Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:11 AM

Chapter 607

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That afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to a cafe, and Kerry invited him to have coffee.

Although Kerry disguised it well, Xiao Yunhai could see that he seemed to be in trouble and was not in a good mood.

Xiao Yunhai asked thoughtfully, "Kerry, are you worried about the cinema?"

Kerry nodded and said, "yes. It is impossible for the eight film companies to win this lawsuit. Once the verdict is passed, I am afraid we will be in a very difficult situation for MGM

Xiao Yunhai said: "is there no hope of winning?"

Kerry frowned and said, "No. Even we all know that our cinemas do monopolize the distribution of movies, let alone the people outside. There is no excuse for this. Moreover, I believe the verdict will come soon. You know what? Many of the bosses behind these companies are big people. Even if the eight companies work together, they are not rivals. Our MGM theater has a market value of more than 50 billion US dollars, with more than 6000 screens, covering more than 30 states in the United States. It can bring us billions of dollars of income every year. It's a pity to sell it like this. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Kerry, what can I do for you?"

After all, Kerry must be so anxious that he can't find himself to drink coffee. After all, his father owns 56% of the cinema shares.

Kerry said: "Shaw, it is certain that we will lose the case, but it is not that there is no other way. We are dealing with each other, hoping to ensure that we own at least 30% of the shares. I think there should be no problem with this goal. But we at MGM, no, we should be the Smiths, but we still want to have the dominance of the cinema. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so you hope I can buy some shares and support you all. Is that right? "

Kerry nodded and said, "yes. I know you. I know that everything you do is for your own film. I don't want to be controlled by others. Just like MGM theater and universal cinema, you have the right to speak in it. In this way, you can release your film without any hindrance. What's wrong with me

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I don't need the dominance of the cinema, and I don't need how much money the cinema can bring me. I just want to make my films freely and show them to the audience. I've already done everything in front of me, but there are some problems in cinema distribution. "

Kerry said: "so you are the most suitable partner for MGM. First, you have money. Second, you don't have the desire to control everything. If we sell you the shares of MGM, your films will be free and clear at MGM. With your support, we will be able to win the dominance of the cinema and evade the anti-monopoly law. This is a win-win situation for us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "but, Kerry, I really can't afford it."

MGM has a market value of more than $53 billion. If you buy 10% of MGM, it will cost 5.3 billion. Although Xiao Yunhai is rich, his most important goal is to build a Chinese cinema by the end of the year. If you buy MGM, his domestic cinema will be in trouble.

Kerry frowned and said, "Xiao, are you rejecting me? Just one movie "Jingwu hero" has brought you more than two billion dollars in net income. Now you tell me that you have no money. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Kerry, you should know that next year we will lift the barriers to Chinese film and television. By the end of the year, the biggest cinema in our country, Huaxia cinema, will be sold. It's a 200 billion dollar behemoth, and I need it. Compared with America, China is my root. Do you understand? "

Kerry said, "so that's the idea you're fighting. In this way, you can exchange shares in magic effects for shares in MGM

Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "Kerry, this matter, you don't want to think about it. I will never agree to this condition. "

Magic special effects company is Xiao Yunhai's biggest dependence, especially after the development of new special effects technology, the market value of several times has become a certainty.

Although he won't hold on to it all the time, he hasn't reached the peak of the stock price. Xiao Yunhai will never sell.

Kerry frowned and said, "is there no other way?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. You give me the cinema shares, I use magic as collateral, give me five years to pay off, that is not it? You're not short of money anyway. "

Kerry thought about it and said, "this is a way. How much are you going to buy? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "let's see the court's judgment a few days later. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. Maybe you can get more than 40% of the shares

Kerry nodded and said, "OK, I'll go back and report to my father. By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet. Your "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" has sold 63 million copies around the world, which can be said to have swept the whole world. Xiao, do I know? I'm blue now. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "most of them have been taken away by the four publishing houses. Even if I sell 100 million copies, I will only get 30% of the profits."Kerry said with a smile, "but the books behind you are the big earners."

Xiao Yunhai said definitely: "that is of course."

They chatted for a while and went back.

That night, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Kerry, saying that his father agreed. We will deal with the relevant matters after the court pronounces the judgment.

MGM's plans are good, but they will never keep up with the changes.

Xiao left Los Angeles the next morning when the economic crisis erupted like a volcano.

The speed and influence of the whole process are incredible.

In just two days, the stock market on Wall Street dropped by 18 percent, and trillions of wealth disappeared.

Hollywood is the first to bear the brunt, including Xiao Yunhai's magic special effects company. The stocks of film and television companies, large and small, have fallen sharply. Like a roller coaster, they have dropped to the lowest.

Magic effects, for example, changed from $46 to $32 in just one day.

However, it doesn't matter to Xiao Yunhai. Anyway, he won't sell magic.

But other companies can't stand it, especially the big eight.

Because they have been sued by those small and medium-sized film and television companies, their stocks have been falling, not to mention after the outbreak of the economic crisis.

Originally, it was a drop of 0.5 or 1 dollar, but now it's better. Who can stand a direct drop of $5 or $7.

In less than three days, the shares of the eight major film companies were reduced by at least 18%, while Kerry's MGM fell by 26%.

Theaters with a market value of $52 billion fell to $43 billion.

However, it is not without benefits. In view of the severe impact of the economic crisis on the major companies, the court's monopoly on them will be postponed.

After Xiao Yunhai returned to China, he learned from Zhao Wanqing that there had been a financial crisis in the United States.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "wife, how much influence does this economic crisis have on us in China?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "very big. China and the United States of America, one east and one west, are the largest countries in the world, and their economic ties are very close. It's only one day now, and we've had a strong aftershock. The share prices of companies like Hongda, Dongfang and pengpai have dropped by 6%

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how about our Hanhai?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "it is not optimistic. However, Hanhai is different from other companies, more than 80% of the shares are in my father's hands, relatively speaking, the turbulence is not big. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what impact will that have on our entertainment industry?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "at least, the production of film and TV series will drop substantially, because at this juncture, most investors are too busy for themselves. Who will invest in films and TV series?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that doesn't mean we can have a good rest."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said with a smile, "it's totally wrong. If you have a movie or TV series, you can shoot it at this time. Because now the star's value is the lowest, originally 34 million may drop to 12 million. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "wife, you still have an economic mind. By the way, how much money do we have now? I mean liquidity. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "Jingwu hero only received 1.2 billion US dollars at the global box office. I had already changed it into Chinese currency before. Langyabang, the voice of China and run, brother, made a total profit of 9.6 billion yuan. We now have 29 billion Chinese dollars in our account, and there are more than 3 billion outside. Husband, what do you want to do

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm very interested in theaters in America and special effects talents in Hollywood."

Zhao Wanqing said: "it should be OK to recruit some special effects talents. As for the cinema, it's not that easy? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I heard a lot of experts say that the financial crisis is very serious. I don't believe that all the eight major film companies can survive. Once they have problems, we can get the cinema shares for a very small price. If we get a cinema that covers the whole of North America, we won't have to worry about pronunciation in the future. "

"To achieve this goal, we still need to get some shares of MGM, Warner and Disney," Zhao said with a smile

"Yesterday, Kerry called on me."

Xiao Yunhai said about the agreement he had reached with Kerry and said, "I think this is a good way. We have different goals, but we can form the best complementary. I think other companies should be willing to do the same. After all, it allows them to evade the antitrust law and actually continue to control the situation, while we get what we want. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "not bad. But let's not worry too much. With the outbreak of the economic crisis, the market value of each major company's cinema is bound to drop sharply. We will negotiate at that time. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "smart. Wife, how are we getting married? "Zhao Wanqing said in some distress: "the most headache is the invitation. We need to think about it carefully. We can't let people out. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes. When we've finished sending out the invitation, we'll take two old people to Los Angeles. By the way, are wedding photos taken at home or abroad? "

Zhao Wanqing thought for a while and said, "it's still domestic."

Next, the two began to discuss the wedding related matters. They looked back and forth at the guest list several times. From 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., they had a rest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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