Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:24 AM

Chapter 598

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Fans are happy with the release of "Jingwu hero", but the entertainment companies are all sad. In particular, the films with the same period as "Jingwu hero" are deeply distressed.

Chinese films have been weak for a long time, and their best achievement outside Asia is US $120 million. Now a Chinese kung fu movie "Jingwu hero" has been born, with a box office of more than 2 billion US dollars, sweeping the world film circle, and Chinese Kung Fu is even more famous in the world.

Such a film makes Chinese people feel proud and proud. Even if it is hard to see, Chinese fans will definitely enter the cinema.

It can be said that the success of "Jingwu hero" is a certainty. In its schedule, even the best Hollywood blockbuster will still fail, no one can compete with it, let alone Chinese film.

Those who have not yet determined the schedule of entertainment company owners a burst of joy, have avoided "Jingwu hero.".

And those entertainment company owners who have already set the schedule but can't change it are not so lucky, especially the large-scale myth drama "Dayu harnessing the flood" shot by Hongda film and television company and Huafeng cinema is the most unfortunate.

Xia Hongda pointed to the nose of the director of the production department and scolded: "look at you, you can choose a lot of time, but you chose September 10. Are you a pig? At the beginning, don't you know that Xiao Yunhai's "Jingwu hero" swept across the United States

Xia Hongda couldn't help being angry.

Although the capital of Dayu's flood control is shared by the two companies, Hongda film and television accounts for 80% of the total investment, which is enough to invest 1.2 billion Chinese dollars. It is hard to die to meet the hero of Jingwu.

Although "Dayu flood control" can throw out several streets of Jingwu hero in terms of stars and investment, there is no comparison between them. However, in terms of box office, in terms of the current situation, "Dayu flood control" is impossible to win "Jingwu hero" in any case. Children can see this.

The director of the production department was very aggrieved. The film schedule was originally scheduled for September 16, but after a discussion between Xia Hongda and Li Rongguang, it was changed to September 10, which had nothing to do with him.

But Xia Hongda selectively lost his memory and deliberately vented his anger on his head. He had no choice but to bravely fight against it.

"Mr. Xia, do you want us to change the release date?"

After the storm, the director of Xia Hongda was in the middle of the storm.

Xia Hongda was directly angry with him and said, "it's been three weeks of publicity. Huafeng has set aside 60% of the film layout. How do you want us to change it. Well, even if I agree, Li Rongguang will never agree. Because without Dayu flood control, they have no film to go to. No company is going to plug this hole with its own movies. Well, you go back. "

The director of the production department left as soon as he was pardoned.

Coincidentally, Li Dongfang of Oriental entertainment company is also giving Li ran a stern rebuke. Their film "fatal kiss" will be released in Baihua cinema on September 12, only two days later than "Jingwu hero".

Xiao Yunhai doesn't care about the reaction of these entertainment companies.

Now "Jingwu hero" is no longer a film that can compete. For two consecutive days, the box office of all regions around the world has received good news.

On September 5, the global box office was 367 million US dollars, which was basically the first box office in all countries.

On September 6, Southeast Asian theaters were released on the whole, with a total of 172 million US dollars. In addition to the 245 million US dollars in Europe and the United States, it made a box office performance of 417 million dollars in just one day.

Countless fans clapped hands to celebrate, Chinese Kung Fu has become popular all over the world, and countless martial arts schools have sprung up overnight.

Regardless of whether Xiao Yunhai agrees or not, Huaxia Wushu Association has directly put on the hat of honorary president of Xiao Yunhai, in recognition of his outstanding contribution in promoting Chinese Kung Fu.

On the evening of September 7, Yanjing gymnasium was full of lights and crowds, and Chen Huan's national tour began.

As the godfather of Chinese music, Chen Huan's concert tickets were sold in less than a day.

Outside the gymnasium, old men and women from 50 to 60, and young men and women in their teens flocked to the stadium.

Backstage, four young people sitting in a large dressing room chatting, they are Chen Huan in the second season of "the voice of China" excellent students.

At this time, "the voice of China" just ended, with an average audience rating of 11%, which shocked the Chinese TV circle once again.

Another variety show, "run, brother," has an average ratings of more than 9 percent.

Because of these two programs, Xiao Yunhai not only earned more than 10 billion yuan, but also became the king of variety shows.

"Dai Dong, have you heard that tonight, your idol emperor Yun seems to be coming to the scene to help the teacher." Qin Liang said.Dai Dong asked in surprise: "really? Why didn't I hear that? "

Dai Dong is the champion of this year's "good voice of China". He is only 21 years old. He is still studying in Yanjing Conservatory of music. He always takes Xiao Yunhai as his idol. Even in the competition, his songs are mostly sung, and they have their own flavor.

In the final championship battle, Dai Dong chose Xiao Yunhai's "comprehension" for Zhao Wanqing, and won the first place with great advantages without any suspense. He was admitted to Tianlai records company, and was regarded as Zhao Wanqing's younger brother.

Qin Liang said with a smile, "I heard it secretly when the teacher called."

Dai Dong said gloomily, "brother Qin, why didn't you tell me earlier. I'll bring all the records of yunhuang and ask him to sign for me. What a pity, what a pity. "

Qin Liang said, "but I didn't know it until half an hour ago. What if I told you? "

Dai Dongdao: "anyway, I'm very satisfied to see my idol."

Next to Zhou Yue said: "the cloud emperor now focus on the film and TV series, has been more than half a year without an album. Do you think he will sing a new song tonight

"It goes without saying that it will. Anyway, I want to see the emperor. " Dai Dong said.

Wang Mingxia, the only girl beside her, said, "if only I could come after sunny."

Their protagonists Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had already arrived at the stage of the performance at this time. They were in a senior dressing room, making up and chatting with Chen Huan.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that you have also called several students from the second issue of" the voice of China " Xiao Yunhai asked.

Chen said with a smile, "that's right. They are all good children in the music world. I want them to come and feel the atmosphere of some concerts. What's more, I'm old and I can't keep up with my physical strength. Even with you two, I may not be able to survive. Come to them and you can help me

"In Yunhai, there is a student named Dai Dong, who is the champion of this year's" good voice of China ". Compared with Li Xugang of the last term, his singing skill is no better than that of Li Xu, an absolute talent. And he is still your iron powder. Even the songs of the competition are mostly selected from your songs

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "is it? I'm really flattered. "

Zhao Wanqing said thoughtfully: "I seem to have heard of this name. Mr. Chen, has he joined our Tianlai record company

Chen said with a smile, "that's right. It should be your junior brother. The child's character and talent are really very good. If you can help him, help him. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Chen, it seems that you look at Dai Dong differently."

Chen Huan said: "talent is rare. You are in the second half of the show, you can listen to his live singing

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if appropriate, I can help him write a song. But only if his voice really touches me

Chen Huan said happily, "great. With your songs, I think he will be able to make a world of music. Well, you'll be well prepared. I'll go out and do something else first. "

After Chen Huan left, Xiao Yunhai sighed, "Dai Dong is really lucky to be a student of Mr. Chen."

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. Mr. Chen said so many good words about Dai Dong, the purpose is nothing more than to hope that you can help Dai Dong write a song. Mr. Chen has never invited a song to you. He never thought that the only time was for his students. Ah, there are not many artists like Mr. Chen who are good at both morality and art in our entertainment circle. Husband, if you can help, you can help him

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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