Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:16 AM

Chapter 604

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After finishing the 3D business, Xiao Yunhai is busy with the release of Jingwu hero.

In fact, there is nothing to do. He called all the creators of Jingwu hero the other day and asked them to come to the premiere tomorrow afternoon.

At the same time, all directors, artists, film critics, magazine editors, etc. that Xiao Yunhai could think of, all sent out invitation cards.

As for whether they come or not, it's up to them.

at 6:00 p.m. on September 10th, there was already a huge crowd at the gate of Huaxia cinema.

A two hundred meter long red carpet has long been paved, and the police in charge of maintaining public order are all in place.

The release of "Jingwu hero" can be regarded as the golden age of the whole Chinese film and television industry. So far, the box office has reached 2.9 billion US dollars. Although it has been a little weak, it should be no problem for foreign countries to break through 3.5 billion US dollars.

The premiere of such a film not only attracted more than 100 media reporters, but also attracted famous artists in the entertainment industry.

Those third - and second-line beauties, dressed in all kinds of fancy clothes, directly regarded the premiere as a red carpet show.

Xiao Yunhai is helpless about this. However, since people have already come, you can't drive them back.

No way, no matter know or do not know, Xiao Yunhai can only treat each other with courtesy.

A middle-aged reporter sighed: "today's premiere should be the biggest premiere in the history of the film and television industry. Liang Hui, ye Yongren, Ge Wuyou, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Yao Na, Chen Huan and so on have all arrived. There are at least 30 first-line, second-line and third-line stars. The premiere of "Jingwu hero" is comparable to the golden cup film festival. It's amazing. "

A reporter nearby took a picture and said, "can't it be a cow?" the global box office of Jingwu hero has reached 2.9 billion US dollars, and there is no problem with the billion US dollars in Huaxia. Some people have calculated that the global box office of Jingwu hero can reach at least 4.5 billion US dollars, which can fully enter the top five box office in the world. You know, the fifth place "alien" is only $4.46 billion. "

"Yes. China is comparable to the United States in every aspect, but the entertainment industry is far behind Hollywood. Now suddenly there is a pure Chinese movie. It's very exciting to have such a success. "

"Look, who is that? After Yun Huangqing, he went to the red carpet to meet him. This spectrum is too big. "

"What do you know? They were the old president, President and teachers of Yanjing Film Academy. After Yun Huangqing was their student, he just graduated from school. When I see them, I must go to meet them. "

On the red carpet, the old headmaster Qiao Shuhuai said to Xiao Yunhai: "I really didn't expect that Yanjing film academy can teach you such a world-class director. I think those people dare not say that we only have theory but not practice."

In the past ten years, Yanjing Film Academy has produced a lot of film masters, but in terms of directors, no one can stand up.

Most of China's top directors are grassroots, only a small number of them come from school, and they are not students of Yanjing Film Academy.

So it's spreading in the circle. If you want to study directing major, don't go to Yanjing Film Academy.

The director who came out from there was full of experience and had a good theory, but he was finished when he came on the stage.

When Qiao Shuhuai was the Dean, he was very angry about this, but there was no way to do it. All the good directors that he supported were all in vain, almost making a dead one. In addition, several other schools added fuel to the flames, saying bad things about Yanjing Film Academy. Over time, no investors went to the directors of Yanjing film academy to make films.

But it's not the same now. One of Xiao Yunhai's "Jingwu hero" smashed all the rumors and made a box office of 10 billion, which has never appeared in China.

Xiao Yunhai said: "you flatter me, headmaster. I can't get there without school training. "

Zhuang Bin said with a smile: "teacher, you may not know that Yunhai is the disciple of teacher Yao."

Qiao Shuhuai was surprised and said, "is it? Wenyuan, you can teach such a great student. "

Yao Wenyuan was proud, but he said modestly: "I don't have such a big ability. Cloud sea is relying on their own hard work to come to this step, I just played a role in coaching

Xiao Yunhai said gratefully, "teacher, you must not say so. I'm afraid I would have gone home to work if you hadn't looked at me differently

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing, "it's almost the same now. Wan Qing, you take the teachers in. I'll wait a moment

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "teachers, please follow me."

Five minutes before the beginning of the movie, Xiao Yunhai walked into the screening hall, took the microphone and said to everyone, "thank you for your time to come to watch my" Jingwu hero. ". As you all know, Chinese Kung Fu is the symbol of our country. Two months ago, because of the hype on the Internet, netizens asked me to make a kung fu movie. At that time, it happened that I didn't have any work on hand, so I agreed"To tell you the truth, it took me less than a day to write the script of Jingwu hero. The plot is so simple that even a teenager can understand it. At that time, I didn't want to take it to America. Then, by chance, I went to Hollywood. When I came back, I thought that since the context of the play is so clear that American fans can certainly understand it, why not take it to show there? Maybe, if a blind cat meets a dead mouse, the film will be hot. "

"So, after finishing the movie, I went to America and found paramount, MGM and Columbia. What I didn't expect was that the movie was really hot and out of control. It can be said that there is contingency in it. Of course, there is necessity in contingency. "

"Now please enjoy this movie."

When Xiao Yunhai finished his speech, it was exactly seven o'clock sharp.

Not only in their projection hall, but also in Huaxia cinemas in first tier, second tier, third tier and even fourth tier and fifth tier cities across the country.

As we all know, the most important reason why "Jingwu hero" can spread all over the world is the word "actual combat".

They want to see what kind of fighting scene will shock the whole world.

Three minutes later, Chen Zhen and more than a dozen karate students, let everyone's eyes shine.

Abandoning all the empty moves, it is direct and cruel, crisp and sharp, fierce and domineering, but also has a kind of unspeakable beauty.

Wu Zixu, who had shot "great master" and was involved in Chinese Kungfu, sighed: "what a powerful catcher. He doesn't play tricks at all. He goes straight to dry goods."

"Although it's only one minute, the style of the film has been fully revealed," Hong said. That's real combat. There's no slippage. "

Liang Hui touched Huang Qiusheng next to him and asked softly, "Lao Huang, you are also practicing kung fu. What kind of Kung Fu did you use to fight Japanese samurai just now

Huang Qiusheng said: "that's the catcher in Chinese traditional Kung Fu. It's a real unique skill. If we are as like as two peas, we will get the same result as those above. No wonder the foreign devils like it

The fans in the cinema can't help but shout.

"The emperor's action just now is so handsome."

"I wish I knew this Kung Fu."

"It's great. It's the first time I've seen a film of this type."

Just from the beginning, Jingwu hero conquered the critical fans.

Then the second, the third, one after another competition, let everyone feast their eyes, watching is boiling blood, wish Chen Zhen in the film is himself.

Applause and cheers go on.

Those fans who didn't get tickets for the first show burst out cheering after hearing from the box for some time. They felt itchy and sad and regretted why they didn't come earlier.

In the second half of the film, the battle between Chen Zhen and Chuang Yuewen Fu, the two great martial arts masters, made the professionals in Xiao Yunhai's box clap their hands and exclaim.

Qiao Shuhuai, the old president of Yanjing Film Academy, took off his reading glasses, rubbed his dry eyes and said, "I've watched movies all my life, and it's the first time I've seen such a fight."

Next to Zhuang bin nodded and said: "yes, teacher, the action design of Yunhai is really amazing. Unfortunately, there are basically none of them who can have their level of martial arts. It can be said that success is hard to replicate. "

Huang Qiusheng on the other side said, "Lao Liang, do you know how many kinds of real Kung Fu they used in the war just now?"

Liang Hui a Leng, way: "a lot?"

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said, "there are a lot of them. I guess they should be no less than 20 kinds."

Liang Hui was surprised and asked, "guess?"

Huang Qiusheng said with a wry smile: "with my eyesight, I can see at most seven or eight kinds. I can't understand the rest. "

Ye Yongren, who has never spoken, said: "it was said on the Internet that Xiao Yunhai is the best master in the world. Can't it be true?"

Huang Qiusheng said: "eight nine is not separated from ten. Watanabe is Japan's best fighter. The boxer who was easily killed by Yunhai is barely the first in America. Since they have all been defeated by Yunhai, it means that he is almost the best in the world. Of course, no one dares to say that there is nothing more powerful than the sea of clouds. "

Ye Yongren shook his head and said, "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. One generation is better than the other. Seeing the sea of clouds, I feel like I've lived on dogs all my life. "

Liang Hui and Huang Qiusheng looked at each other with a bitter smile. At the same time, they said, "who said it was not."

The last battle between Chen Zhen and Fujita Gang made everyone dare not to blink.

For this play, Xiao Yunhai used all the Kung Fu moves he had learned in his previous life and this life, which can be described as ever-changing.

On the contrary, Zhou Lihu, relying on his iron cloth shirt and Shaolin Kung Fu, responded to all kinds of changes with no change, and recruited and attacked Xiao Yunhai.The extremely cruel moves of the two people made everyone nervous.

Xiao Yunhai filmed the battle for more than a week, which was the most intense of all the fighting scenes.

If the battle between Xiao Yunhai and Watanabe was about martial arts, then this one can be said to be a killing skill.

Finally, Chen Zhen found Watanabe's weakness and killed him on the spot.

Soon, the film was over.

Warm applause broke out in each screening hall.

"That's great. No wonder it's sweeping the world."

"Classic, absolutely classic. I'll see it again tomorrow."

"This kind of fighting scene is really exciting."

"Compared with" Jingwu hero ", those kung fu movies used to be nothing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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