Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:17 AM

Chapter 58

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"Really? Great. What's the name of the song? " Yang Bin was very excited at this time.

After Xiao Yunhai said the names of the five songs in turn, Yang Bin on the opposite side stopped for a long time, and then sighed with emotion: "you are really a pervert. I can't tell. There is no capital. There are five. Cow, I'll take you. However, you can not be greedy, regardless of the quality. "Made by Emperor Yun, it must be a fine product." the eight words have just been typed out. If you slap yourself carelessly, it will be more than worth the loss. "

"Well, I just sent it to you. You can listen to it first. If you can't reach the quality standard, you can return it to me. "

"No problem."

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang again.

"Brother, I did, I did. Since I entered this circle, I did not really admire who? You are the first one I admire. You are a musical genius. I am reluctant to release the first classic from your hands. Why don't we do it one by one. If you send it together, it's not clear that you are competing with yourself for download volume. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "whatever you like. Since it's up to you, the rest of the work will be operated by you professionals. I believe you. However, I have one condition, these five songs must be released within a month and a half. "

His "step by step" still needs a month to complete. In addition, he has to find a suitable film and television company to produce and distribute. Therefore, he needs to prepare the money within one and a half months.

"In that case, we'll start with two. Don't worry, I guarantee you, your songs will never be buried, I will use all means to maximize their potential. Look, this month will be your world. "

Xiao Yunhai's songs, like a cardiotonic, infused Yang Bin with vitality and made him become complacent.

The next day, the web page of Jiujiu music website became very popular. The first thing to see was a huge pop-up window, which said "the products of the emperor of cloud must be a high-quality product". One click is a list of introductions.

"The emperor of cloud once again, challenging the limits of hearing."

"The music style of emperor Yun is changeable, but it is still euphemistic."

"Two classic songs, damned tenderness and seeking Buddha, will stay with you."

Within two hours after the long online transmission, the number of downloads of the two songs had exceeded 200000, and the comments were tens of thousands, which made Yang binle's unable to find the north.

"My God, idol, have you changed your style? These two songs, I don't know how to say, too damn good to listen to? The moment the music starts, I can't help being excited. "

"Well, the song" seeking Buddha "is so explosive and powerful that it hits my heart. I have a feeling that this song will be popular. Yunhuang, I didn't expect you to change your style and write such a nice song?"

"Your damned gentleness makes my heart ache and tears flow Although the lyrics are popular, they are more suitable for the public. This song is definitely the best song I've ever heard. It's great. "

"Niubi, the music of absolute cow nose, I feel that two divine tunes are about to be born. The quality of "praying for Buddha" and "damned gentleness" can't be said, and the comparison between them is hard to distinguish. I'm afraid that the field of online songs will eventually become the derby between the two songs. It's really the product of emperor Yun. It must be a fine product. "

"I think damned gentleness is better than Buddha. It's amazing how much Lang Lang talks about this song. It's like you can remember it once? "

"I think it's better to ask for Buddha. I've been begging for it for tens of thousands of years. That's great. "

"Who can predict how long two songs will break a million?"

"It must be a million or so tonight."



Huang Shanshan of Northwest Conservatory of music has become a fan of yunhuang ever since she listened to Xiao Yunhai's three songs. She has been looking forward to releasing new songs again.

Unfortunately, a month has passed without any news.

Sometimes she had to wonder whether the emperor was the author of the song, or, as many comments said, the emperor was just wrapped up by himself in order to make a name for himself.

When she had completely lost confidence in the emperor, her good sister in the dormitory suddenly called her and told her that the emperor had sent out a new song, and all of a sudden it was two songs. It was very nice to hear.

After hearing the news, Huang Shanshan opened her computer and came to the front page of the website for a long time. When Huang Shanshan opened one of the songs "damned gentleness", a warm and clean voice came out. At the beginning of the song, Huang Shanshan was attracted.

You damned gentleness.

Let my heart in pain, tears in the flow.

Just after I said goodbye to you.

It is impossible to forget.You damned gentleness.

I can't stop shaking.

No matter how many excuses.

I can't even hold your hand.


………………………………… ..

when the whole song was finished, Huang Shanshan's whole body relaxed and her heart was slightly excited. She was worthy of being her idol. The voice is clean and clear without any noise. It seems that the singing skill is much better than before.

The melody of this song is as catchy as the previous works. Ordinary people can almost remember it after listening to it, not to mention Huang Shanshan, who is a professional.

After listening to it again, Huang Shanshan began to listen to it again.

This time, she turned the volume to the maximum, and her mind was completely intoxicated in the song. Her face showed a look of indulging in it. Then she looked at the lyrics and sang along with the melody.

Huang Shanshan snapped her fingers when the song was closed. It was wonderful.

Bearing the excitement in her heart, Huang Shanshan opened her second song "seeking Buddha". Just seeing the name of the song made her want to hear it.

Sure enough, "seeking Buddha" did not disappoint her.

"When the moon shines on my face.

I think I'm about to change.

There is a soup called tearing heart and splitting lung.

Drinking it has magical power.

Close your eyes and see heaven.

That's where you laugh.

I dodged the guns of countless hunters.

Drive away the sadness of the grave.

For you, I became a werewolf.

I'm crazy for you.

For you, put on a thick camouflage.

For you, I changed my heart.

Can we meet again.

I have been begging for thousands of years in front of the Buddha, and I am willing to exchange several lifetimes for our love.

Hope can move heaven.

Can we meet again.

I have been praying for thousands of years in front of the Buddha

before I step across this bridge, let me kiss your face again.

Let me kiss your face again.

………………………… .

when Huang Shanshan finished listening to the whole song, she found that she did not know when the tears in her eyes flowed down. This song is so moving. It's hard to ask for thousands of years. It's only for one life. Where to find such love.

This cloud emperor is too cow, the lyrics and music do not say, only about singing, the cloud emperor absolutely reached the emperor level. Feelings, skills with seamless, far better than the previous songs.

Indeed, Xiao Yunhai's singing level has been greatly improved since his wholehearted recording of "borrowing from heaven for 500 years" wholeheartedly in the studio.

Before crossing, his singing skills are very good, and he has reached a bottleneck state, but he has not found a way to break through. Until Xiao Yunhai inadvertently combines feelings and skills, suddenly, there is a feeling of natural success.

He found that there were many similarities between singing and acting. Acting requires an actor to completely forget himself, and the whole person's feelings should be put into the role, which is called entering the play. When you don't know who you are, you are not far from success.

There is a lot of singing skills in the songs, which can make people sing without any emotion. When we do this, the so-called technical links can be completely ignored.

When Xiao Yunhai was singing for Buddha, his feelings were very strong, and his singing skills reached the point where he could do what he wanted. So Huang Shanshan couldn't help but shed tears when she heard it.

Naturally, Huang Shanshan downloaded the two songs without saying a word. At the same time, in the school group, a comment was sent calling on the students and teachers to listen to the two songs.

In the conference room of PP music network, Su Yanming looked at the heads of the departments around him and said calmly: "I heard that the cloud emperor of has appeared again, with a download volume of 7 million in two days. Hehe, great. Did you hear his song? "

The editorial department took the lead in making a speech: "Mr. Su, I have listened. It's really nice. This cloud emperor's creative ability is really not said. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that for a long time, the net will rise crazily because of him. "

"What can you tell me?"

"Dig up the emperor." "We can get in touch with him and give him the best contract," said the propaganda minister. With the strength of our website, I think he will agree

"No kidding. What contract can you give him? We have a big family, so we can't give him a high contract, or those star singers will definitely rebel. I think we can't mess up just because of a cloud emperor, but we should try our best to find those talented new people. If one can't match, there will be two; if two can't, there will be a group. I don't believe it. Can emperor Yun still turn the sky? "Su Yanming clapped her hands when she heard Lao Wang's words.

"Lao Wang said well. Our PP music website has been established for more than 20 years. We haven't encountered any big waves. A cloud emperor is not worth mentioning. In fact, the reason why I hold such a meeting is not aimed at him, but that you should have a sense of pressure and urgency. In terms of details, the network is still far from satisfactory. But for all that, we can't take it lightly. Next month, our Heavenly King Ye Yongchao will release a new album. It is estimated that it will be online at the end of the month. We need to be prepared. "

"I see."


Su Yanming looked at the subordinates who went out one by one and came to the window with his hands. Looking at the stream of people as small as ants, Su Yanming sighed: "cloud emperor, what kind of person are you. I really want to talk to you

Huang Renji of Chinese music network is more violent in the face of's offensive. It directly launched three or four star singers' songs and played against Taiwan, but in only three days, it declared a failure.

"The power of the emperor is irreversible."

This is what Huang Renji said when he received the list of downloads.

Sure enough, with the passage of time, Xiao Yunhai's two songs ferment in a short time, the momentum is fierce and unstoppable.

In a short week, the number of downloads of two songs has reached 16 million, setting a record again.

On the Internet, the emperor of cloud, who can see his head but not his tail, seems to have become a figure worshipped by thousands of people, and he is being discussed in various forums. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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