Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:08 AM

Chapter 609

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From the teahouse, Xiao Yunhai came to Hanhai film and television investment company and met Zhao Zhen, who was waiting for him in the reception room.

All post production of the second season of "love apartment" has been completed. Zhao Zhen brings the film to Xiao Yunhai to have a look.

"Zhao Zhen, you are really serious about filming."

It took Zhao Zhen more than three months to complete the 20 episode indoor drama from the beginning of establishing the crew to now.

You know, when Xiao Yunhai shot the first season, it only took 18 days.

Zhao Zhen some embarrassed said: "I am afraid to give you shame, so slower."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are right. Being careful and serious is the necessary condition to be an excellent director. Let's go to the projection room.

As the son-in-law of Hanhai's boss, the staff naturally respond to Xiao Yunhai's demands.

After watching the two episodes, Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "it's done very well. In terms of details, it's handled in a very good way. You know at a glance that you are really interested. But I'm not going to take it to the TV station right now. "

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "I understand. Now that the economic crisis has just begun, it is impossible for those businesses to pay a high price for advertising. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you can understand. After all this publicity, I went to my uncle, who is now the director of Anhui Satellite TV. We should be able to get a good price for this play

Zhao Zhendao: "schoolmaster, these things, you see to do on the line."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if this play can sell well, I will give you a big red envelope. Come on, let's go to my father-in-law and discuss joining Hanhai. "

Zhao Zhen said happily, "great."

Since it was the talent recommended by his son-in-law, Wang Mingsheng naturally would not refuse. Soon, he asked the company's brokerage department to sign a contract with Zhao Zhen.

In fact, it's not just love apartments that many companies are waiting for. Among them, Tian Junhao, who spent a lot of money shooting "swordsman biography".

In the box of a five-star hotel, Tian Junhao and Xia Chengfeng sit together.

Speaking of it, it was also his bad luck. He had just finished the post production and had not yet waited for him to publicize. He encountered such a big economic crisis, which made Tian Junhao very depressed.

He originally owed Xiao Yunhai $255 million, plus interest, a total of $262 million.

Affected by the economic crisis, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar plummeted. The original Honda Junhao thought he had taken advantage of it. Unexpectedly, he took out the contract and found that it was settled in Chinese currency at the exchange rate at that time.

In other words, he needs to give Xiao Yunhai 780 million Chinese dollars.

At the beginning, he did not pay attention to this clause, but now it is too late to repent.

Tian Junhao even couldn't help thinking, could Xiao Yunhai have known the economic crisis of the United States?

For this "swordsman biography", Tian Junhao is a big book, only hope to broadcast in the future, can make money back.

Xia Chengfeng looked at Tian Junhao with a gloomy face and said, "Tian Shao, are you really going to delay the broadcast of swordsman biography?"

Tian Junhao sighed: "what can we do without delay? I originally wanted to learn from Xiao Yunhai. As long as the advertisement is divided into several parts, now those gold owners are too busy. Where else can I afford to advertise on TV. Oh, how unreasonable. "

Xia Chengfeng said, "who said no. Our Hongda film and television media company's share price has fallen sharply in the past two days. If it goes on like this, we can hardly hold on to it. "

Tian Junhao said with a smile, "come on. You think I don't know. You have Hongda music network, which can bring you tens of millions of income every day. Ha ha, we are different from America. Americans are all dependent on government, and if there's a financial crisis, they're dead. But we are rich in the people, although the enterprises have made a great loss, but for the Chinese people, the impact is not big. Your Hongda music network has more than 30% of the market share. It's just a money making machine. "

Xia Chengfeng sighed: "if only the shares of Hongda music network were in our hands."

Voice just fell, Xia Chengfeng's phone rang.

"Hello, this is Xia Chengfeng."

"What? I see. I'll be right back. "

Xia Chengfeng's face was very ugly. He stood up and said to Tian Junhao, "Tian Shao, I'm sorry. I don't have time to eat with you. I need to go back to have an emergency meeting immediately."

Tian Junhao said, "if you have something to do, go and do it."

Xia chenghuo rushed back to Hongda film and television media company. When he came to the meeting room, he saw that the top management of the company had arrived, so he sat down in his seat.

Xia Hongda said in a deep voice, "OK, everyone is here. Lao Zhang, talk about it. "

Zhang Tao stood up and said: "colleagues, tell you a very bad news, we Hongda music network is being maliciously acquired."


"How?"Zhang Tao's first words shocked everyone.

Xia Chengfeng frowned and said, "minister Zhang, how do you know?"

Zhang Tao said: "Hongda music network, together with President Xia, has five shareholders, and the rest are in the hands of retail investors. Yesterday, I had dinner with Mr. Zhang, one of the shareholders. He drank too much and inadvertently revealed that his 16% share was sold to Hu Yaoting, the boss behind Jiujiu music

"So, I sent someone to check the stock exchange today, and found that not only Mr. Zhang, but also another major shareholder, Mr. Li's equity has quietly become Hu Yaoting. And since last year, dozens of speculators have been quietly purchasing our stocks. Although we did not investigate their identity, Hu Yaoting is the most likely. If so, it is conservatively estimated that Hu Yaoting has already held more than 35% of our shares in Hongda music

Xia Hongda said: "we only have 42% of the shares of Hongda music. In other words, once the other party makes another move, Hongda music will be named Hu. Therefore, after I got the news, I have already called two other shareholders who promised not to sell them to Hu Yaoting. "

"But I don't believe in their promises. Therefore, the safest way is for us to buy the shares in their hands. As long as the shares in my hands exceed 51%, Hu Yaoting is not worried. "

people nodded in agreement.

Xia Hongda continued: "the two shareholders seem to be very clear about the current situation. They are the owners who don't see the rabbit and don't scatter the eagle. If we want to buy the shares from them, I'm afraid we'll have to bleed once. "

"But the key is that we don't have enough funds," Zhang Tao said. It's an extraordinary time. The bank won't give us a loan at all. "

Xia Hongda said: "so, I hope that we can work out ways to see if we can raise enough funds. Our difference is more than 3 billion. "

Xia Chengfeng said: "Dad, why do we have to buy two people's shares?"

Xia Hongda said with a bitter smile: "they have already discussed. Whether it is me or Hu Yaoting or not, if you want to buy it, you must buy the shares of the two people together, and the price is very high. For 12% of the shares, they need 8 billion yuan. They can't afford to lose a cent. "

"Damn it, isn't that a starting price?"

"Too cruel. Even in the first two days, 12 percent was only 7 billion. Now that the economic crisis has broken out, they are not reducing but increasing. They are really taking advantage of the fire. "

"No, the price is too high for us to afford."

Zhang Tao said: "I asked people to check. It seems that the Hu's consortium does not have such a large amount of liquidity now. The impact of the economic crisis on them is no less than that of us. But we can't rule out the possibility of Hu Yaoting looking for foreign aid. "

Xia Hongda said: "in any case, I must get more than 50% of the stock market share, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. Hatefully, they only want cash. There's a problem with their company and they're in urgent need of cash flow. "

Zhang Tao thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Xia, can we put the company in the bank as collateral?"

Xia Hongda nodded and asked, "do you have any other way?"

Everyone shook their heads. It's more than 3 billion yuan, not to mention that it can't be borrowed. Even if it can be borrowed, no one will dare to offer it.

Xia Hongda sighed and said, "it seems that this is the only way. Mr. Zhang, how long will this kind of mortgage loan come out? "

Zhang Tao said: "looking for relationship, the fastest morning after tomorrow."

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "as soon as possible."

After the meeting of Hongda film and television company was over, a senior official returned to his office, locked the door, picked up his mobile phone and dialed out.

"Mr. Hu, Xia Hongda has already known about your purchase of Hongda music. He is going to..."

On the other end of the phone, Hu Yaoting put down her cell phone and locked her brow.

Next to Yang Bin saw her appearance and asked, "Mr. Hu, is there something wrong?"

Hu Yaoting nodded and said, "yes. Xia Hongda knows our business and is preparing to mortgage Hongda film and television company to the bank and lend money to buy shares from the other two shareholders. "

Yang Bin's eyes narrowed slightly, and said decisively, "Mr. Hu, you can't wait any longer. We must do it right away."

Hu Yaoting said with a wry smile: "those two shareholders have joined hands. If you want to buy them, you must buy them all. For 12 percent of the shares, they want 8 billion. "

"Eight billion?" Yang Bin angrily scolded: "these two bastards can really sit on the ground and start the price."

Hu Yaoting said: "we have worked hard for more than a year. We can't give up all our previous achievements because of this 8 billion yuan?"

Yang Bin frowned and said, "but Xiao Yunhai there certainly won't agree, this price is really too expensive."

Hu Yaoting bit her teeth and said, "it's really impossible. After the merger of our two music networks, I will give him 12% of the shares."

Yang Bin said, "Mr. Hu, why don't we borrow money from him?"Hu Yaoting was stunned and said, "Lao Yang, what nonsense are you talking about? This is eight billion dollars, not eighty dollars. "

Yang Bin said, "I'll call him first and ask if he is willing to lend it to us."

Hu Yaoting said, "try it. Lao Yang, you tell him, I only need two months for this 8 billion. After two months, we can pay him back. I'll give him 8.5 billion with interest. "

Yang Bin nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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