Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:39 AM

Chapter 590

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In a short moment, Xiao Yunhai easily overturned the American heavyweight boxing king Kesen to the ground.

In addition to the crew who knew Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu for a long time, everyone, including the host Emma, was shocked.

Is this the real Chinese Kung Fu?

It's terrible that the American Boxer can't even pass a face to face in front of Xiao Yunhai.

There was a quiet moment in the studio, only a few puffs were occasionally heard, then deafening applause broke out, and many fans were shouting excitedly at the stage.


"Xiao, you are the best."

"Xiao, I love you."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Kesen who got up from the ground and said with a smile, "you lost."

"It doesn't count. Let's do it again," Kesen said

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "even if it's ten more times, you can't win."

"I don't believe it," Kesen said

Said, then again to Xiao Yunhai launched an attack.

Kesen's boxing speed is very fast and his power is very strong. Ordinary people can only see a vague shadow. In Xiao Yunhai's eyes, his speed is not as fast as Watanabe.

Kesen fought for half a minute without giving Xiao Yunhai a chance to breathe. However, Xiao Yunhai was carrying his hands and smiling. He let the opponent's fist blow his hair. However, no matter how he fought, Xiao Yunhai could always beat him and let his heavy fist fall into the air.

The audience watched Xiao Yunhai with ease, avoiding the attack of Kesen's thunder like a leisurely walk. His mouth was wide open, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

"Anticipate the enemy's opportunity." Watanabe sighed and said, "I thought my kung fu was not too far behind Mr. Xiao. Now I know that I am not his opponent at all. I can't believe there is such a master in the world. "

Luo Tianhao exclaimed: "Yunhai's Kung Fu has completely surpassed my master. In addition, he is so young. Maybe one day, he will be able to achieve the legendary state of not seeing and hearing, feeling danger and avoiding."

After a frenzied attack, Kesen finally had to breathe back.

Xiao Yunhai grasped the gap in an instant, kneaded himself, and hit Kesen's chest with a fist. The speed and strength of the fist were so fast that even the air gave out a roar. The floor under his feet was directly crushed by his powerful recoil force. Xiao Yunhai used the gun fist in Xingyi fist.

Kesen can't react. Xiao Yunhai hits him in the muscle in front of his chest. He flies eight meters to Watanabe.

With his weight of more than 200 Jin, if he really fell on the ground, it is still unknown whether he could survive.

Just when everyone thought that Kesen was going to die, Watanabe made a move.

All they could feel was a flower in front of them. Watanabe had already come to Kesen's back and slapped him on his back. His body, which was about to fall to the ground, stood up instantly.

Looking at Kesen, who covered his chest and was still in fear, Watanabe said, "Mr. Kesen, if you really want to fight, ten of you are dead now."


"My God, Chinese Kung Fu is so good."

"I want to learn from Xiao. I don't know if he will accept me."

"Just now Mr. Watanabe was great. With the weight of more than 200 Jin and the acceleration of throwing out, there were hundreds of Jin, but he was able to dissolve it with one hand. It seems that karate is also very powerful. "

Everyone's face was excited, and they were talking about it one after another.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Kesen, you have lost. Can you leave here now? "

Kesen swallowed his saliva and said," what kind of Kung Fu did you just use? "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "Huaxia Xingyiquan."

Crestfallen, Kesen said, "you win, I'll finish the bet."

With that, he left quickly.

There were applause and cheers in the studio.

Emma came forward with an excited look and hugged Xiao Yunhai fiercely and said, "Xiao, you are wonderful. God, I can't believe my own eyes. The famous champion let you beat you in less than half a minute. I found that I was deeply in love with you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "but what I love is my wife. By the way, there's another problem. I don't have to pay for the money for smashing the floor? "

Emma was stunned and said with a smile, "of course."

Next, the interview is on the right track. Emma deserves to be the best host in America, and no one in the crew has been ignored.

Of course, the focus of the conversation is on Kung Fu.

The original one hour program was extended to an hour and a half because of an accident in the middle, and the audience rating reached the highest in history.

After attending the program, Emma was very generous to invite everyone to have a snack.

At this time, the Internet because of this episode of Emma talk show, has been completely crazy.Each big well-known portal website happened to take Chen Zhen's fight boxing champion as the front page headline, putting it in the most conspicuous position.

In the forum, the American netizens' comments on this matter were overwhelming.

"I have to say that I saw a miracle tonight. The mysterious Chinese Kung Fu finally revealed his ferocious face. It's shocking that the boxing we are proud of can't fight back in front of others. "

"Tomorrow, I'm going to watch" Jingwu hero "again and learn some Kung Fu

"Now I just want to learn from Xiao and let those who bully me look good after learning kung fu."

"The play of doomsday is really not flattering. Originally, I wanted to suppress Jingwu hero, but I was easily killed by others. This is the best publicity for Jingwu hero. "

……………………… ...

with the crazy spread of the event, Jingwu hero, which had been on the verge of fading off, broke out a strong rebound again. It was the champion for three consecutive days from Monday to Wednesday, with a total box office of 1.46 billion.

However, "game of doomsday" has completely declined. Although it has obtained 360 million yuan in three days, it has lost miserably compared with its investment, and can only hope for overseas box office.

On Thursday, the Kungfu fever finally subsided and only got 120 million dollars.

On the same day, the Hollywood war blockbuster "the duel between two" premiered and won a good reputation and a good box office.

Xiao Yunhai's "Jingwu hero" has been strongly impacted by it. On Friday and weekends, it only won 260 million US dollars in three days.

However, Jingwu hero still won the U.S. box office this week, totaling $1.88 billion. Among them, Xiao Yunhai can get 1.16 billion US dollars.

In the previous Emma talk show, boxer Wang Kesen and Xiao Yunhai once bet $100 million. Now Xiao Yunhai has won. Kesen originally needed to invite fans from Lijian in the United States to watch movies, but he failed to keep his promise.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't care about it, but fans will not let him go.

Millions of fans, including his fans, left messages on his home page to keep his promise.

However, in the past two days, there was still no news from Kesen, and the fans were very angry. They scolded him on the Internet, and the homepage was full of abusive posts.

After all, he was appointed by fox to challenge Xiao Yunhai.

And the other side obviously won't agree. The person in charge told him that the bet was his personal agreement with Xiao Yunhai, which had nothing to do with Fox Film Company.

Kesen looked for them several times, but there was no result.

In a fury, Kesen posted on the home page the story that fox film company asked him to challenge Xiao Yunhai in order to crack down on "Jingwu hero", claiming that fox should also pay 50% if he had to pay.

It caused a stir in Hollywood.

When other companies saw the opportunity, they made their media speak ill of fox everywhere and instigated netizens to attack fox. In a few days, fox's stock plummeted by 12%.

These things in Hollywood, Xiao Yunhai just as a joke to see, and he has little to do with it.

What is really closely related to him is the release of Jingwu hero in other countries and regions.

After "Jingwu hero" spread all over the United States, representatives of distribution companies in other countries found Xiao Yunhai one after another and asked for the introduction of his film. Xiao Yunhai naturally agreed.

After signing more than a dozen contracts, things are finally settled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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