Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:04 AM

Chapter 574

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When Xiao Yunhai came in, Tony was chatting with the general manager of universal film company. Seeing Xiao Yunhai, he said sorry to the other party and rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Xiao, I thought you were not coming?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how can I not come for such a big thing? Mr. Tony, you are really good. In a few days, you have dug out more than 40 Magic employees of our company. I am very sorry for that. "

Tony picked up two glasses of red wine, handed one of them to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I solemnly apologize to you. No way, we Columbia special effects team is too small, we can only find a way to dig people from outside. I also know that you are deliberately testing the loyalty of employees, so I'll give you a hand. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you are such a helpful person that people don't know what to say. Anyway, I've been a big loser. Should Mr. Tony compensate me? "

Tony asked, "what compensation does Mr. Shaw need?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's very simple. My" Jingwu hero "is about to be released. MGM and paramount gave me 10% of the film layout. Mr. Tony, are you generous enough to give me ten percent? "

Tony asked, "MGM will give you 10 percent. It seems that your film is very good."

Tony knows very well that Xiao Yunhai is a shareholder of paramount cinema, and it is not difficult to achieve 10% film layout.

But MGM is different.

Although Kerry and he are good friends, MGM has its own strict system, and it is impossible to give Xiao Yunhai such a high amount of film.

The only explanation is that the film is good, MGM thinks it can sell well, and this will be agreed.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you can rest assured that if the attendance rate is not high in the first two days, you can reduce the amount of film arrangement."

Tony said, "I need to see the film."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "that means you agree."

Tony listened and said, "Mr. Xiao is very confident. I hope your film can satisfy the picky guys in our censorship department. I won't be stingy

They touched a glass and laughed at each other.

After Tony left, Kerry came to him and said, "this guy has taken so many employees from the magic. You can still have a good talk with him. You can't see that your city is very deep."

Xiao Yunhai said: "what my company employees need most is loyalty, followed by ability. Tony can take so many people, that's his ability, I never mind. Because it will prove that their choice is wrong. "

Kerry said with a smile, "I don't know where your confidence comes from. But you're a good guy to buy back 42% of the magic shares for 310 million dollars

On the other side of the reception, Xia Hongda, Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin find Tony.

Xia Hongda said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Tony. I'm Xia Hongda of Huaxia Hongda film and television media company. These two are Mr. Li Dongfang of Oriental entertainment company and Mr. Peng Huaibin of surging entertainment company. First of all, congratulations on your company's development of new special effects technology."

Tony laughed, shook hands with the three people and said, "thank you for coming. China's film and television barriers will disappear next year, and maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate

Li Dongfang said with a smile: "Mr. Tony, we can't wait for the future. In addition to congratulating you, I also want to introduce your special effects patent technology to form our special effects team. What do you think? "

Tony said: "of course not. However, it is Mr. Xiao, President of magic company, who is in charge of Huaxia patent. If you want to introduce it, you should look for him. "

Hearing Tony's words, the smile on three faces Suddenly froze there.

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "Mr. Tony, I don't understand what you mean by that?"

Tony said: "our technical patents are based on magic effects, so they belong to our two companies, accounting for 50% each. Colombia is in charge of the United States, while Mr. Xiao is in charge of China. Do you understand? "

Tony said, and their faces were gloomy enough to drip.

Xiao Yunhai is actually the co owner of the new special effects technology patent. For the three people, is there anything more than this?

In order to obtain the new patented technology, the three paid 10 million US dollars of liquidated damages. Originally, they thought it would be a heavy blow to magic, but they didn't think they cared at all.

Now, I tore up the contract unilaterally. Now I have to find someone else to sign a new contract. I have to spend a lot of money once and for all.

In their position, money is second, and what really makes them care is their own face.

Peng Huaibin, the most regretful of the three, is undoubtedly Peng Huaibin of the surging entertainment company. Originally, there was no contradiction between him and Xiao Yunhai, but it turned out that they were irreconcilable. Did you not find the reason for this?

Now it's all right. I've just blocked people, but now I have to ask for help. Even if I'm thick skinned, I can't do this kind of thing in an instant.Peng Huaibin stabilized his mind and said, "Mr. Tony, why didn't you announce it before?"

Tony can become one of the giants in Hollywood. Naturally, his eyes are extremely sharp. When he sees the expressions of the three people, he knows that the other party must have had a bad time with Xiao Yunhai, and it should not be small, otherwise it will not be such a lost heart.

He had no interest in the Chinese film and television circle, so he pretended to be ignorant and said, "this is what Mr. Xiao means. The emergence of new special effects technology will inevitably lead to the collapse of magic stock price. Mr. Xiao wants to take back the magic shares left outside, so let's not talk about it. Now, when the project is completed, there is no need to hide it. It has to be said that Mr. Xiao is really a genius in the business world. He can make billions of dollars at least once and for all. "

"Well, three gentlemen, I'm sorry, but I need to greet other friends. Excuse me for a moment

Looking at the ugly expressions of the three people, Tony said and left with great interest.

Xia Hongda said in a deep voice: "Xiao Yunhai, this son of a bitch, is clearly pit us."

Peng Huaibin nodded and said, "yes, his abacus is very good. We've been busy for so long, and we're all doing nothing. "

Li Dongfang said: "the key to the problem is what should we do? Magic special effects company has been impossible to close down, we want to introduce patents, we must pass the pass of Xiao Yunhai. But if I ask him, I might as well kill me. "

Xia Hongda hate said: "really can't, big deal, we don't set up special effects team."

Peng Huaibin sighed and said, "if it is, we will be in trouble. If Xiao Yunhai uses special effects to block us, we will not be able to make a big movie in the future. No matter what, block is not going to work. I'll call now and ask my people to take down the ban, and then talk to Xiao Yunhai again. "

Li Dongfang said, "that's the only way."

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "are you going to surrender?"

Peng Huaibin said: "Mr. Xia, people under the eaves have to bow their heads. The two armies are at war, and we have been defeated. "

At this time, Li Dongfang took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to China and said, "Li Ran, you ask people to make a statement immediately, saying that our surging entertainment company has lifted the ban on Xiao Yunhai, and at the same time write an apology of no less than 5000 words. You must be sincere, do you know?"

Peng Huaibin made the same arrangement.

The vigorous campaign of blocking Xiao Yunhai, which swept the whole of China, came to an end.

After attending the reception of Columbia film company, Xiao Yunhai is ready to return to magic. He still needs to stay in America for a few days until the publicity of the film is completed.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Zhao Wanqing.

"Honey, I have good news for you. Two companies, surging entertainment and Oriental entertainment, have just lifted the ban and issued more than 5000 words of apology. The whole entertainment industry is in uproar. How did you do it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I think they should have learned at the banquet just now that the Columbia special effects patent has 50% of ours, so they had to bow their heads. Wife, the matter has been settled successfully. Next, it is estimated that Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin will negotiate with me, but I don't know whether Xia Hongda will come over? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "Xia Hongda is an indomitable hero with thick skin than the city wall. He will definitely go."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's the best. Who else shall I pit? "

Zhao Wanqing chuckled and said, "you are the worst. Xia Hongda, they are so powerful people that you play with them. You are much better than them

Xiao Yunhai laughs: "this is the IQ problem."

Next, Xiao Yunhai received a lot of calls from China, all telling him about the revocation of the ban.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Peng Huaibin made the last call.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm Peng Huaibin from surging entertainment company. We want to have a good talk with you. I wonder if you are free? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is a coffee shop opposite our magic company. The coffee there is good. I'll wait for you in it."

With that, Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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