Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:21 AM

Chapter 600

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Xiao Yunhai's "fairy tale", all his fans, there is no can not sing.

From the beginning of the first sentence, tens of thousands of people gently shook the fluorescent sticks in their hands and sang along with Xiao Yunhai.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai sang three old songs in a row, which was warmly responded by all the people.

No way, Xiao Yunhai plagiarized the first classic song, beautiful melody, everywhere spread in the streets, so you can learn without deliberately learning.

After singing the old songs, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that everyone can sing my songs. Well, I'll have a song you can't sing. Mr. Chen is right. I brought a new song called "serve the country faithfully". You can listen to me. Which historical figure am I writing about? "

With that, Xiao Yunhai nodded to the band.


the prelude of the heroic and warm-blooded began to ring. As soon as the fans heard it, they knew that it was definitely a passionate song.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yunhai opened his voice, he shocked everyone.

"As the smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north.

The Dragon rolls up, the horse hisses, and the sword is like frost.

The heart is like the vast Yellow River. Who can resist in 20 years.

Hate and lust are mad, and the sword is on.

How many loyal souls are buried in other villages,

He Xi reports his death to his family and country,

he regrets, but he has no words, and his eyes are full of blood and tears. "

This song was sung by Tu Honggang in a previous life. It is the main song of an album. It is loved by everyone. When you go to KTV, this song is almost a must. Tu Honggang has studied opera, so when he sings, he takes a Beijing opera singing voice.

Xiao Yunhai has never learned Peking Opera, but his voice is as bold and aggressive as Tu Honggang, and is more vigorous and powerful, which is easier to resonate with.

From the beginning of the first sentence, Xiao Yunhai raised the tune to a high level. When it came to the chorus, it was even higher and higher, which made the fans happy.

"Horseshoe goes south, man looks north.

Looking north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying.

I am willing to keep the land and open up new frontiers, and let the four sides celebrate

After the first time of singing, all the fans on the stage were in a state of excitement, and their bodies were boiling with blood. They would like to be soldiers and kill thieves now.

I can't help it. This song is really overbearing.

"Great, if only the emperor could write me a song." Dai Dong said with longing.

Qin Liang said, "forget it. In the whole Chinese music circle, who doesn't want to get yunhuang's songs. As we all know, as long as you get a song from emperor Yun, the singer will immediately become popular. But apart from those artists who have a good relationship with him, no one can get them. It's said that one of the songs of emperor Yun has already reached eight million. "

Dai Dong said: "yes, I wish I could be half as good as my idol."

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai's second singing started soon.

This time, Xiao Yunhai's tune is even higher than the first time, especially the part of the chorus, which makes people feel excited.

"Horseshoe goes south, man looks north.

Looking north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying.

I am willing to defend the land and open up new frontiers.

let the four sides of the country come to celebrate. "

As the last syllable fell, the applause burst into the stage like a burst of water.

Half a minute later, the applause gradually stopped. Xiao Yunhai took the microphone and asked, "do you know who wrote this song?"

"Yue Fei."

"Yes, Yue Fei. Do you think it sounds good? "

"Good to hear."

"Do you want to hear it?"

"I want to hear it."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't want to hear it. I dare not offend the next singer because he has a big head. Can you guess who it is? "

People said in their hearts: "with the position of emperor Yun in the circle, who else can't afford to offend him?"

Some fast thinking fans seem to think of something, shouting: "after sunny, it must be sunny."

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said, "it's really smart. You're right. I'm not the only one who came this time, but also my leader. Ah, the financial power is in the hands of others. Do you think I dare to offend her? "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, I'll give it to my leader. Goodbye. "

In the warm applause and cheers of the fans, Xiao Yunhai stepped off the stage.

At this time, a beautiful melody suddenly sounded, and the smoke made of dry ice on the stage diffused.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing, wearing a red dress, came out of the smoke.

The fans all cheered.

Zhao Wanqing bowed to everyone and said, "a woman flower is given to all the women in the world.""I have a flower,

planted in my heart,

in bud, it is quiet.

Morning and dusk,

I wait eagerly,

those who have the heart come to dream.

Women's flowers are swaying in the world,

women's flowers gently swing with the wind.

Only hope to have a pair of gentle hands,

can comfort my inner loneliness.

I have a flower,

the fragrance of the flower is all over the branches,

who will really look for her.

When flowers do not bloom much,

ah, they can be folded straight, and

women are like flowers and flowers are like dreams. "

This "women's flower" is the most representative song of Anita Mui, the song is a little sad, describing a desire for happy love.

Zhao Wanqing expressed the artistic conception of the song perfectly with a deep and restrained voice.

Tens of thousands of fans listened quietly to Zhao Wanqing's singing, which was in sharp contrast to Xiao Yunhai's passion. All of them seemed to be brought into a dream by Zhao Wanqing.

The second paragraph begins soon.

"I have a flower,

growing in my heart,

no one knows the true love.

The weeds all over the land,

have already occupied the hillside,

the most heartache is to enjoy oneself.

Women's flowers are swaying in the world,

women's flowers gently swing with the wind.

Only hope to have a pair of gentle hands,

can comfort my inner loneliness.

Women's flowers are swaying in the world,

women's flowers gently swing with the wind.

If you've heard the fragrance of flowers,

don't ask me who the flowers are red for.

When you love, you know what you know.

when you are drunk, you know that the wine is thick.

flowers bloom and wither.

Fate does not stay,

comes and goes like spring breeze,

women are like flowers and dreams.

Fate does not stay,

comes and goes like spring breeze,

women are like flowers and dreams. "

With the fall of the last note, fans suddenly wake up. The applause changed from small to big, and soon it became deafening, and cheering began to ring.

A female fan clapped her hands and wiped away tears from her eyes. She said, "this is a beautiful song, and the tune is not high. I must learn it when I go back."

"Yes, I want to learn," said his companion

After singing "women's flowers", Zhao Wanqing sang two songs in succession, which left the stage.

Half an hour later, the whole concert was over.

Chen Huan didn't sing the song "thousands of times" that Xiao Yunhai gave Chen Huan.

Because after the concert, he is ready to produce an album, this "thousands of times to ask" can be his main song.

After Chen Huan's performance, he came backstage. His agent Lu Zhiguo handed him a piece of paper and said, "this is what Mr. Xiao asked me to give you before he left."

Chen Huan opened it and saw it was a song written by Xiao Yunhai, which was called "rain or shine".

"Give you all I have,

you are the only bet in my life.

Only a period of time has been left for me,

let me have no regrets,

...... "

after reading the lyrics, Chen Huan sighed:" it's another classic song, and now I don't have much affection. "

After a while, four students came to say goodbye to Chen Huan.

Dai Dong took Xiao Yunhai's record which had just been bought by his agent from the sound shop and said, "teacher, where is the emperor of cloud?"

Chen Huan knows that Dai Dong worships Xiao Yunhai the most, and hears the speech to say: "they have left for a long time."

Dai Dong opened his mouth and looked at the record in his hand. His face was full of disappointment and said, "it's a pity that I can't easily see him once."

Chen Huan patted him on the shoulder and said, "as long as you work hard, it's not easy to see him?"

Dai Dong nodded solemnly and said, "I will."

Chen Huanyang raised the lyrics in his hand and said with a smile: "this is a song left for you when the sea of clouds is about to leave. Its name is" rain or shine ". He made it for you after he heard your voice in the concert box. I just looked at it. It's definitely a classic. Dai Dong, I want to congratulate you. You are going to have a famous song of your own. "

Dai Dong a listen, the whole person is silly, just feel happy to come too suddenly, let him have a kind of still in the dream feeling.

Beside Qin Liang, Wang Mingxia and others all look at the paper in Dai Dong's hand, and their eyes are full of envy and jealousy.

"This is the song of emperor Yun. Why isn't it for me? "Dai Dong's agent's face is full of ecstasy at this time.

He is very clear that the reason why yunhuang's songs can be fired up to eight million is not only that his songs are all classics, but also because of his lofty status in the hearts of fans.

As long as it is written by Xiao Yunhai, no matter who sings it, it will immediately be sought after by countless people.

For example, Yan Kun, who was not so famous originally, became a singer of the little heavenly king of China by virtue of the two songs of "Jiangnan" and "Cao Cao".

And Dong Piao, who has won several songs in succession by Xiao Yunhai, has become a real top female singer in China.

Although they do know how to sing, there are more people who can sing in China. Without the works of emperor Yun, they can't reach their present status.

As the champion of "the voice of China", Dai Dong's popularity is very high, the lack of good works.

Now, with the songs that the emperor has created for him, his artists are only one step away from success.

Dai Dong was stunned for a long time and said, "teacher, is that the song you want from him for me?"

Chen Huan laughed, shook his head and said, "I don't have that much face. Before the concert, when we were chatting, I told him that you were his iron powder, and even the competition was singing his songs. Maybe because of this, he became interested in you. In addition, you sang his two songs in succession at the concert, which made him have a heart of love for talents, so he wrote this song "rain or shine"

In front of the other three students, Chen Huan would never admit that he helped. Otherwise, the other three would be uncomfortable.

Dai Dong said: "teacher, thank you for speaking for me in front of the emperor."

Chen said with a smile, "I'm just telling the truth. Hehe, it's your luck. I've known him for such a long time. He just wrote two songs to me two days ago. You'd better. He wrote you a song before you met him. Hey, I don't know how many people will envy you. "

Qin Liang, on one side, cried and said, "I knew I had sung the song of emperor Yun."

Wang Mingxia said, "who said no?"

Chen Huanzheng Rong said: "Dai Dong, I want to tell you that although this song was given to you by the sea of clouds, I don't think I want to ask you for money. But you have to understand that you have to give this money. Otherwise, you will be too ignorant. "

Dai Dong's agent said: "Mr. Chen, you can rest assured that we understand the rules in the industry. When I go back, I will call the company immediately and ask them to put the money into Miss Zhao Wanqing's account. By the way, how much should we give Mr. Xiao? Eight million? "

Chen Huan thought for a moment and said, "there is no need for so much. Like me, give him five million. "

Dai Dong's agent nodded and said, "OK, I get it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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