Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:03 AM

Chapter 575

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Peng Huaibin on the opposite side listened to the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, and felt a little inconceivable.

Xiao Yunhai, who has just accepted the sarcasm of others, has not thought that Jianhai is ready to make sarcasm.

Li Dongfang looked at Peng Huaibin, shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Peng, did he hang up when he heard your name?"

Xia Hongda said with a cold face? I can think of Xiao Yunhai's face on the phone. "

Peng Huaibin said: "no, he agreed directly and asked us to go to the coffee shop opposite magic company."

Li Dongfang a Leng, way: "so simple?"

Peng Huaibin nodded and said, "it's so simple."

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "he is so good at talking. Is there any plot track?"

Li Dongfang said: "he has already won. Where can he use tricks? See you first

Peng Huaibin looked at Xia Hongda and said, "general manager Xia, are you really not going to remove Xiao Yunhai's ban order?"

Hearing Peng Huaibin's words, Xia Hongda suddenly seems to be a lot older, quite a bit of hero's Twilight appearance, and said in a displeased mood: "you talk to him first. As for us, Hongda, let's see what happens later. Ha ha, I didn't expect that Xia Hongda, who was famous for his life, was defeated in the hands of a young man, and was defeated so miserably. Is he really my nemesis? "

Half an hour later, Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin came to the coffee shop.

They walked into the store and swept around. They found that the environment was very good. There were not many people drinking coffee. Only two couples were having love and laughing from time to time.

Xiao Yunhai is sitting on a sofa near the window, staring out in a daze.

Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin look at each other and come to him.

Xiao Yunhai looked back, with a smile on his face, and said, "the Blue Mountain coffee here is good. I ordered a cup of two orders without authorization. Please don't mind."

Li Dongfang looked at Xiao Yunhai, who had no complacency at all. He could not help but sigh: "Mr. Xiao, good means, you win."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "since Xia Hongda gave me only two ways to go, you have already lost."

Peng Huaibin sighed: "since ancient times, heroes come from youth. Thank you for saving us face and not embarrassing us in person. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "who will be divided. If Xia Hongda was here, I might not be so good at talking. To tell you the truth, I didn't have any contradiction with you before. If you didn't follow Xia Hongda to stop me, I would not fight back like this. In fact, if you have a good discussion with me, these things will not happen at all. Such as Tianhua film and television, brilliant entertainment bosses, I just need to sign a new contract with them, where we need to fight each other. "

Li Dongfang couldn't help but smile and said, "I didn't expect that we would be so stupid. Why should we come here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Xia Hongda hates me to the bone. It's hard to avoid being emotional when doing things. It's not my boasting. Now I'm in a good position. Unless the whole industry cooperates to block me, it's useless for more companies to take action. "

When Peng Huaibin thought of the energy generated by Xiao Yunhai's tens of millions of fans, even Huafeng international studios had to give up. He couldn't help but sigh: "although Mr. Xiao has only been in the entertainment industry for only two years, he has reached a height that no one else can reach in his lifetime. It's really admirable. I think Mr. Xiao should be very clear about the reason why we came here. I don't know how you can give us what we want? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Huaxia cinema will be split in a short time. I heard that you and Xia Hongda are cooperating to win a courtyard line. Do you have such a thing? "

Li Dongfang nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao is very well informed. Yes, we do have such a plan. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you can really grab a cinema line, I want 10% of it. Of course, I will give you a lot of money. What do you think? "

Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Peng Huaibin said with a smile, "if we don't agree to such a thing, it won't be a fool."

Xiao Yunhai said, "I haven't finished my speech. When the film of Hanhai and I are shown, the film layout in the first three days should not be less than 20%. Of course, if the attendance rate is not high within three days, then we will follow the market rules. Another point is that Xia Hongda can never become a major shareholder. "

Li Dongfang nodded and said, "I have no problem here."

Peng Huaibin said, "I have no problem."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Today, Xiao Yunhai has basically completed the deployment of Huaxia cinema line. Hanhai cooperates with Tianhua and other companies to get one cinema line, and he cooperates with Yuhai to get two cinema lines. In addition, as long as the fund is sufficient and no accident happens, it will be fine.With the cinema covering the whole of China, Xiao Yunhai doesn't need to see anyone's face from production to release.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Peng and Mr. Li, since we are already our own people, I hope that you will not introduce Colombia's special effects technology, so as not to spend some money wrongly."

Li Dongfang frowned and said, "why?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is no reason. If you believe me, listen to me. If you don't believe it, it doesn't matter. I can sign a contract with you now. Columbia Pictures has a patent fee of $50 million a year for each company. I can't change that. "

Peng Huaibin looked at Xiao Yunhai's eyes and said with a smile: "since it is already a partner, I choose to believe you."

Li Dongfang nodded and said, "I believe you too."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "after a while, you will find that your choice is not wrong. However, I'm not polite to Hongda and other companies. When you go back, you can tell them that it's easy to get the special effects technology in Colombia. Lift the ban and apologize publicly. I can promise to sign with them. As for how long it will take, they can choose for themselves. But I want the full version. "

Peng Huaibin's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "is Mr. Xiao going to dig a big hole and let them jump?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "can you help me with this?"

Li Dongfang said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao is willing to tell us such an important thing, which shows that you regard Mr. Peng and I as real partners. Naturally, we will not be villains in vain. Don't worry, we'll let you know. It's up to them. "

Peng Huaibin nodded, picked up his coffee and said, "the talented people of Jiangshan generation have been leading the way for hundreds of years. Mr. Xiao took a step, looked at three steps, linked together, played us in between applause, really let Peng have to admire. But Li and I would like to thank you for looking at us differently. Otherwise, we might get caught up in it

Xiao Yunhai held up his cup and touched them. He said, "I'm a lazy person. I never take the initiative to cause trouble, but I'm not afraid of anything. Mr. Peng and Mr. Li, please forgive me where I offended before. "


After coffee, Peng Huaibin and Li Dongfang bid farewell to Xiao Yunhai and returned to the hotel.

Xia Hongda saw them coming back and asked, "what did Xiao Yunhai say?"

Li Dongfang's face sank and said, "you don't know Xiao Yunhai's virtue. This guy has the upper hand now. It's strange that he can give us a good look. It's unreasonable to make a good satire on the two of us as soon as he comes up. "

Xia Hongda said, "I knew it would be so."

Peng Huaibin said with a smile: "however, this time is not in vain. Although Xiao Yunhai and we do not deal with, but with the dollar is no grudge. In the end, he said that if Mr. Xia and other CEOs like us can lift the ban and publicly apologize, he can give us the Columbia special effects technology patent. "

This is a strategy that the three men negotiated in the cafe.

Since they have agreed to help Xiao Yunhai, they are naturally a gang to the end. What's more, they are also worried that if they can't do this well, Xiao Yunhai will change his mind in the middle of the way, and won't give them the technical patent, which will be over.

Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin are both old foxes in the entertainment industry. From Xiao Yunhai's words, they have guessed that he may have better special effects technology, so they are not willing to offend Xiao Yunhai at this crucial point.

The so-called "dead friends do not die poor", and their relationship with Xia Hongda is not very good. For their own interests, they naturally do not care about the life and death of other companies.

Xia Hongda's face was pleased, and he said in surprise, "will he be so good?"

Li Dongfang said, "can he not do well for money? The annual patent fee is 50 million US dollars, ha ha, our 12 companies are 600 million US dollars a year. Mr. Xia, if you were changed, would you do this? "

When Xia Hongda heard this, he became suspicious and said, "I see. However, this patent is too expensive?"

Peng Huaibin said with a bitter smile: "we have no choice at all. Besides, this is the price of Colombia, and Xiao Yunhai has no way to change it. General manager Li and I have discussed that we are going to pay him the patent fee for three years at once, so as to avoid being blackmailed by him. As for three years, maybe new special effects technology will appear. "

Xia Hongda nodded and said, "this is a good way. Ah, but I'm really not willing to let Xiao Yunhai take the stool again. "

On the same day, more than ten entertainment companies in China, led by Hongda, revoked their ban orders on their home pages and publicly apologized to Xiao Yunhai. The farce ended with Xiao Yunhai's overall victory.

At the same time, the stock price of Xiao Yunhai's magic special effects company also soared. In only two days, the share price of Xiao Yunhai's magic special effects company rose from $13 to $36, which was much higher than before, which made those investors who sold their shares very upset. Unfortunately, the shares are now in the hands of Xiao Yunhai, and there is no such thing on the market.

The most regretful is Thomas, who sold MGM for at least one billion dollars, while Thomas only sold 310 million dollars, which was a loss.I heard that for three days in a row, he was drunk in the bar and couldn't stop saying that he was cheated again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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