Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:34 AM

Chapter 593

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Xiao Yuanyang just said a meal, Yang Li left the conference room in a good mood, but he didn't see it. Xiao Yuanyang's eyes also flashed a ray of joy.

Yang Li is dying.

He still doesn't understand that he is on the opposite side of the fans. He dares to start a movie with strong international influence. Ha ha, it seems that he is really dizzy.

At the thought of this, Xiao Yuanyang, who had no hope for the position of director, seemed to see a ray of light again.

Xiao Yuanyang deliberately pretended to look ugly, picked up his notebook and walked out of the meeting room.

"Deputy director Xiao seems very angry."

"Can you not be angry? Well, I can't help it. Director Yang is in charge now. Even if he is the Xiao family, he can't help it. "

"However, I'm really worried that if you don't handle it properly, there will be big problems."

"Yes. Xiao Yunhai has hundreds of millions of fans, and they won't give us a little face. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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