Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:07 AM

Chapter 572

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Fans saw that their efforts had been rewarded, and they had posted on the Internet to celebrate.

Xia Hongda, Li Dongfang and others have called Li Rongguang one after another, dissatisfied with his practice.

Li Rongguang explained for a long time, and promised to continue to block Xiao Yunhai behind his back, which got the people's understanding.

However, to Li Rongguang's dismay, even if he lifted the ban, not many fans came to the cinema to see the film.

No way, Chu Heng called Xiao Yunhai directly, hoping that Xiao Yunhai could look on his face, go to Huafeng cinema to see "operation blasting", and asked him to say two good words in front of the reporter.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai could not agree to this request.

I'm kidding. Huafeng international film studio just lifted its ban on itself, so I rushed to see a movie in their cinema. In the eyes of fans, he seems to be trying to please Huafeng international cinema. Xiao Yunhai can't afford to lose this man.

Just after the fans finished Huafeng international studios, a message came from Hollywood that Columbia Pictures was finally about to release its latest special effects.

Xia Hongda, Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin, who have been waiting for the press conference, are very happy. After seeing that the shares of magic special effects company have dropped by 30%, they clapped hands and went to Hollywood to attend the conference of Columbia Pictures.

Coincidentally, Xiao Yunhai also took his assistant Sima Qian to Los Angeles.

After more than a week of post production, his "Jingwu hero" has been completed. One in English and one in Mandarin.

Xiao Yunhai watched it three times and asked Zhao Wanqing to help him read it several times. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked Mengfang to take the Mandarin version back to Yanjing and ask his father-in-law Wang Mingsheng to submit it to the film and Television Bureau for approval. Xiao Yunhai went to Hollywood directly with the English version. He wanted to go to MGM, paramount and Colombia to discuss the screening of the film in the United States.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile: "Daniel, have you been very sad recently?"

"Boss, in just a few days, I received 73 resignation letters. Gosh, I'm really going crazy," he said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good, only 73 people left our magic, much less than I expected. Daniel, what time will the press conference in Colombia be held tomorrow? "

Daniel said, "ten in the morning. Mr. Tony has sent you an invitation to join us in the press conference. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll go as a guest. In any case, it's the home court of other people. We can't win the host

Daniel nodded and said, "OK. I will inform them in advance. "

Just back in the company, Xiao Yunhai meets Tian Junhao who is still doing magic effects.

Xiao Yunhai has more or less a trace of admiration for this young master Tian. For his first TV play "swordsman biography", he really spent a lot of effort.

Since the last lesson, Tian Junhao did not do anything out of the ordinary, concentrating on his TV special effects.

Daniel once said to Xiao Yunhai that the special effects of "the legend of the sword immortal" are very excellent. Even he, a foreigner, is interested in the immortal swordsman of China.

Tian Junhao looked at Xiao Yunhai and snorted, "Xiao Yunhai, I knew you would come today. It's a pity that it's too late. Your magic share price has fallen by 52%. In less than a week, 73 technicians have left. Many of them are also thinking about their future. Xiao Yunhai, your magic is over. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Tian Junhao, how is the sword immortal biography done?"

Tian Junhao didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would ask such a question. He couldn't help but feel a little stunned and said, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I want to remind you that even if magic wants to be dissolved, it will be dissolved after finishing your order. Don't forget, you still owe me more than 250 million dollars. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Tian Junhao's face was pulled down. The stupidest thing he did in his life was to believe in his son of a bitch's classmate Thomas, which led him to be cheated out of 200 million dollars by Xiao Yunhai. This is undoubtedly a great shame to him.

"Xiao Yunhai, you don't have to be proud. How can you die of your magic?"

With that, Tian Junhao snorted coldly and left.

Xiao Yunhai looked at his back and asked, "how long does this guy's TV special effects take?"

"It's going very fast and it's expected to be finished in half a month," Daniel said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "so clever. Daniel, I'll tell you the good news. Our real special effects technology will be tested in half a month. The simulation degree is more than 97%, and the efficiency is improved by 50%. The stock price of magic special effects company will soar in a short time. "

Daniel said happily, "boss, it's wonderful."

Xiao Yunhai said: "however, this is our company secret, you can't tell anyone."Daniel nodded and said, "I understand."

Entering the company, Xiao Yunhai asked Daniel to gather all the staff at home to the large conference room.

"Daniel just said the boss has something important to announce. Guess what it will be?"

"As long as I'm not broke, I haven't done enough in magic."

"I hope the boss can lead us through this."

When everyone was talking about it, Xiao Yunhai walked into the conference room with a smile and sat down on the rostrum.

"Dear colleagues, I am very glad that you can still stand with the company in the most critical and difficult time of the company. I'm proud and proud that magic has employees like you. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

There were warm applause from the audience.

"I know that you are worried about the future of the company, for fear that magic will fail. Now I want to make it clear that you can relax. Columbia Pictures has 50 percent of our magic special effects patents. "


Xiao Yunhai's words made the whole scene explode.

"My God, the boss is so amazing. I didn't expect that to happen."

"Why? Since the boss already knew, why should he hide it? "

"The boss not only cheated us, but also cheated the whole Hollywood with Columbia."

"I think those colleagues who left will cry now."

"Fortunately, I didn't leave when paramount pulled me."

Xiao Yunhai raised his hand and pressed it. Everyone was quiet quickly.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "the reason why I just tell you this news is to test whether you are loyal when the company is in trouble. I'm very glad that only 73 of our more than 1100 employees have left, which shows that our magic cohesion is still very strong. For these 73 employees, magic will never hire them, no matter what the future will be. "

"In addition, I would like to tell you one thing, that is, I basically bought back all the shares of magic. From today on, I will give 5% of my total profit every year to reward the outstanding employees. That is to say, there may be one or several millionaires or even multimillionaires among you every year

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Thunderous applause broke out at the scene, and many people's eyes were shining, as if they saw countless dollars in front of them.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "in addition, as before, at the end of each year, I will release the profit amount of the second year to you. The half year award will be changed to the annual award. Once completed, all of you will get 10% of the reward. I will call your card before Christmas."

"According to our boss's plan, our company's profit will reach more than 2.5 billion dollars next year," added Daniel. In other words, we will share 250 million dollars. "

"Oh, I'm going crazy."

"Am I dreaming? If so, please don't wake me up. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am not a miserly boss. I will never treat you badly if you make money for me. I hope you can all become millionaires in the next three years. Well, that's the end of the meeting. If you're busy outside, you're responsible for passing it on. Come on, guys. The dollar is waving to you

"Long live the boss."

"Long live the boss."

Hundreds of employees cheered throughout the conference room.

Xiao Yunhai waved with a smile and went back to his office with Daniel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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