Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:15 AM

Chapter 59

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Time flies, and in a twinkling of an eye it's time to start school. Xiao Yunhai's script is more than half finished, and it will be almost in another week.

In fact, a lot of students, especially the younger students and younger sisters who have just entered the school, have come to the school a few days ahead of schedule, accompanied by their parents.

Most of the students Xiao Yunhai sees come in private cars. The cheapest ones are more than 500000. Maybe there are poor students, but Xiao Yunhai didn't see it.

"Third brother, long time no see. You've become famous. "

Huang Bo, the old four in the dormitory, kicks open the dormitory door and shouts with extreme exaggeration after seeing Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai turned off the computer and said with a smile, "what? You envy me. "

Huang Bo put the suitcase away and pretended to be arrogant and said: "third brother, it's not an easy thing to make the future movie emperor envy."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he hit Huang Bo's chest and said with a smile, "you know the fart."

Among the four people in the dormitory, Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo have the best feelings. Huang Bo's appearance is similar to that of Huang Bo, the former film emperor. All of them are from Qingdao. His height, appearance, temperament and family situation are very common. Among the handsome men and women in the college, he belongs to the character of chicken and crane. At the beginning, the Academy was willing to recruit him to the school, but also to cultivate him into a special actor.

However, the boy has a fierce spirit. He studies hard and seriously. He will watch a movie every week, and then find out the most difficult plot. He practices in the mirror crazily. From lines, eyes, movements to micro expressions, the whole man is like a madman, and sometimes he plays with Xiao Yunhai.

Huang Bo's hard-working practice has made his acting skills grow rapidly, leaving aside external factors. His achievements can rank at the top of the class, only after Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

As for Xiao Yunhai's other two roommates, they moved out of their dormitories a year ago and settled down with their girlfriends. Both of them are children of rich families. They usually look down on Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo. Although they are arranged according to their age, it is just the habit of dormitory. They don't take these seriously. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo do not want to have too deep involvement with them. Their usual contact has almost been completely broken.

Huang Bo said mysteriously, "third brother, you didn't go to see the new students. I hear there are quite a few. It's impossible to say that figure and shape. "

Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise: "you just came back, how do you know so clearly."

With a smile, Huang took out a telescope from his bag and said, "I just stayed outside the girls' dormitory for more than two hours."

Xiao Yunhai gave him a thumbs up and said in tears and laughter, "old four, I'll take it. You are my idol

Huang Bo said triumphantly, "it's just a trifle. Oh, pity you husband who gave up the whole forest for a tree. It's so miserable. "

Huang Bo's words changed Xiao Yunhai's face. The strong feelings of his predecessor emerged from the bottom of his heart and said with a bitter smile: "we broke up."

"Points . minutes Break up. " Huang Bo looks shocked.

Xiao Yunhai how much love his girlfriend, others do not know, Huang Bo is clear. In order to invite her to have a good meal, Xiao Yunhai can starve for two days and only use boiled water to satisfy his hunger. In order to take her to the playground, Xiao Yunhai can go outside to do a group performance for a week and save a thousand yuan. Even he came to this school because of her.

Now, Xiao Yunhai even said that he had a point. Needless to say, it must have been his girlfriend who dumped him.

Thinking of this, Huang Bo's eyes turned red in an instant. He asked viciously, "where is Xu Qianqian now? I'm going to kill her. "

Xu Qianqian is Xiao Yunhai's girlfriend. She has the same name as a female singer in her previous life.

Seeing Huang Bo's expression, Xiao Yunhai was moved. This is the real brother.

He patted Huang Bo on the shoulder and said with a smile, "old four, it's OK. I want to thank her. The two of us grew up together. It can be said that we are childhood sweethearts. You can't imagine how deep our feelings are. I think nobody knows her better than me, and I believe that I can bring her a good life in the future. But I didn't expect that the reality gave me a hard slap. She and Xia Xiaohu have been together for nearly half a year. Ha ha, am I stupid? "

Xiao Yunhai put the predecessor hidden in the heart of all the feelings for Xu Qianqian burst out, the purpose is not to let the feelings of the predecessor affect himself. He won't refuse family affection, but his affection for that woman is better.

Huang Bo looked at Xiao Yunhai and seriously said, "you are not stupid. You can only say that Xu Qianqian is blind to her dog's eyes and can't see a person who is really good to her. What is Xia Xiaohu? In addition to a better family background, the whole thing is gold and jade, and the whole thing is nothing but gold and jade. Watch it, wait for Xia Xiaohu to play enough, Xu Qianqian doesn't know how miserable it is. Third brother, you should cheer up. Don't let such a woman be frustrated and look for life and death. "Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "if I were like that, how could I become a celebrity. I said thank her for letting me see in advance what she was like. I never thought about myself before. Now I want to plan for myself. Look, old four, with the talent of my third brother, if I can't become the film emperor within three years, that's my failure. "

"Xiao Haibo's heart was broken, but he didn't want to laugh again

"Wait and see," Xiao Yunhai said

At noon, Huang Bo was clamoring to eat big food. Xiao Yunhai knew that he was talking about himself, so he took him out to a better restaurant for dinner. Huang Bo is not as strong as Xiao Yunhai's digestion ability. After only eating half of it, Huang Bo can only sit there staring at Xiao Yunhai, eating and drinking the sea.

Finally, Huang Bo came to a conclusion that he would never invite Xiao Yunhai to have a meal. My God, according to his way of eating, one month's food is not enough for him to eat.

After returning to the dormitory, Huang Bo ran out with his telescope, which he called "investigation", and he also took Xiao Yunhai with him. Xiao Yunhai shakes his head. He has to catch up with the script. Where can he do these things.

You have to say that your brother is really sad. When you talk about which school is not good, you come to the Beijing Film Academy, which is full of school grass. Don't mention him. Even Xiao Yunhai's appearance can't be ranked on the list. It can be seen that there are so many handsome and beautiful men in the school. If the beauties want to be attracted to Huang Bo, that's strange. Huang Bo looks at others are both in and out. He is dry and lonely. He is also worried. Xiao Yunhai can't do anything about it. I can only wish him good luck. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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