Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:44 AM

Chapter 587

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After seeing Cologne's film review, Xiao Yunhai directly laughed and said to Zhao Wanqing, "it seems that the threat of doomsday game to us is not big."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "don't take it lightly. Sometimes, word of mouth and box office are polarized. The stars of this movie are all international stars with hundreds of millions of fans. They alone can contribute a lot to the box office of game of doomsday. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the star's appeal will only show its power in the first few days of the film. What can really win the final victory depends on the quality of the film."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "what do you think of the provocation of the American champion? If there is a fight, can you beat him? "

Xiao Yunhai said scornfully: "if you can win if you are big, what kind of Kung Fu can you practice. A champion like Kesen has been determined by the rules of the ring. If he really fights, he will never win. Don't talk about me, even Zhou Lihu can kill him. The real danger should be the Thai champion. Of course, as long as they don't annoy me, I don't care about them. Your husband and I are 10 billion rich. I am delicate and expensive. How can I fight with them easily. Wife, it's OK anyway. Why don't we go and see the game of doomsday

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "are you contributing to your opponent's box office?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "wrong, should be called know yourself and know the enemy, hundred battles are invincible."

Do what you say. Xiao Yunhai drives Ford armored car and takes Zhao Wanqing to Fox cinema. As for the driver's license, Kerry did it in less than a day.

Two hours later, walking out of the cinema, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing with a disappointed face: "the film review of clone is right at all. I didn't see anything except the scene of explosion and several superstars playing handsome there."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this is a good thing for Jingwu hero."

Xiao Yunhai farted and said: "good what? There is competition in the film, there will be progress. I feel like I'm on my own now. "

Zhao Wanqing gave a bah and said with a smile, "you're really boastful. You're too thick skinned."

Despite the poor reputation of "game of doomsday", it still won 140 million box office tickets with the appeal of several top stars, surpassing "Jingwu hero" and winning the first place of the day.

Influenced by "doomsday game", the box office of Xiao Yunhai's "Jingwu hero" dropped from 140 million to 110 million US dollars.

However, the rotten tomato movie network, "Jingwu hero" 8.3 points is still far ahead of "doomsday game" 6.2 points, word-of-mouth is even better.

Afraid of anything? The same goes for movies.

The bad comments of "game of doomsday" are extremely dazzling under the high praise and contrast of "Jingwu hero".

Fans of those superstars didn't say anything to their idols, but they were not polite to "game of doomsday".

What's wrong with Fox? I've been waiting for half a year for this piece of junk? "

"Compared with" Jingwu hero, "doomsday game is a stinky fart."

"After watching the game of doomsday, I suddenly felt sick. I can't help it. I went to see Jingwu hero again, and I felt much better

"My idol Locke is so pathetic. Since his debut, his action movies have always been highly praised. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by a game of doomsday. Fox, I hate you

In just two days, the game of doomsday has become the target of netizens' attack. Of course, there must be some help from MGM, paramount and other film companies, but it is undeniable that this film is indeed a typical failure.

On the contrary, "Jingwu hero" is very popular, and every major cinema has increased its publicity.

At Columbia cinema, a reporter is interviewing fans who have just stepped out of the cinema.

"Hi! Hello, is the movie you saw "Jingwu hero"

The fan is a young man. He is very handsome. When he sees the camera, he doesn't panic at all. He says, "yes, I just saw Jingwu hero."

"What do you think?"

The young man excitedly said: "still need to say? The Kung Fu inside is so handsome, especially the leading character Chen Zhen. It's very powerful. He is my idol now. If you can see him, learn from him. "

After that, he also learned the action in the movie and put on a few shapes.

Next, the hostess interviewed several fans one after another, and they all spoke highly of Jingwu hero.

Then the hostess came to the ticket office to interview the fans who were buying tickets.

"What kind of movie do you come to see?" The hostess asked a 12-year-old boy.

"Jingwu" answered "hero of course."

"Why did you come to see the film?""Of course, it's the handsome Chinese Kung Fu."

"Then why don't you go to see game of doomsday?"

"I've seen it. The movie is terrible. The only thing that makes me happy is that my idol is still very beautiful

"Thank you for the interview."

After the visit, the host said: "the movie that everyone is looking forward to is the Kung Fu blockbuster" Jingwu hero "written and directed by and performed by Chinese director Yunhai Xiao. Since its release on August 21, Jingwu hero has made $480 million at the box office, while its investment is only $60 million. There is only one reason why it can achieve such good results, and that is Kung Fu. It's said that in order to make this play well, the director hired all the real kung fu masters in reality, involving more than 20 kinds of boxing skills including our boxing. The Kung Fu in them is also real, so we are so fascinated. "

"Do you want to see how good real Kung Fu is? Please hurry into the cinema. Well, it's almost time. I'll see you next time. "

This is a live interview conducted by MGM's TV stations in an entertainment program. Others, such as Colombia and paramount, have also asked their own TV stations to publicize.

The next two days are weekends. The three major cinemas have increased the film layout to more than 50%. With 720 screens, Jingwu hero has won a box office miracle of 260 million US dollars and 230 million US dollars respectively, which undoubtedly won the first place in the box office of American films.

Through six days of screening, "Jingwu hero" won $960 million at the box office, which not only broke the box office record of Chinese films in the United States, but also won the first box office of American week.

"Game of doomsday" won only 180 million and 160 million on weekends, ranking second.

Due to its late release, "game of doomsday" ranked fourth at the box office this week.

With the fire of Xiao Yunhai's Jingwu hero, Chinese martial arts schools all over the United States have become the hot spots, and there are an endless stream of young people who come to learn from their masters.

Originally, karate, taekwondo and boxing clubs have forced martial arts schools around the world to close, and finally ushered in a new spring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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