Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:00 AM

Chapter 577

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Xiao Yunhai's "hero of martial arts" was reviewed in less than two days with Kerry's help.

Unlike Xiao Yunhai's original expectation, the American film review committee only gave him PG level because of the fierce and fierce Kung Fu in the hero of fine arts.

However, it doesn't matter to xiaoyunhai, as long as it is not PG-13 below.

Then Xiao, after consulting with paramount, MGM and Columbia, decided to be released directly at 7:00 on August 21.

As for the premiere, Xiao Yunhai had no intention of doing it.

After confirming the release date, Xiao Yunhai met the leaders of the two video websites under Kerry's introduction. They were invited to put on the propaganda film "hero of Jingwu" in a prominent position on the website.

Seven days of propaganda has cost xiaoyunhai $36 million, which is undoubtedly too expensive compared with that of China.

After all the things were done, Xiao Yunhai flew back to Yanjing.

At this time, the drama of "lonely city" has been killed all, and zhaowanqing also returned to Yanjing to rest.

Three months of shooting, really let her tired.

At 3 p.m., Xiao Yunhai came out of the airport with a large sunglasses and Simaqian.

Li Bing, who came to pick up the plane, saw two people and rushed up.

When she came to the parking lot, Xiao Yunhai saw zhaowanqing, who was standing in a beautiful place. At this time, she was looking at herself with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai took a few steps, opened his arms, tightly hugged zhaowanqing in her arms, kissed her lips.

Li Bing and Simaqian looked at each other and smiled, and did not disturb the couple.

An hour later, when he returned to the villa, Xiao Yunhai immediately spread on the sofa in the living room and shouted, "the old saying is good, the Golden Nest is not as good as the dog nest in his home. I have been in Los Angeles for so many days and I'm almost sick. "

Zhaowanqing made xiaoyunhai a cup of tea and said with a smile: "you, Congming is confused for a while. Since you go to Los Angeles so many times a year, don't you want to buy a house there? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, then patted his forehead and said, "how can I not expect it. Wife, after a few days of the show of "heroes of fine arts", you and I will go to Hollywood together. We will buy a villa there. What do you think? "

"Of course," said Zhao. Husband, take a shower. My mother will let you go home and have dinner. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing's graceful figure with his narrow eyes, then grabbed the situation, and was about to escape, said Zhao with a smile: "wife, let's wash it together."

Zhao Wanqing, who has not escaped xiaoyunhai's claw, is red in face, and white with a pair of charming and moving eyes, he says, "it's not early, hurry up."

Xiao Yunhai cheered and hugged zhaowanqing and came to the bathroom.

After a while, there was a breathtaking murmur in it.

It was seven o'clock in the afternoon when Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing came to zhaomingsheng.

Fortunately, it is a summer, if it is winter, it is estimated that it will be dark.

Naturally, Zhao Wanqing has not complained about xiaoyunhai all the way.

When I came back, I would have four dishes at most. How cloud sea comes back, you make more than ten dishes, this gap is a little too big. "

Yan Feiyun smiled: "you have to have half the food volume of Yunhai, and I will make you ten."

Zhao Wanqing turned his eyes and said, "forget it, I don't want to be fat into a pig."

Xiao Yunhai took a very exquisite jewelry box from his bag and said to Yan, "Mom, I went to Los Angeles to bring you a gift. It's not appropriate for you?"

Yan Feiyun smiled: "Yunhai, all family, don't be so polite. Don't buy me anything later. I have nothing to do with your dad. We're very happy if you come back often. "

Open the box, the eyes of the swallow are bright.

I saw a jade bracelet lying quietly in it, crystal clear, delicate, full of a gorgeous and gentle breath.

"What a beautiful thing," said Zhao. Mom, this bracelet is a great match for your temperament. "

"The sea of clouds, it costs a lot of money?" the swallow frowned

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "it didn't cost much."

"You don't have to cheat us," said Zhao Mingsheng. This bracelet is basically the top in the world. It should be more than 150 million. I'm right. "

Xiao Yunhai thumbed up Zhao Mingsheng and said, "Dad, you are a real expert. I did spend 160 million on it. "

"Yan Feiyun immediately buckle the jewelry box and pass it to xiaoyunhai and say," Yunhai, give it to your mother. She is the most suitable person to bring this bracelet. "

Xiao Yunhai saw that Yan floating cloud could think of her mother, and was very moved in her heart.He shook his head and said, "my mother has to fight a set of health preserving boxing every morning. It's not appropriate to take this thing. Don't worry, I bought my mother a string of top-grade necklace, the value is not under your bracelet. And, Dad, I bought you and my dad a watch respectively. Do you think it's ok

Finish saying, Xiao Yunhai took out a box again from bag.

Zhao Mingsheng opened a look, blurted out: "Langer top watch, good thing."

This watch is really a good thing. It is made up of more than 1500 parts. The dial is inlaid with more than 500 diamonds and more than 200 sapphire. It is worth 12 million dollars.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai treat his parents so well, Zhao Wanqing was very happy and said, "Dad, mom, don't refuse. You have given him all your daughters. Can't he buy you something? "

"It's just that it's too expensive," Yan said

Zhao Wanqing said, "you can rest assured. During this trip to Hollywood, Yunhai has made a lot of money. With the patent fees and magic profits of Columbia company for half a year, he has earned 1.3 billion US dollars. You are not in our eyes at all. "

Yan Piaoyun showed an incredible look and said, "how can you make so much money?"

Zhao Wanqing will simply introduce to her.

Zhao Mingsheng said, "well, let's talk while eating."

Sitting at the dinner table, Zhao Mingsheng and Xiao Yunhai talked while drinking.

Zhao Mingsheng said: "Yunhai, since Columbia Pictures announced that their special effects technology and you account for 50% each, many companies that have close ties with me have called me to establish special effects teams."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. The more companies that need special effects, the more revenue we'll get. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "but don't forget, your new special effects technology will come out soon. Once you know that you deliberately pit them, I'm afraid you will make people angry."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have thought about this problem. I can postpone the release of special effects until next year. After all, it is totally different from magic's original patented technology, which requires special training to learn. At that time, I'm going to shoot a disaster blockbuster, to test the results, and to make a name. I'll announce it after the box office sale. It should have a very good effect. "

Zhao Mingsheng frowned and asked, "what about Tianhua and brilliant companies?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "suspend the formation of the special effects team, and make special effects for them by magic.". The number of my dream team is too small. I need to transfer some magic technicians to join in. At the same time, I will let the special effects staff of these companies come to learn. When the training is over and my film is finished, it is estimated that it will take at least half a year. At that time, even if I announce the news, I don't think people will be so disgusted. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "this is also a way."

Xiao Yunhai said, "Dad, I heard that Zhang Xinji, director of the film and TV series, is very ill, isn't he?"

Zhao Mingsheng said, "yes. At present, the relevant work of the film and Television Bureau is in charge of Yang Li, deputy director of the film and Television Bureau. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. No wonder my Jingwu hero has not been approved. After dinner, I'll call Yuanyang to ask. It's better for Yang Li not to play any tricks, or I'll make him suffer. "What can you do?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "anyway, I have a way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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