Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:08 AM

Chapter 571

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Thousands of miles away from Hollywood magic effects company, Daniel looked at the five people in front of the office, his face was very ugly.

"Reina, you're the deputy leader of the props group. I didn't expect that even you would leave magic. I don't understand. Isn't the boss good to you? Why go? "

"Mr. Daniel, the boss is the most generous boss I've ever met. But this time, Mr. ang of Paramount Pictures has said that he will let me be the leader of the prop team of paramount special effects team, and the salary will be much higher than that of magic. So, I chose to leave. I'm sorry, Mr. Daniel

"And you? Is paramount going to give you a high salary Daniel asked.

A young man nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Daniel, I'm sorry."

There is a saying of Daniel, who shakes his head to the water. You see that magic is not going to work. It's normal to be ready to move to another company. However, I would like to remind you that the magic is not over yet. Once you have survived this crisis, it is impossible for you to come in again. The boss attaches great importance to loyalty, and your behavior is naked betrayal in the eyes of the boss. He once told me that if someone left at the most critical moment of the company, magic would never employ him. I hope you can think it over before you make a decision. "

Reina sipped his lips and said, "now that we're here, we've made the final decision. I'm sorry, Mr. Daniel

Daniel sighed, "you're sorry for magic. It's the boss. Well, everyone has his own ambition. I hope you will not regret it. "

Five people bowed to Daniel and left the office.

Daniel took out more than 40 resignation letters from the drawer, shook his head and said, "boss, your way of testing loyalty is really frightening."

Originally, before Colombia was ready to release the news, Xiao Yunhai called Tony to tell him not to pass on the magic contract with him, and to postpone the release date.

First, Xiao Yunhai wants to see the loyalty of magic employees. Second, he wants to set a suit for Xia Hongda and Li Dongfang.

As for magic's shares, even if it plummeted by 90%, it had no effect on Xiao Yunhai. Because he owns 93% of the shares, he will not sell them whether they are up or down.

On the contrary, those who hold magic shares on the market can't stand it. After hearing the news of Colombia, they quickly cast out their magic shares without saying a word.

In this regard, Xiao Yunhai has long predicted, ordered Daniel, shareholders throw how much, magic on how much.

Up to now, basically magic shares have been all to Xiao Yunhai's hands.

Xiao Yunhai's a series of practices, Colombia's Tony all saw in the eye, very admire his means.

However, Tony was not at all muddled about the work to be done.

Taking advantage of Xiao Yunhai's efforts to test the loyalty of the company's employees, he threw olive branches to many magic employees. For him, this is an excellent opportunity.

Once you have a magic technician, it's definitely a good thing for Columbia's special effects team.

At the same time, other Hollywood film companies that don't know the context of the story have also extended their hand to magic. In their eyes, magic is a fat meat to be slaughtered, and everyone wants to come forward and take a bite.

In just three days, more than 40 technicians were dug up by major companies, including some backbone members.

Columbia Pictures was the first company to launch the project. In addition, their special effects technology has a great attraction for magic employees. So there are about 24 people with the largest number of people in the past. The second is paramount pictures, which has 12 employees.

Daniel is very worried about this, almost every day to call Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai had long predicted this and told Daniel, "don't worry. As long as there are no more than 200 people, there is no problem. "

Daniel had no choice but to cheer up the employees while staying in his office, waiting for their resignation.

Every time someone knocks on the door, his heart beats.

Fortunately, there are only a few days left before the release date, otherwise, he can't stand this kind of suffering.

In the magic special effects company is in the wind and rain, the Chinese entertainment industry is playing in full swing.

In addition to Baihua cinema's revocation of Xiao Yunhai's ban, other companies ignored the fans' demands, which made hundreds of millions of Xiao Yunhai's fans very angry.

They have no way to deal with the major film and television companies for the time being, but Huafeng international cinema has had a bad time.

I don't know who made the post of blocking Huafeng international cinema on the Internet. In a few hours, the post spread all over the forum.

Xiao Yunhai's fans reprinted the slogan "Huafeng blocks yunhuang, fans ban Huafeng", calling on everyone not to go to Huafeng to watch movies.

Huafeng international Studios is in a great crisis.In just one day, Huafeng International Film City's attendance rate dropped from an average of 56% to 32% nationwide, falling as fast as a slide.

The producers who are showing in Huafeng international studios have raised strong protests against Li Rongguang. If fans don't watch movies, they will lose not only Huafeng himself, but also the producers.

The next morning, Huafeng International Film City's attendance rate dropped again, from 32% to 21%. Even the super action blockbuster "operation blasting" just released suffered Waterloo. It dropped from 230 million the day before yesterday to 140 million yesterday. By 6:00 this afternoon, it only won 30 million box office tickets. It is impossible to break through billion Yes.

That night, Chu Heng of brilliant film and television company, the producer of operation blasting, called Li Rongguang in a very angry tone.

"Mr. Li, this" blasting operation "cost our brilliant film and television company and three investors a whole billion yuan. Because our two companies cooperate very happily, I also believe that Huafeng's strong publicity ability, this will put the film here for you. What do you want me to do? What would you like me to explain to the three investors? "

Li Rongguang said, "Mr. Chu, don't worry. I'll..."

Chu Heng said, "don't worry? How can I not be in a hurry. Now the three investors are by my side. You can teach me what to do? Your Huafeng family has a big business. It's not a matter to lose one billion and eight billion yuan. But we are a small family and can't afford to pay for it. Mr. Li, I'm Chu Heng. Please let me live, OK

Li Rongguang said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chu, you have to believe me. This is only temporary."

Chu Heng said: "Mr. Li, how long is this for a while? One day, two days or three days. You should know how cruel the competition in Chinese film industry is? Three days later, Columbia's blockbuster "the Tempest" will land in Baihua cinema; five days later, the 800 million blockbuster "night battle in all directions" jointly invested by Hanhai film and television investment company and Tianhua media company will be screened in Huaxia cinema; one week later, there will be a Hollywood blockbuster and two domestic films. Mr. Li, it's easy for you to say it for the time being, but I really can't afford to wait. "

Li Rongguang said, "what does the general manager of Chu mean?"

Chu Heng said: "either you can deal with the incident that the fans blocked Huafeng as soon as possible, or we can terminate the contract and I will go to another cinema to show it. I can't think of any other way. Mr. Li, I don't know what's wrong with you and Xiao Yunhai. It's worth your coming forward to ban him. I just want to tell you that Xiao Yunhai has become a man. His fans and Zhao Wanqing's fans have exceeded 200 million, and most of them are young people who like to go to the cinema. From a friend's point of view, I advise you to stop. Your strategy will not work. Now it's just his fans who make trouble again. Once he really makes a move and makes some bad comments about Huafeng, I think your Huafeng may have big problems. "

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Rongguang said, "if you give me an hour, I will give you a reply."

Chu Heng said, "then I will wait for the good news."

After talking to Chu Heng on the phone, Li Rongguang, with no sadness or joy, picked up the cup and drank a cup of tea. All of a sudden, he dropped the cup on the ground with a bang. Fortunately, it is wood floor, otherwise it is estimated that the cup will inevitably fall apart.

Ten minutes later, Li Rongguang picked up his mobile phone and called Li Xuyang. He asked, "Xuyang, did you find out who sent the post?"

Li Xuyang said, "No. However, there are two objects of suspicion, one is hundred flowers, the other is starlight. Xiao Yunhai has been working on the later stage of Jingwu hero. It should not be him. "

Li Rongguang said: "I guess so. They are the ones who hope our Huafeng will be finished. Now, it doesn't matter who did it for us. The key is what we should do? Just brilliant boss Chu Heng called us, very dissatisfied with us. I'm afraid that if it goes on like this, there won't be any more producers cooperating with us. "

Li Xuyang said: "Dad, we made a mistake this time. We didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to have such great energy. His fans are just falling in love with him. As the saying goes, if we can't bear it, we'd better withdraw the ban on Xiao Yunhai. "

Li Rongguang said, "can you bear this tone?"

Li Xuyang said with a smile: "Dad, winning or losing is a common matter of soldiers. If you lose this time, you will win back next time. For the sake of a Xiao Yunhai, it's too hard to convert. "

Li Rongguang laughed and said, "Xuyang, if you can say such a thing, you really make dad look at you with a new look. I'm relieved that Huafeng will be handed over to you in the future. Let's do it like that. "

Li Xuyang said, "OK."

Ten minutes later, on the homepage of Huafeng international studios, the news that Xiao Yunhai was revoked was released, and a written apology was made to Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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