Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:14 AM

Chapter 60

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On the first day of the class, Xiao Yunhai finished practicing kung fu, ate breakfast at will outside, and bought some food for Huang Bo, who was sleeping late, and started his creation again. With an hour to go before class, Xiao Yunhai can still write several plots.

Seeing the breakfast Xiao Yunhai bought for him, Huang Bo immediately got up, went to the bathroom to wash himself, and began to eat without any politeness.

He is not surprised by Xiao Yunhai's state these days. He also knows that he is writing a TV play script, but he didn't go to see it.

Because it's a taboo thing in the circle to watch a TV play that hasn't started shooting. No matter how familiar they are, no matter how good their friendship is. A few years ago, there have been a lot of divulging scripts in the entertainment industry. They were originally very good friends, but eventually they were brought to court.

Although Xiao Yunhai doesn't care about this, Huang Bo doesn't care.

After Huang Bo finished his breakfast and saw that it was almost time, they went to the classroom together.

At this time, many students have come to the classroom, all chatting together in groups. Xiao Bo and Huang Yunhai sat down to find a seat.

Every year, there are very few students majoring in actors and actresses in the film academy. Xiao Yunhai's enrollment is the largest in ten years, and it is only 36 people. Even with so few students, there are many factions in the middle. The girls are relatively simple. They are all headed by Zhao Wanqing. She is the eldest sister among the 16 female students. She is the first to organize all the activities organized by the college.

There are more male schools. Roughly speaking, there are six or seven. Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo formed a group of their own. At first, there were two other people in the dormitory. Later, they all quit.

Hu Haitao is the monitor of the class. His family condition is superior. He is very arrogant and domineering. Many students have been bullied by him, but because his father is the vice president of the school, he has great power, which makes him swallow his courage.

Once a student was unconvinced and had a big fight with Hu Haitao. It was clearly Hu Haitao's fault, but in the end, the college expelled the student. As a result, people are even more afraid of him, and have to stay away from him. Naturally, many people around him followed him.

Hu Haitao enjoys the fear in his eyes when his classmates look at him, which makes him feel comfortable. However, there are exceptions, such as Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo, who have no fear of him.

The main reason is that both of them have good grades. The school thinks that they are all capable of making. They have been on the school's list of key students early. In addition to Yao Wenyuan's love, Hu Haitao is very upset. He regards them as a thorn in the flesh and often finds fault with them.

Today, after seeing the two men come in, Hu Haitao began to attack.

"Oh, this is not our big star. He even came to class. Ah, it's amazing. A student from a film academy went to work on music. It really gives us a face for Beijing Film Academy. I think it's better to just transfer to the Conservatory of music. It's the right major. "

A few of the other doggies also followed.

"Brother Hu, what you said is eating inside and outside."

"Yes, such people should get rid of our professional actors. If others are good at acting, they will sing; if others are good, they will perform. What else did you come to our film school for? "

"That's it."

The other students in the classroom stopped talking when they heard the noise and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Huang Bo listens, this is not satirizing the third brother. He will scold him and be stopped by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "music is also an important part of the film. If there is no music in a movie, it would be terrible to think about it. Why does director Chen of Emperor Kangxi spend so much money on searching for good songs on the Internet is not to add luster to his TV series. If you don't know anything, you can blame others. What is it? "

Huang Bo also echoed. Although the boy is not tall, he has the kind of loyalty of Shandong han to his brothers. This is also the most important reason why Xiao Yunhai looks at him differently.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't show any affection for people like Hu Haitao. In any case, they have already offended, no matter how they do, the other party will not let go of themselves, simply that offends in the end. Even Xia Chengfeng was scolded by Xiao Yunhai, let alone him.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Hu Haitao became blue with anger. He patted the table and said, "you dare to scold me. Xiao Yunhai, I don't think you want to mix up. Don't think that if someone supports you, you can be unscrupulous. Today, I let you know that you can't afford to offend some people. "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, tit for tat said: "you should say to yourself. If you didn't have a father who was vice president, you would not have been able to enter the gate of Beijing Film Academy. All right, I won't tell you these useless things. If you have the ability, you can make them out. If you don't have TMD, you will know how to make a fool of yourself. Xiao Yunhai will follow all of them. "

At this time, more and more students came in. The eldest and the second in Xiao Yunhai's dormitory also came in. Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Hu Haitao quarreling, they all turned a blind eye and did not go to help, which made Xiao Yunhai very disappointed.Hu Haitao bit his lips hard, his eyes staring at him, pointing to Xiao Yunhai, about to speak. In the door came a beautiful woman with beautiful wavy hair behind her. She wore a white blouse on her upper body, a knee length black skirt on her lower body, and a decorative belt around her waist to highlight her body curve. She has a unique temperament, every move emanates a mature breath, like a ripe peach as fragrant and moving. It was Zhao Wanqing.

When Hu Haitao's angry face saw Zhao Wanqing, he became gentle and elegant. Xiao Yunhai had to admire his quick change of temperament. If he could use it in acting, he would not be at the bottom of every exam.

Zhao Wanqing saw that there was a seat on the right side of Xiao Yunhai, so she directly sat beside him. This made Hu Haitao's face blue and white.

After sitting down, Zhao Wanqing said in a low voice, "it's not good for you to do this. Headmaster Hu has a lot of energy in his circle. If you offend Hu Haitao, I'm afraid he will eat melon seeds in the future. "

"All reactionaries are paper tigers," Xiao Yunhai replied with a sentence from a great man of previous generations

The two of them spoke in a very low voice, but they could not hide it. They were sitting on the right side of Xiao Yunhai. When Huang Bo saw the tone of two people talking, he was puzzled: "did the third brother take down the goddess?"

Since Zhao Wanqing came in, the classroom has returned to its original appearance. Hu Haitao is not making any noise. He is thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yunhai.

As the bell rang, Zhang Tianfang, an old professor of the film academy, came in. He is 73 years old and the oldest teacher in the school. His silver hair is meticulously combed, his face is thin, and he is wearing a pair of nearsighted glasses.

Professor Zhang's classes are just like his people. They are serious and never laugh. So many students would have run away if they didn't want to get credit. However, Xiao Yunhai listened very carefully. Combining with his previous experience in filming, he found out that what he didn't understand or specious things found answers in his class.

Xiao Yunhai knows very well in his heart that he should be good at his work!

In the entertainment industry, both knowledge and experience are very important, which can basically determine the height a person can reach in an industry.

Experience is accumulated, which Xiao Yunhai did not lack for years in his previous life.

What he lacks now is professional knowledge, and he needs to study hard in this period of time at school.

If you don't study hard now and don't lay a solid foundation, when you realize the problem, it will be late! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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