Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:17 AM

Chapter 603

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The next morning, Zhang Yuan got up and saw Xiao Yunhai, who had just come back from outside. He was embarrassed and said, "brother Xiao, I'm really sorry. I drank a little too much yesterday."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. For men, it's normal to be drunk. But you seem to be a bit of a poor drinker

Zhang Yuan scratched the back of his head and said, "I usually do research and don't drink at all."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's right not to drink. It's too late. You eat first, and I'll call up the two slackers. "

Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunling slept together last night. It's strange to be able to get up until two o'clock.

After a while, they went downstairs.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai first sent Xiao Yunling to school, and then came to Tsinghua University with Zhang Yuan.

Like previous generations, Tsinghua University and Yanjing University are still the best two schools in China.

However, their ranking in the world's famous schools is much higher than that in previous generations, ranking third and eighth respectively, which is the most coveted school for all Chinese students.

Zhang Yuan and Xiao Yunhai came to the headmaster's office and knocked on the door. An old voice came from the office.

"Come in."

Zhang Yuan should be a man of the day in the school, so the headmaster Gu Binglin called out his name and said, "it's Zhang Yuan. What can I do for you

Zhang Yuan respectfully said: "headmaster, i...

Xiao Yunhai took off his sunglasses and said:" let me talk about it. Hello, President Gu. I'm Xiao Yunhai, who just graduated from Yanjing Film Academy. "

Gu Binglin listened and said, "are you Xiao Yunhai, the so-called cloud emperor?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's the boy who casually made an online name. I didn't expect to be called up by my fans, which made president Gu laugh."

Gu Binglin shook his head, gave them a sign to sit down, and then said, "you are modest. Although I don't know your entertainment industry, I still know about the cultural circle. The martial arts novels and poems you wrote are very good. This morning, when I was reading the newspaper, I saw that your "Jingwu hero" has sold 2.7 billion US dollars at the box office all over the world, which is regarded as a boost to China's prestige. "

Xiao Yunhai said modestly, "President Gu flattered me. Boy, how dare you bear your praise for such a small achievement. "

Gu Binglin laughed and said, "what are you doing with Zhang Yuan this time?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "President Gu, I heard from Zhang Yuan that he and his classmates are doing 3D technology. As you know, I have a magic effects company in Hollywood, and I have plenty of money. I want people to come and develop this technology together. What do you think? "

Gu Binglin said: "it seems that you are very interested in this technology?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "the future film and television industry is the world of special effects technology, and I think 3D technology is the most important. When people get used to watching movies in person, 2D is not out of date, but it will be strongly impacted. Therefore, I want to cooperate with Zhang Yuan. "

Gu Binglin asked: "your magic special effects company is the first in the world, and you can develop it by yourself. Why cooperate with our school? "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhang Yuan and said, "for him."

Zhang Yuan a Leng, Gu Binglin puzzled asked: "what meaning?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I talked with Zhang Yuan for a long time yesterday. He has his own ideas on 3D technology. President Gu, with all due respect, it is not so much my cooperation with Tsinghua University as my cooperation with Zhang Yuan. Although our magic is fully capable of making 3D, we are lagging behind in time from the beginning. Because I'm not sure if the big eight Hollywood studios have started to develop. Once they do it earlier than us, it means that we have done nothing. Therefore, I hope that Zhang Yuan can lead my magic to win this project as quickly as possible. "

Gu Binglin nodded and said, "I understand. It is not easy for Zhang Yuan and his classmates. Although our school can get tens of billions of national research funds every year, there are too many projects, and the money allocated to them is not enough. In addition, the number of students is too small, so the progress will certainly be very slow. If there is magic's help, I think with Zhang Yuan's ability, it can be completed faster. All right, I promise. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "thank you very much. After the completion of the project, how much share of the patented technology does your university want to occupy? "

Gu binghuan's cooperation with more than ten students in Tsinghua University is not related to you. Besides, the technicians and funds are all provided by you. Tsinghua University will not have the cheek to ask for shares. However, if you want to fully accept Zhang Yuan's achievements, you have to pay back the 3 million R & D expenses that the school paid them. What's more, we can't treat my students badly. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "President Gu's mind makes Yunhai admire him. You can rest assured that I will give you three million yuan now. As for Zhang Yuan, once they have applied for a patent, I can give them 10% of their dry shares. "Gu Binglin said with a smile: "this is the best. Zhang Yuan, we must do a good job, in front of those foreign friends, reflect the style and features of our Qinghua people. "

Zhang Yuan solemnly said: "President Gu, you can rest assured that I will not disgrace our Tsinghua University."

After a while, Xiao Yunhai followed Zhang Yuan to the financial office, asked for an account number, and asked Zhao Wanqing to call Tsinghua with three million yuan.

As for Zhang Yuan's remaining 1.2 million yuan, Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and directly let them divide the money themselves.

Before leaving, Xiao Yunhai said, "at 9:00 tomorrow morning, I will come to pick you up and your classmates and go to a special effects company I opened in China. What kind of equipment and technicians are needed, please tell me. There is magic. There must be no problem. If magic doesn't exist, we will recruit people from the society. Zhang Yuan, how long does it take to develop 3D technology according to your plan? "

"If we have sufficient funds and technicians, we will only need about half a year."

Despite Zhang Yuan's pledge, Xiao Yunhai didn't take it all seriously.

That's what Wu Hao said at the beginning, but it hasn't come out yet.

A few days ago, Xiao Yunhai called and asked about it. Wu Hao said that he only needed to overcome another technical difficulty.

Although Xiao Yunhai doesn't understand, he also knows that technical difficulties are not easy to overcome. Some of them can't be solved in ten or twenty years.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai asked Li Bing to borrow a large van from Hanhai film and television company, and then he took more than a dozen students from Tsinghua University and their equipment to dreamlike special effects video company.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Wu Hao said with some embarrassment: "boss Xiao, I'm really sorry. I think it's too simple."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's not necessary. I'm here for 3D research and development. A dozen students from Tsinghua University will be handed over to you. You can give them whatever they need. Money and people are indispensable. This 3D technology, you should understand its importance in the future. Once successful, our dream is that the annual patent fees can reach billions of dollars. I've called Daniel and asked him to bring all the people from the magic research team. I think it will be almost the day after tomorrow. "

Wu Hao nodded and said, "boss Xiao, you can rest assured that I will arrange it."

Xiao Yunhai waved to Zhang Yuan and asked him to come over and said, "this is Zhang Yuan, the leader of 3D R & D group, a graduate student of Tsinghua University. Young as he is, he is a real genius. "

Zhang Yuan stretched out his hand and said, "Angkor, please take care of it."

Wu Hao shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, you are welcome. No matter what problems you encounter in the future, please tell me. Can solve, I will help you solve. If it can't be solved, I'll ask Mr. Xiao for help. "

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "thank you very much, Angkor."

Wu Hao said: "Mr. Zhang, you are a top student of Tsinghua University. Our development team is now facing a very difficult problem. I wonder if you can help us and see if you have any good solutions."

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up and said, "no problem, let's go now."

Wu Hao said, "good."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you two Hans are really technology maniacs. All right, I'm not going in. Wu Hao, I'll leave it to you. "

Wu Hao said: "you can rest assured that it will be arranged." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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