Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:58 AM

Chapter 578

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On the morning of Xiao Yunhai's return to Beijing, the Ministry of culture held a meeting to discuss Chen Zhan's taking over the post of director of mango TV station.

Present at the meeting were Minister Cao Huaqian and Vice Minister Liang Qianqiu, vice minister Tian Jishang, Vice Minister Li long, director of Television Department Luo Hongbin, director of CCTV Zhao Wuyan, acting director of film and Television Bureau Yang Li, deputy director general Xiao Yuanyang, deputy director Peng XiMao, and retiring Ouyang Zhaoming.

Ouyang Zhaoming first gave a brief account of Chen Zhan's recent work and achievements, and finally said, "after nearly three months of study, I think Chen Zhan has fully possessed the qualities and abilities required by an excellent Taiwan leader. Therefore, I fully agree with Chen Zhan's taking over the post of director of mango TV station. "

As soon as Ouyang Zhaoming's voice fell, Tian Jishang immediately raised his objection and said, "I don't think Chen Zhan is suitable for the post of director of mango TV station because of his achievements and abilities."

Tian Jishang's clear-cut opposition surprised Liang Qianqiu, Xiao Yuanyang and Ouyang Zhaoming.

At this critical point, Tian Jishang should even oppose it. What's the meaning of this? Do you regard the previous resolution as farting?

Even Minister Cao frowned and looked at Tian Jishang in displeasure.

Liang Qianqiu said: "Deputy Minister Tian, do you think his achievements and abilities are not up to the standard? Ha ha, didn't you hear clearly just now? Not to mention anything else, the ratings of his "good voice of China" and "run, brother" both broke through 10%. If such a result is not good, several times the whole China TV station, you tell me, who can do it. "

Tian Jishang said with a smile, "Vice Minister Liang, you misunderstood me. I did not say that Chen Zhan's ability is not enough to be an excellent director. "

Liang Qianqiu frowned and asked, "Deputy Minister Tian, what exactly do you mean?"

Tian Jishang said: "it is because Chen Zhan is so excellent that he is not suitable to be the head of mango TV station. As we all know, mango TV station has been ranked the first in local TV stations for seven consecutive years with the help of director Ouyang. Since mango platform is already so strong, don't you think it's a waste to put an outstanding Chen Zhan on it? "

Liang Qianqiu immediately understood the meaning of Tian Jishang and said in his heart, "this guy has become so smart."

Ouyang Zhaoming was worried when he saw Cao's moving expression. However, there was no trace on his face. He said, "Vice Minister Tian, I don't deserve your praise of Ouyang Zhaoming. Today, Zhejiang, Yanjing and Jiangsu stations have caught up with each other. I'm afraid the first place will not be guaranteed. Chen Zhan has worked conscientiously for more than ten years in mango station. He knows most about the big and small things in Taiwan. If mango station wants to be in a leading position, Chen Zhan is undoubtedly the best candidate. If someone else, to tell the truth, I am very worried

Luo Hongbin, director of the television department, said: "Ouyang director is too arbitrary. We have a lot of talents in China, and we are better than Chen Zhan. How can I hear that it is like saying that mango station can't leave Chen Zhan. "

"Minister Cao, a few days ago, I reported to you that the director of Anhui TV station was hospitalized due to illness, and he has submitted an application for retirement. Liao Yuan, deputy director of the station, is also 59 years old this year, so he is not suitable for the post of director. In recent years, the ratings of Anhui TV station have declined sharply, ranking 26th last year. Therefore, we need a person who knows business and has strong ability to turn the situation around. I think Chen Zhan can be the director of Anhui TV station. "

Zhao Wuyan nodded and said, "I also agree with Director Luo. Good steel is used for cutting edge. There are many internal problems in Anhui TV station, and it is necessary for one person to carry out drastic reform in the past. "

Tian Jishang said: "I also agree with Director Luo and Zhao Tai Chang's suggestions."

Vice Minister Li long, acting director of the film and Television Bureau Yang Li and deputy director Peng XiMao expressed their support.

Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang looked at each other and understood that Tian Jishang had done so much work underground.

Don't you worry about this?

We should know that as a minister with great power in the Ministry of culture, the last thing we want to see is this situation.

A deputy can unite so many people to oppose the previous resolution, which is absolutely a naked provocation for the principal.

As soon as he was about to speak, his secretary rushed in and said, "minister, No. 5 chief..."

on hearing this, he took a deep look at Tian Jishang, stood up and said, "sorry, there is an emergency call. Please wait for me for a moment."

After Cao's departure, Tian Jishang said to Liang Qianqiu, "Vice Minister Liang, Chen Zhan's position as director of Anhui's Taiwan Strait, would you not disagree?"

With a smile, Liang Qianqiu said, "I agree or disagree. I'm afraid it has no effect on the final result. Vice Minister Tian, good means. But it's just a Mangifera station director's seat. Is it worth your making such a move? "

Tian Jishang showed a winner's smile and said: "I think about the overall situation."

Xiao Yuanyang showed a trace of disdain on his face and said in secret: "what's so great? Is it not that old Li has made a move? Otherwise, with your Tian Jishang, how can you have this ability. Ah, it seems that Chen Zhan's Mangifera director can't do it. However, as a retired leader, it would be a bit stingy for him to do so. "After a while, Minister Cao came in expressionless.

He looked around Tian Jishang's face and said, "since most people think Chen Zhan is suitable for the position of director of Anhui TV station, it's settled. However, in this way, who will be responsible for the long seat of mango stage

Tian Jishang said: "Minister Cao, I think Qian bin, the deputy director of mango TV station, is fully capable of being the head of Mangifera."

With a smile, Cao said, "is there anyone else? Director Ouyang, who do you think is suitable

Ouyang Zhaoming spent most of his life in the TV station, but how could he not hear the implication of director Cao, so he said: "the reason why I asked to select a director from inside was that I took a fancy to Chen Zhan. Since he went to Anhui TV station, I have nothing to say. No matter whether the Ministry selects from inside or transfers directly from outside, I will obey unconditionally. "

Ouyang Zhaoming's implication, that is to say, the position of the head of Taiwan is no longer limited to the interior of mango Taiwan.

Liang Qianqiu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Minister Cao, I think song Longqi, deputy director of Hebei TV station, is a very good candidate. The ratings of Hebei North Station can be greatly improved, and song Longqi can be said to have made great contributions. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "Vice Minister Liang, I also recommend one. Zhang Heng, deputy director of Henan TV station, seems to be a good candidate."

Liang Qianqiu nodded and said, "that's right."

Minister Cao laughed and said, "it seems that there are hidden dragons and tigers in our TV station. I think song Longqi will be the director of mango TV station. What do you think of Ouyang

Ouyang Zhaoming, with a smile on his face, said: "I have met with Deputy Director Song Longqi a few times. I really appreciate his ability, courage and integrity. Minister Cao, you forget that I asked you for this man. Unfortunately, you thought it was a waste to put such a talent on Mango TV station, so you transferred him to Hebei TV station. "

On hearing this, Cao showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and said with a smile, "look at my memory. Yes, it is true that there is such a thing. Deputy director Peng XiMao, what do you think of song Longqi as the director of mangguo TV station? "

Peng XiMao Leng Leng Leng, can not help but look to Tian Jishang.

Minister Cao snorted and said, "deputy director Peng, does Deputy Minister Tian have flowers on his face? I asked you what you thought, what did you look at him

Peng Xi Mao looked at Minister Cao, who showed a cold light, and forced a smile: "I have no objection."

"Deputy director Xiao Yuanyang, what's your opinion?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "I agree with Zhang Heng or song Longqi."

Chief Cao nodded his head with satisfaction and said, "deputy director Xiao is able to serve the public wholeheartedly and has the demeanor of old Xiao."

Tian Jishang heard Minister Cao's words, and his face turned black.

He knew that Minister Cao was venting his dissatisfaction to himself.

Praising deputy director Xiao for his dedication to the public, why not say that Tian Jishang abolished the public for private reasons.

Tian Jishang can understand how Xiao Yuanyang, as a major and young member of the Xiao family, does not know.

Although Tian Jishang lost Chen Zhan's position as the head of mango stage, what he did had already violated the taboo of director Cao. The reason why he said that was just to beat Tian Jishang.

Xiao Yuanyang and Tian Jishang were not on the same line. When they had such an opportunity, they would not let him go. They said, "my old man has put eight words on the wall: one heart for the public and eight words for hard work. I dare not separate public and private and abuse my power."

What about the director of the first TV station, Mr. Zhao, who asked the director of CCTV

Zhao Wuyan said with a smile: "vice director Song Longqi and I are classmates. We have a good relationship. I know him well. I agree. "

Zhao Wuyan and Tian Jishang are not on the same line. The reason why they helped Chen Zhan get rid of the position of director was just to repay others.

Officialdom is just like a river and lake. You can't help but do something you don't want to do.

After Zhao Wuyan finished, Cao asked Yang Li, Luo Hongbin and Li long one after another, and they all agreed.

They also saw that chief Cao seemed to be very angry. If someone objected to him in anger, it would be a bit out of place.

Finally, Minister Cao Pi xiaorou asked Tian Jishang, and said, "Deputy Minister Tian, what do you think of song Longqi's position as head of mango stage?"

Tian Jishang smiles and says, "I have no objection."

Minister Cao said: "very good. It's settled. Song Longqi served as director of mango TV station, and Chen Zhan went to Anhui TV station to assume his new post. I have a digression to say that the internal affairs of the Ministry of culture should be handled by ourselves. If it can't be solved, report to the superior. Otherwise, people would think that I Cao Wenxuan was a minister who did nothing but eat nothing. Well, that's all for the meeting. The meeting is over. "

Cao Wenxuan finished and turned out of the meeting room.

Ouyang Zhaoming whispered to Xiao Yuanyang, "it seems that Cao is very angry."Xiao Yuanyang took a look at Tian Jishang, whose face was iron green, and said with a smile: "it's very good that Minister Cao can bear it. If it had been for us, it would have been a long time ago. "

Ouyang Zhaoming sighed: "unfortunately, Chen Zhan's business is yellow. In my heart, he is the right person to be the head of mango TV station. Of course, song Longqi is also good. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "this time, song Longqi picked up a big bargain. As for Chen Zhan, you can rest assured. With that genius behind to help him, Anhui Satellite TV must be brilliant next. Director Ouyang, it's almost noon. How about going to have a meal with Minister Liang? "

Ouyang Zhaoming nodded and said, "OK. By the way, call that genius. It's said that the boy went to Hollywood and made a lot of money

Xiao Yuanyang said, "it's OK. This guy is very interested in vice director Chen's affairs and needs to be explained with him. "

Hearing Xiao Yuanyang's words, Ouyang Zhaoming looked at him in surprise and said to himself, "Xiao Yunhai is such a good boy that he can let the famous Xiao family, deputy director of the film and Television Bureau, say something to him. What is his identity? It can make Xiao Yuanyang value it so much. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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