him, I will not deliberately pit them for a few money. But now they dare to threaten me. Ha ha, I'm sorry

For Xue Tianhua, Zhang Huafeng and other entertainment companies, Xiao Yunhai will directly give them the new special effects technology developed by dream.

Anyway, dreams and magic are all Xiao Yunhai's. when the time comes, we just need to change a contract. Xiao Yunhai has never considered the penalty for breach of contract.

After all, Xiao Yunhai needs friends after offending so many companies.

As for Xia Hongda and them, I'm sorry. If you don't kill them, Xiao Yunhai feels sorry for himself.

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are more and more powerful now."

Xiao Yunhai giggled and looked at the beautiful Zhao Wanqing with a pair of squinting eyes and said, "I am more powerful in that respect."

With that, Xiao Yunhai suddenly turned over and pressed on Zhao Wanqing again.

Zhao Wanqing flattered her eyes, put her arms around his neck, and said in a soft voice, "be gentle."


Early the next day, another online story about Xiao Yunhai was hot.

Xiao Yunhai once published the song "facing the sea, spring flowers bloom" and his graduation poem "Qinyuan spring. Changsha" were published in Huaxia people's daily.

This is the second time that Xiao Yunhai appeared on this most popular newspaper in China. The first time was when he and Zhao Wanqing set up a charity foundation. However, there was only a small place at that time. Such a page did not cause much sensation.

Because it's a common thing for stars to do charity. If he and Zhao Wanqing didn't promise to donate at least 200 million yuan a year, I'm afraid the people's Daily would not pay any attention to them.

This is the second time, although it is not the front page headlines, but the position is also very conspicuous, the two poems have won the praise of many cultural people.

Naturally, fans will not let go of this great good news. It will spread all over China in less than half a day.

"Qin yuan Chun, Changsha" written by Emperor Yun is really a bull's work. It's so bold. "

"If it had been earlier, the song of the stone would have been selected."

"The film of emperor Yun must be a high-quality product. Now the emperor has another identity

"What do you think would happen if these poems of emperor Yun were put into primary school textbooks?"

"No, Daqing for three days."

"The cloud emperor has such a talent, but he has to be blocked. Alas, those companies are really crazy."

At the time of another wave of opposition on the Internet, the conference room of Hongda Company was already full of people.

Xia Hongda of Hongda media, Peng Huaibin, boss of surging entertainment, Li Dongfang of Oriental entertainment company, Shen Le, boss of Yuele film and television, Li Rongguang of Huafeng international cinema, Zhang Yuan of Baihua cinema and so on, more than a dozen company leaders who blocked Xiao Yunhai were sitting together to discuss Xiao Yunhai.

In order to be an artist, he has gathered half the strength of the entertainment industry. It has to be said that this is the first time that the world has been created.

Li Rongguang was the first to speak and said: "no matter what, we Huafeng international studios will never cooperate with Xiao Yunhai. That's my attitude. "Baihua cinema's Zhang Yuandao: "everybody, I'm sorry, our Baihua cinema withdrew from this alliance which banned Xiao Yunhai."

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "Mr. Zhang, why is this?"

Zhang Yuan said: "Mr. Xia, you should know that we have six shareholders in Baihua, of which I only account for 37%. Due to the event of blocking Xiao Yunhai, tens of millions of his fans left a post on our website to ban our flowers. Several other shareholders called me one after another, asking why I made such a decision? Hehe, I can't answer at all. So, we have to quit. I came here to tell you, I'm sorry, our homepage should have released the news of lifting the ban. "

Li Dongfang said, "Mr. Zhang, are you willing to end up with such a vicious end?"

Zhang Yuan said with a smile: "in fact, we have no direct conflict with Xiao Yunhai. The reason why we joined in is to see the face of all our friends. Now that we can't do anything, we're going to quit. I'm sorry. "

With that, Zhang Yuan stood up and left the meeting room.

After Zhang Yuan left, the meeting room was quiet, and the air seemed to condense together.

Baihua is one of the four major cinemas in China and plays an important role in the entertainment industry. Its withdrawal is undoubtedly a very big blow to the anti Xiao alliance.

After a long time, Xia Hongda asked, "who else is going to leave?"

Peng Huaibin said: "there is no turning back arrow in the bow. Are so many companies afraid of Xiao Yunhai? Not to mention anything else, even if it is for the 10 million US dollars of liquidated damages, we surging entertainment will not let him go. "

Shen Le nodded and said, "yes. I can't sleep at night

The owners of other companies have also said that no matter how fierce Xiao Yunhai's fans are, they will not quit.

Xia Hongda nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "fans have always been a group of mobs. Do a thing, often is three minutes heat. Look, in a few days, the wind will blow away

Peng Huaibin said: "Mr. Xia, we have now terminated the contract with magic. Everything depends on Columbia Pictures' new special effects technology. It was released a few days ago. How come it hasn't moved yet? "

Xia Hongda said confidently, "don't worry about this. We have been in touch with them for a long time. It is estimated that this is what happened in these two days. Now the whole Hollywood knows about Columbia's special effects technology, so in a few days, Xiao Yunhai's magic share price has dropped by nearly 20%, and the company is also in a state of panic. It seems that many people have quit their jobs

Shen Le said with a smile: "this has not been officially released, magic is like this. If it is officially released, will magic be bankrupt

Li Rongguang sneered: "Xiao Yunhai, this young man, has always relied on his talent and arrogance, and he doesn't pay attention to anyone. Well, in such a situation, what do I think he will do this time? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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