Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:01 AM

Chapter 576

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At 9:00 a.m. on August 13, magic special effects company welcomed more than a dozen CEOs of Huaxia entertainment company.

They were all the people who had once banned Xiao Yunhai. However, Xiao Yunhai did not give them a look. Instead, he treated them with courtesy and the service was very considerate.

Sitting in the conference room, Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm very glad to meet you in my magic special effects company. Some time ago, there were some misunderstandings between us. Fortunately, it has passed. No matter who is right or wrong, we'll turn over the previous accounts, and the most important thing is to look at the future. "

"I know you're here to introduce our magic and Columbia special effects technology, and there's no problem with that. However, patent fees need to be paid in one time. I discussed with Mr. Tony of Columbia Pictures that if we could pay for three years at once, we would give you a 15% discount. "

A company manager said, "Mr. Xiao, we want three companies to build a special effects team. I don't know how to calculate the patent fee?"

Another boss also said, "yes, our company only makes a few films a year. Where can we afford to pay the royalty?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "we have studied this problem. Unlike Hollywood companies, we have a big family and a big business. We can independently pay for the expensive patent fees. We have set a limit to this. As Mr. Qin said just now, if three companies form a special effects team, we can only charge you 50% of the patent fee. That is to say, you should have given us 150 million US dollars of patent fees, which can be reduced to 75 million. However, you can only make your own films, not take on outside work. Otherwise, we will suffer a great loss. "

The boss nodded and said happily, "great. As long as our special effects team can meet our own needs, it's too big for us to afford. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "do you have any questions, boss?"

"I have a problem," said Xia Hongda, who has been silent for a long time

Xiao Yunhai smiles and looks at Xia Hongda: "general manager Xia, please speak."

Xia Hongda said: "what if we paid the patent fee for three years, during which time, better special effects technology suddenly appeared?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you use up three years, then you can import their patented technology? Mr. Xia, I can tell you clearly that this thing you said is likely to happen. The special effects teams of the eight major Hollywood companies are developing new technologies, including my magic. To what extent, they are all top secret of each company, and no one will disclose anything. Maybe three years, a year, a few months, or even tomorrow, new technologies may emerge. If it is, I have no way. We will never refund the patent fee. Therefore, I hope you will consider it clearly. If it is not possible, you can deliver it year by year. "

Xia Hongda narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "if I hand it in once a year, I hope there is such a clause in the contract. No matter what happens in the future, neither you nor Columbia Pictures can refuse us to use your patented special effects technology for any reason. "

"No way." Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "Xia Zong is a little too strong for others. Xiao Yunhai is a humble person, because of the magic effect technology, this has a place in the entertainment industry. If you put this clause in the contract, when you block me again, I will not even have the strength to fight back. Is it not for you to kill me. Therefore, I will never agree to this condition, and there is no possibility of any negotiation. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the whole conference room suddenly quieted down, and the atmosphere unconsciously became tense.

After a long time, Li Dongfang suddenly laughed and said, "how do I feel like I'm gambling. Mr. Peng and I originally wanted to pay the patent fee for three years at once, but you were scared. It seems that I need to think about it, Mr. Xiao. I hope you can give me some time. "

Peng Huaibin said with a smile, "so do I

Xiao Yunhai looked at them and said, "I can stay in America for three days at most. If you want to, you can come to me alone. As a matter of fact, you don't have to worry about it. Whether it's efficiency or simulation, Colombia's special effects technology is very high. Even if there are any new technologies, there should be no big gap. You can have a good discussion, the rest of the matter by the magic effects company in charge of Mr. Daniel. I'm sorry, I need to go to the American film censorship board. Excuse me first

Xiao Yunhai nodded to everyone and then walked out of the meeting room.

Shen Le, the boss of Yuele film and TV, said: "this young man is really amazing. A movie with an investment of less than 200 million yuan can be shown in major theaters in the United States. It seems that it has been approved. It's amazing. "

Peng Huaibin sighed and said, "if I had known this, why should I have done it in the first place. Now the magic effects company not only did not close down, but is booming, now the stock price has reached 42 US dollars, which is twice as high as before. It seems that we are not far away from the market value of 10 billion dollars. "

Xia Hongda said, "Mr. Shen, what do you think of this form in front of you?"Shen Le thought about it for a while and said, "introduction is necessary. The future of China's entertainment industry will certainly be surging, at that time, I do not know how many film and television giants will swarm into China, the competition will become more cruel. I don't want to be stuck in a special effect at the critical moment. Without my own special effects team, I'm not at ease. As for technological upgrading, there is no doubt about it. So I only buy patents once a year. Once out of date, give up. "

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "aren't you afraid that Xiao Yunhai will not sell it to you all of a sudden?"

Shen Le said: "I don't intend to be enemies with Xiao Yunhai any more. How can he not sell it to me?"

On hearing this, Xia Hongda said, "I'm still not used to giving the initiative to others."

Shen Le smiles and says in his heart, "you and Xiao Yunhai are in the same boat. Of course, you will worry that others will trouble you. And we don't have so many contradictions. Once this thing is over, the entire entertainment industry can no longer be the enemy of Xiao Yunhai. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the other party's finding fault. "

An hour later, nine of the 12 companies signed a one-year patent use contract. Only Xia Hongda paid the patent fee for three years at once. In his mind, new technology should appear in three years' time.

As for Peng Huaibin and Li Dongfang, they didn't sign any contracts, claiming that they should consider it carefully. As for how long to consider, it depends on when Xiao Yunhai's new technology is released.

Because six of the companies jointly set up special effects teams, according to the regulations, Xiao Yunhai only received a patent fee of 150 million US dollars.

The other two paid only a year's patent fee, and Xiao Yunhai got $100 million.

On board Xia Hongda's $140 million, Xiao Yunhai got nearly $400 million in patent fees, which can be said to be a big profit.

Of course, he has to transfer half of it to Colombia.

Nevertheless, compared with Hollywood, Xiao Yunhai is still far from it.

Since Columbia Pictures finished the press conference, the major special effects companies have come to their work buildings, almost breaking through Tony's office threshold.

In just three days, a total of 25 companies have the right to use patents, with revenue of 1.25 billion US dollars.

Xiao Yunhai owns half of them, which adds up to 825 million dollars.

After receiving the money, Xiao Yunhai changed the money into Chinese currency without saying a word.

Although the gust of economic crisis from Wall Street has passed, we are not afraid of 10000 yuan, just in case, the Chinese currency is safer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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