Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:49 AM

Chapter 583

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At seven o'clock sharp, all the fans who bought tickets at the ticket office entered the studio, and Xiao Yunhai and his four people went up.

Kerry asked, "how many tickets did Jingwu hero sell?"

The conductor knew Kerry very well and said respectfully, "this movie is selling very well. A total of 698 tickets have been sold, and the attendance rate is 82%

Kerry nodded and said, "good."

Xiao Yunhai said, "Kerry, can I go in? I want to see the reaction of the fans in it? "

Kerry said with a smile, "of course. Let's go in."

As soon as he entered the Ying hall, Xiao Yunhai heard the cry of surprise from the fans.

"So handsome. Is that Chinese Kung Fu that Chen Zhen just used? "

"With this contest between Chen Zhen and a dozen karate students, I feel that 20 dollars is worth it."

"Unlike our Hollywood action movies, it looks more sensational and more passionate."

"The perfect combination of speed and strength makes people feel great."

This is the exclamation after watching Xiao Yunhai beat up more than ten Japanese ronin in in Japanese school.

Kerry said with a smile, "Xiao, it seems that everyone's reaction seems to be very good."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if the first fight is good, then there will be no problem in the back."

In the movie, Chen Zhen returns to Jingwu gate, just in time for Huo tingen and master Ni to compete in martial arts.

Xiao Yunhai sets traditional Chinese martial arts for both of them. Huo tingen, played by Zhang Xiaojing, has flexible footwork, elegant posture and strong fist. However, master Ni, played by elder martial brother Luo Tianxiong, directly uses Xingyi fist, which is like thunder and powerful.

In order to increase the visual impact and show the powerful lethality of Kung Fu, Xiao Yunhai used a lot of props, and then was beaten to pieces by two people. Finally, Huo tingen won the victory.

The battle between the two has won applause and cheers from fans again.

The whole story of Jingwu hero is very simple, and there will be no situation that you can't understand.

Fighting scenes alone account for more than 40% of the 100 minute films, and this play can be said to have been piled up with Kung Fu.

The third is a contest between Chen Zhen and ryunoichi Akutagawa in Hongkou Daochang.

For this play, Xiao Yunhai invited Watanabe to find a lot of real karate students. All their movements are killing moves in karate, and their offensive is extremely fierce.

Xiao Yunhai, on the other hand, is more domineering than them. His fists and feet are full of aesthetic feeling and sense of strength. He uses a variety of different Kung Fu techniques to defeat the opponent.

How ever have American movie fans, who are used to the fight between muscular and tough men, ever seen such a scene? They were so surprised that they did not dare to blink their eyes for fear of missing a shot.

Defeated this group of people, Su Hong played Akutagawa ryunoichi finally appeared, two people had a fair duel. In about two minutes, Chen Zhen defeated him.

A little boy in front of Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "isn't it? Is my karate so useless?"

The father next to him said, "it's just a movie. It's not like that in reality."

The little boy said, "but Dad, what the Japanese used is our karate Kung Fu, but every move was completely broken by the hero. My God, I really can't believe that there are so many loopholes in my actions that I think are very handsome. "

The father said, "do you mean they use real Kung Fu?"

The little boy nodded and said, "yes. It's a great movie. I'll watch it a few more times. Maybe I can learn a lot of tricks from it, and then I'll knock down that disgusting Raul

After watching this passage, other fans are also excited to discuss with each other.

A film critic wrote in his own book: "the story is clear, the editing is sharp, the focus on actual combat, the explosive power, the lethality is amazing, let a person dazzled."

A magazine editor nearby said, "what do you think of the play?"

The film critic helped his glasses and said, "it's very good. It's a milestone kung fu film in China."

The editor in chief of the magazine said, "I tell you, they use real Kung Fu that can be used in real life. One or two moves can even be used for self-defense."

"How do you know?" the critic asked in surprise

"I have practiced karate for several years," said the editor in chief of the magazine. That Akutagawa used all the moves I had learned before, but they were faster, more powerful, and more standard postures. "

The critic opened his mouth and said, "I think this movie is going to be a big fire in America. "

with that, he wrote in his book:" all the fighting in the film uses real kung fu. "

Next, the fight between Chen Zhen and Huo ting'en once again made everyone fascinated.

After the contest, the fans clapped their hands.

Daniel, who saw the film for the first time, said, "boss, this film is really wonderful. I bet it's going to be more than a billion dollars at the box officeXiao Yunhai asked, "Daniel, if you want to score, how many points do you give?"

Daniel didn't think about it and said, "at least nine points. Because I've never seen such a beautiful and hot action movie

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope fans and you are the same point of view."

On the screen, the real highlight appeared. Chen Zhen and Chuang Yuewen Fu had a close fight in front of Huo Yuanjia's grave.

Seeing Chuang Yuewen Fu doing his preparation before the war, the cinema gave out a hearty laugh for the first time.

But soon they couldn't laugh, because Chuang Yuewen Fu made a surprise attack on Chen Zhen.

"Damn it, this funny old man is too good."

"Yes. How do I feel he's better than the others in front of me. "

"Nonsense, do you know who he is?"

"Karate master, Japan's first master Watanabe. There's no problem in beating 30 or 50 of you. "

"So good."

The duel between Xiao Yunhai and Watanabe used no less than 20 kinds of Kung Fu, even the familiar boxing and jumping steps, which made the movie fans feast their eyes.

Both were blindfolded when they saw the fight.

"Isn't it? How can you beat it when you can't see it?"

"Don't you see them replacing their eyes with their ears?"

"Shut up and watch the movie."

Xiao Yunhai and Watanabe, blindfolded, approached slowly, and the hearts of the fans became tight.

Finally, at the moment when their arms met each other, it was as if the trumpet of attack was sounded, and all kinds of fantastic close to hand combat moves were staged one after another.

However, different from the previous, there are a lot of funny elements in it.

For example, Xiao Yunhai kicked up some weeds and let Watanabe make a mistake in judgment and hit the air for a while. As soon as he stopped, Xiao Yunhai punched him in the chest; and Watanabe picked up a small stone under his feet and hit it on a big stone. Xiao Yunhai responded and was beaten by Watanabe who had been ambushed for a long time.

Seeing this kind of unexpected plot, the movie fans in the cinema are bursting with laughter.

Finally, the two ended up with a duel between Zhanyi Shiba and Japanese jujitsu.


"It's great."

"I can't imagine there are such good-looking action movies in the world."

"I'm going crazy. Who is Chen? I want to learn from him. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai quickly shrunk up.

If you really accept a foreign apprentice, I think my grandfather can kill himself.

Hearing the warm atmosphere in the cinema, Zhao Wanqing said happily, "husband, you have succeeded."

Xiao Yunhai is very stinky said: "of course, I am a genius."

The last match between Chen Zhen and Fujita gang was no worse than that between him and Chuang Yuewen Fu.

After all the films were shown, the whole cinema burst into applause.

"Great, better than Hollywood action movies."

"Nine. I'll give it nine. It's amazing. "

"I want to introduce my friends so that they don't miss such a good movie."

In the cinema, the movie fans have given a super high evaluation of the film.

Kerry took a deep breath and said, "every time I look at it, it's so wonderful. Xiao, I take back my words. There is absolutely no problem with a billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have never doubted this. Let's go. "

Xiao Yunhai several people with the crowd to the cinema outside.

A young man looked at Xiao Yunhai, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. He found that the Chinese man seemed to be Chen Zhen in the film just now.

"Excuse me, are you Chen Zhen?"

The young man couldn't help being curious and finally asked.

As soon as he said this, all the fans around him stopped and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

A little boy looked at it carefully and exclaimed, "yes, that's right. He's Chen Zhen."


Seeing the kung fu master in the movie suddenly appeared in the reality, the fans were excited and all of a sudden gathered around to ask Xiao Yunhai.

Looking at the excited fans, Xiao Yunhai knew it was no good not to admit it, so he said, "Hello, I'm Yunhai Xiao, the actor of Chen Zhen. What do you think of the film? "

The boy said, "it's great. I've never seen such a hot, good-looking action movie. Xiao, I want to ask you, is the Kung Fu in the movie true? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, they are all true."

"Oh, my God, I knew it was true." The little boy said happily.

"Can you really play more than ten at a time?" Asked a young man.Xiao Yunhai said: "what kind of people do you want to see? If I'm a fighter, I can't do it. However, if it's just an ordinary person like you, there should be no problem. "

"Can you give us a few strokes to see?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "that depends on how many points you give to my movie? If the box office is good, I will gather all the actors in "Jingwu hero" to participate in an interview program to give you a good performance. If the box office is too low, then we will have no face. Therefore, please help us to publicize it well when we go back. "

Just then, a staff member nearby crowded in and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the second round of screening is about to start. You will block the aisle here."

Xiao Yunhai listened, and even said: "sorry, everyone, let's go out, don't block the audience behind, or my box office will be finished."

"Ha ha ha."

All of them happily gathered around Xiao Yunhai and went out.

As for Kerry, Zhao Wanqing and Daniel, Xiao Yunhai told them to wait outside for themselves.

After the first round of screening at Columbia cinema, fans queuing up to buy tickets saw the crowd just coming out and asked, "Hey, guys, who can tell me whether Jingwu hero is good or not? Is it worth twenty dollars? "

A fashionable looking young humanitarian: "man, please don't insult a great action movie with $20."

The fan was surprised and asked, "great? Is it really so good-looking? You know, it was taken by the Chinese. "

The young man replied, "of course. I tell you, the fighting scenes in the movie are very fierce, and the Kung Fu used by the actors are all real. It's really eye opening. I assure you with my personality that this is one of the most wonderful kung fu movies I have ever seen. If it wasn't for me, I would go in and see it again

"I'll have a good look at it," the fan said in dismay

There are many Q & a like this in other theaters across the country.

Some Kung Fu enthusiasts even watched it three times.

According to this form of development, Xiao Yunhai's "Jingwu hero" will be popular throughout the United States.

It took Xiao Yunhai 20 minutes at the MGM theater to get rid of these curious fans. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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