Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:18 AM

Chapter 602

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After eating in the box for half an hour, Zhao Wanqing understood Zhang Yuan's behavior and was very satisfied. After dinner, he drove to his villa with two people.

Xiao Yunhai had received a call from Zhao Wanqing before, so he had been waiting at home.

After seeing Zhang Yuan, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Zhang Yuan, right? Come in, please

Zhang Yuan was nervous when he saw the famous emperor Yun. However, he said politely, "Hello, brother Xiao. I'm glad to meet you."

After shaking hands, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "please have a seat. You don't have to be nervous. I don't eat people. How long have you been with ling'er? "

Zhang Yuandao: "I met in March this year, and now Yunling has not officially become my girlfriend."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "my sister has always been hard spoken. Since she is willing to let you come to see us, it shows that she likes you in her heart. "

"What are you talking about, brother?" Xiao Yunling snorted and said in shame.

Zhao Wanqing took Xiao Yunling's hand and said, "let's have a chat with Zhang Yuan. Let's go upstairs and play computer."

Xiao Yunling looked at Zhang Yuan worried. Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? I'm afraid I'll eat him

Xiao Yunling rolled her eyes and made a face for him. Then she followed Zhao Wanqing up.

Xiao Yunhai smile, said: "my sister's character is very lively, I hope she can be like this all her life, do you understand?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "if one day I can really get together with Yunling, I will try my best to bring him happiness. Elder brother Xiao, I know that my identity is with you... "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said," what is identity? Xiao Yunhai never takes this thing seriously. Other people may say that it's a good match, but to me, that's bullshit. As long as ling'er likes it, the other party is not a big villain. Xiao Yunhai will not object to it. Zhang Yuan, since my family has brought you and ling'er here, it shows that she has a very good impression on you. Ha ha, we are all artists. Whether you act or not, we can still see clearly. As for where you and ling'er can develop, it's your own business, I won't ask. There won't be any problems with my parents. But you have to promise me one thing. "

Zhang Yuan said, "what do you say?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "that is, you should not give me a child during the University."

Zhang Yuan blushed and said, "we certainly won't."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't be embarrassed. Wan Qing and I lived together in University. Wan Qing has already told me about your family situation on the phone. I want to know now what are your plans for the future? "

Zhang Yuan helped his glasses and said, "because I'm still a graduate student, I don't have a long-term plan. But in recent years, I already have the goal, that is, to work out my research topic. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I almost forgot. You are a graduate student in the computer department of Tsinghua University. I don't know which direction you are studying? "

Zhang Yuan said: "brother Xiao, you and I are an industry. I'm leading the research on 3D technology for movies. "

Xiao Yunhai's pupils shrank and asked in surprise, "Are You Tsinghua studying 3D?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "yes. Our world is developing faster and faster. There should be no material problems. Instead, it's spiritual satisfaction. Through my research, I think that in the future, film will be one of the most important entertainment activities for people. If a movie can let us live, it should be very shocking for our fans. And I think this goal should not be difficult to achieve, because there have been successful examples in this field abroad before. However, their technology is too crude to meet the needs of the public. Therefore, I want to really improve this technology, through the different imaging of two eyes in the vision, so that people can watch movies in real life

"At the end of last year, I wrote a 3D technology project, which was supported by the school. As the group leader, I selected students from various majors and worked together to carry out such a project."

When it comes to 3D technology research, Zhang Yuan seems to become another person in an instant, changing his previous tense mood. His whole face is radiant and his face is full of confidence.

Finally, Zhang Yuan asked, "brother Xiao, you are the boss of magic. Do you think 3D technology has a future?"

Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "there must be a future."

I'm kidding. Before Xiao Yunhai crossed, 3D technology had been rotten for a long time.

Since the 3D version of "Avatar" has been made, the whole Hollywood film industry will basically change as long as it is released in 3D.

At the same time, 3D technology has also derived numerous peripheral products, such as 3D camera, 3D glasses, 3D movie screen and so on.

It can be said that as long as 3D technology is thoroughly developed, it means a reshuffle of the film industry.Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai asked solemnly, "Zhang Yuan, how far have you studied?"

Zhang Yuan said: "we are too small, only more than 10 people, so the speed is slow, the efficiency is not high, plus the shortage of funds, it would be very good if we could finish before graduation."

Xiao Yunhai brightened his eyes and said, "if I am willing to invest in your project and send you hundreds of special effects technicians, will your school agree?"

Zhang Yuan said: "I don't know. But I can ask for it tomorrow

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's great. Seriously, I'm very interested in your subject."

Next, as if they had a common topic, they talked about the future development of special effects technology for more than an hour.

After this exchange, Xiao Yunhai found that Zhang Yuan is indeed a genius, especially in the technical fields involved, basically there is nothing that can defeat him.

Although Xiao Yunhai can't understand a lot of things, he can still feel the confidence that Zhang Yuan shows when he talks.

When they were chatting, Xiao Yunling was playing a game in the bedroom on the second floor.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing came back.

Xiao Yunling's face was happy and said, "sister Wanqing, are my brother and Zhang Yuan still talking?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. The two people are very congenial, quite a bit hate to see each other later. Ling'er, let's go to the supermarket to buy some dishes and eat at home tonight. "

Xiao Yunling said happily, "OK, let's go."

That night, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left them for a good meal.

Zhang Yuan was approved by Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. Naturally, he was very happy.

After an afternoon of communication, Zhang Yuan also found that the famous emperor of cloud was easy to get in touch with and didn't mean to look down on himself.

As a child from the countryside, there is no more touching than respect.

When you are happy, you will inevitably drink more wine.

According to the rules of Yimeng Mountain wine market, Zhang Yuangang immediately offered Xiao Yunhai three cups, and Xiao Yunhai was naturally welcome.

I thought Zhang Yuan was a good drinker, but after three drinks, he turned red and fell asleep on the table.

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked Xiao Yunling, "ling'er, does Zhang Yuan usually drink?"

Xiao Yunling said: "I heard his classmates say that when they are in a bad mood, they will fall down. When they are in a good mood, they will drink four Liang at most, and then they will lie down. This time I can drink more than half a kilogram, which is the most powerful one. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "this boy is so real. Let's go. I'll carry him to bed first

Zhang Yuan arranged well and looked at his sister who was waiting for him to drink water in front of the bed. Xiao Yunhai sighed, "ling'er, it seems that you really like this boy very much."

Xiao Yunling raised his head and asked, "brother, what do you think of him?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. However, his body needs more exercise. If you are really together, let him learn kung fu. I don't want you to take care of him on the bed in decades

With that, Xiao Yunhai went out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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