Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:51 AM

Chapter 582

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After the event of "Legend of heroes of shooting carving" is finished, Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing first went back to Zheng hai to discuss the wedding with their parents.

The two initially set the date of their wedding on October 16, and the place of marriage has not been selected, but it will not be in China.

After all, xiaoyunhai and zhaowanqing are all superstars with hundreds of millions of fans. Once the news of their marriage is spread out, no matter where in China, it is estimated that they can cause traffic paralysis, and the wedding will not be completed.

Xiaoqifeng and chenxiuzhu naturally have no objection to this.

They stayed in Zheng Hai for a day and flew directly to Los Angeles by plane.

It was 4.30 p.m. when they landed at Los Angeles International Airport, and it was only two hours away from the show of the hero of Seiko.

Out of the airport, Xiao Yunhai saw Kerry and Daniel behind him at a glance.

Kerry looked at him, and rushed to zhaowanqing and walked over, open his arms and wanted to hug her.

Xiao Yunhai where will let him succeed, hurriedly will zhaowanqing to pull behind, said: "Kerry, less this set."

Kerry sighed and said, "Xiao, you are too sensitive. Is this our etiquette good?"

Xiaoyun Haidao: "you come less. Who knows what you think of the big boy

Kerry cried out in a high voice, "Xiao, I'm so sad. We are brothers. How can you treat me like this. "

Xiao Yunhai cut a sound and said, "because you are too familiar, this is to prevent you."

"OK, don't be kidding."

Zhaowanqing came out from behind xiaoyunhai, and he held Kerry with a generous hand and said, "Kerry, I am glad to see you again."

Kerry laughed: "Wanqing, you are getting more and more beautiful. Last time I went to Yanjing, I didn't see you. You don't know how disappointed I am. "

Xiao said scornfully, "Kerry, you said this too false."

Kerry turned a white eye and said, "Xiao, are you sure you must be against me today?"

Xiaoyun Haidao: "how about the confrontation? I can beat you 100 by myself, just for your physique. "

"There is an old saying in China that a gentleman can fight with you if he does not move his mouth," Kerry said

Daniel, who had never spoken, said, "boss, madam, Mr Kerry, it's not too early. Let's get in the car."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. Kerry, let's talk in the car. "

Several people were laughing and walking to the parking lot.

On the way, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Kerry, how about the hero of elite martial arts"? Is the ticket sold well? "

Kerry laughed: "it's pretty good to sell. Xiao, guess how many hits have you made on the Internet for that movie movie so far? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Kerry, you should say it directly. I hate riddles the most."

Kerry said, "you are too boring. I'll tell you, 160 million hits. "

"Kerry, I don't understand why this movie gets so high hits," Zhao asked in surprise

Kerry said: "because there is real Chinese Kung Fu in it. The Chinese kung fu films that American fans used to see, either fly and fly in the sky, virtual and fierce. Or it is the flower boxing embroidered leg, no power to say. But Xiao's trailer has no such a problem. Everything starts from actual combat, boxing to meat, which makes people see the blood boiling. Even I can't help learning two moves from it, let alone ordinary fans. "

"According to your years of experience, how much box office do you think this film can sell?" asked Zhao

Kerry thought about it and said, "it's hard to say. Although Xiao's "hero of fine arts" has attracted the attention of a few millions of fans, but the specific way depends on the fans' reaction. If it gets more than eight points on the rotten tomato web, I can be sure that the hero of elite will be all over the United States, and 500 million dollars should be OK. "

Xiao Yunhai crooked his mouth and said, "Kerry, 500 million dollars can not satisfy me, billion dollars is still about the same."

Kerry shook his head and said, "Xiao, it's impossible. Your film investment and publicity cost less than $100 million. To reach a billion is no doubt a mystery. "

Xiao Yun Haidao: "Kerry, let's wait and see. Once the hero of fine arts is successful, I will take my actors and go to the TV station to perform. I don't mind letting you see what the real Chinese Kung Fu is for the box office. "

Kerry's eyes were bright and said, "Xiao, it seems you want to do a big job."

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "of course. I dare to let the hero of martial arts show in America, naturally with sufficient confidence. Kerry, I hope you can introduce me to an interview program with the highest ratings. "

Kerry gave a loud finger and said, "no problem. I am a very good friend with emmawatson, the most famous talk show host in America. However, her problems are very sharp and tricky, and will give you a lot of problems. "Xiao Yunhai said: "as long as her program ratings are high. By the way, Kerry, we're going to buy a villa in Los Angeles, preferably one that can live in directly. Do you have anything to introduce? "

As soon as Kerry heard it, he said happily, "Xiao, you are looking for me right. There are no villas in Los Angeles that I don't know. What price are you going to buy? What are the requirements? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I will ask my wife."

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "I hope to have a manor villa with large area and complete facilities. It's better to have a garden and a swimming pool. The price can't exceed 50 million US dollars."

Kerry said with a smile: "Wanqing, a friend of mine is planning to build a villa, which covers an area of 4780 square meters. It is European style, with more than 60 rooms, three swimming pools, wine cellar, gymnasium, film screening room, hot spring spa, etc., which is very suitable for your requirements. But it's a little expensive. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how long did he stay? How much is it? "

Kerry said: "he hasn't lived since he bought it. This guy's name is sal. He has theaters and TV stations. He's a multibillion dollar millionaire. He likes to buy some villas at a low price and sell them at a high price. The villa, built in 1993, is about half an hour's drive from Hollywood's Avenue of fame. I've heard that this guy paid only $42 million when he bought it, but now he's offering $120 million, which is a three fold increase

Xiao Yunhai said: "he really knows how to do business. Money is not a problem. It depends mainly on the place? Kerry, if you are free tomorrow, can you take me and Wanqing to have a look

Kerry said with a smile, "of course. I love buying a house and a car. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, can it be too expensive?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "the villa of nearly 5000 square meters is only sold for 120 million US dollars. Wife, this is not expensive. If you put it in Huaxia, if you don't sell it for a billion yuan, you can't take it down at all. If it's suitable, we'll choose where to hold the wedding. What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "well, everything depends on you."

MGM's car stopped at the entrance of an Italian restaurant and ate.

Half an hour before the release of Jingwu hero, Xiao Yunhai saw a long line in front of the ticket window and asked, "Kerry, when do you sell tickets? The movie is about to start. Why are there so many people waiting in line? "

Kerry said: "generally speaking, we start selling tickets two hours in advance. If it's a hot movie, we'll do it two hours earlier. From the present situation, the attendance rate of the film should be very good. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Kerry, you said in the car that my movie caused a sensation in the United States. I thought it should be sold out now, but I didn't expect it was so far behind. "

Kerry explained, "Shaw, you don't know. Because there are so many movies released in America every year, fans are very careful when choosing. Although "Jingwu hero" has successfully attracted their attention, there is no big Hollywood star they are familiar with. Therefore, fans need to confirm that the quality of the film is really good before they enter the cinema. From the present point of view, compared with other new film, "Jingwu hero" is much better than them

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "you mean that for Jingwu hero, word-of-mouth is the key to winning, right?"

Kerry said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "I'll be relieved."

Kerry looked at him and said, "Xiao, what I admire most about you is that you are always full of confidence in yourself." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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