Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:13 AM

Chapter 61

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"What is a performance?"

"I believe you can find many different explanations for this problem from many books. What they say is reasonable, but I think it's all theoretical nonsense. "

"If I'm forced to say it, then I'll tell you that acting is to use your acting skills to turn a fake into a real one."

"The more real you act, the better your acting skills are. On the contrary, if you make it clear at a glance that you are pretending, it's a pity that you can only say that your acting skills are poor. "

At this point, Professor Zhang stopped, pointed to Xiao Yunhai's direction and said, "Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, you two come to the stage."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and walked to the platform one after the other.

The performance classes in the eye film academy are like this. It doesn't look like sitting on the bench in high school and studying hard for the college entrance examination three years later.

The most important thing in performance class is practice. No matter how good the culture class and theory class are in the exam, they are not useful at all.

"You two were the top two last semester. I'm going to give you a question and you'll perform." Zhang Tianfang thought for a moment and said, "I just saw a movie some time ago. There is such a plot in it. An ordinary man who had been shut up for three days by the underworld for taking part in underground gambling escaped from the dungeon and ran home all the way. Tired and hungry, looking for food at home. When his wife came back, she was surprised to see him. After learning about him, ask him to report to the police station. But he was afraid of being retaliated by the underworld and did not dare to go. Two people are arguing, suddenly heard outside a burst of rapid footsteps, two people scared out of their wits. That's all you can do

"Xiao Yunhai plays the ordinary man, while Zhao Wanqing plays your wife. I know it should not be difficult to perform at your level. However, I want to make it more difficult for you. You can't say a word. It depends on your manner, action and expression. I'll give you a minute to think about it. "

"All right, time's up. Let's go."

As soon as Professor Zhang's voice fell, Xiao Yunhai's eyes suddenly darkened. His face was sad and his mouth was breathing heavily.

He stooped down and sneaked on the stage. His first reaction when he entered the room was to patrol around, as if he was looking for someone. It's a pity that he didn't find it. Xiao Yunhai's eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

He took a deep breath and searched the room for food.

At the same time, the eyes are still searching, the ears are not stopping to listen to the movement outside, the face slightly shows a trace of fear and uneasiness, this is afraid that the underworld will come to visit.

To this extent, it can be regarded as a vivid depiction of the role's mental activities.

All the students were shocked by Xiao Yunhai's performance.

That's amazing.

Professor Zhang's eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Yunhai's vivid performance.

The tradition of Yanjing Film Academy is to let an excellent teacher lead him to set up a small stove for him, introduce some drama groups or dredge some relations with him, so as to lay a good foundation for him to enter the entertainment circle.

With Xiao Yunhai's intelligence and studious, he was immediately attracted by Yao Wenyuan, who was Zhang Tianfang's favorite student.

So strictly speaking, Xiao Yunhai is his grandson.

As a great master, Zhang Tianfang is very happy to have such superb acting skills.

Xiao Yunhai's performance is the biggest feeling of his opponent Zhao Wanqing.

Her last stage play with Xiao Yunhai was in March this year. It was only half a year ago that she felt that Xiao Yunhai had changed. It's enough to write songs and sing songs. Even acting skills are very different from those before.

It's not that Xiao Yunhai's acting skills were not good before, but that his acting skills at that time were definitely not mature and mellow, and he would not give her so much pressure as now.

From Xiao Yunhai body sends out the strong breath, all of a sudden Zhao Wanqing's competitive heart to stimulate up.

Zhao Wanqing borrowed a bag from a girl next to her. She took out the key from the bag. Then she opened the door and walked in. At the same time, there was a trace of fatigue on her face, which indicated that her working condition was not very good.

When Xiao Yunhai heard the key ring outside the door, his hand, who had just found something in the refrigerator, suddenly stopped. He looked around and saw that there was no place to hide. He could only stare at the door with a trace of fear and expectation in his eyes.

Huang Bo at the bottom saw Xiao Yunhai's eyes change, and he admired him very much.

Third brother's acting skills have been improved too much.

He knew that Xiao Yunhai's fear was because he was afraid that he would come into the underworld and expected his wife.

When Xiao Yunhai saw Zhao Wanqing, the whole person was stunned. His face showed deep regret. His lips moved, but he couldn't say a word.

Zhao Wanqing went home and opened the door. Seeing her beloved man in rags and in a mess, she immediately froze.Then Zhao Wanqing's expression of astonishment on her face was quickly replaced by anger. Obviously, she knew that her husband went out to gamble.

She angrily came to her husband and was about to speak. You can see the tears of regret on Xiao Yunhai's face at this time. Zhao Wanqing's raised hand suddenly seems to have no bones and softened down.

Zhao Wanqing sighed deeply and turned on the light. She was trying to cook for him, but Xiao Yunhai stopped her.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head to her, his eyes full of worry and fear.

Zhao Wanqing shakes her head at him, picks up the mobile phone from the bag and calls the police.

Xiao Yunhai's face showed a look of panic. He grasped her hand tightly and shook her head vigorously.

Entangled with each other several times, Zhao Wanqing was angry, and finally couldn't help it. She slapped Xiao Yunhai in the face, then ran to one side and covered her face and began to cry.

Xiao Yunhai came to her with guilt on her face, at a loss, and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, there seems to be something moving outside. Zhao Wanqing's crying voice stops immediately. She looks at Xiao Yunhai with panic on her face.

Xiao Yunhai is also shocked, his face suddenly turned pale, he swallowed hard to spit, took Zhao Wanqing's hand, quietly came to the virtual window, secretly looked out.

According to the plot given by Zhang Tianfang, it's time for the play to end here. But Zhang Tianfang didn't call it an end.

It's just like when the director doesn't shout cards on the set, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing can only continue to act.

At this time, the needle can be heard in the whole classroom. Even Hu Haitao, who doesn't deal with Xiao Yunhai, opens his eyes and looks at the performance of the two on the stage.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's performance is too real. They have successfully brought them into the plot.

Xiao Yunhai seemed to see something, and his face was full of despair.

He turned his head and looked at his beloved wife. His lips trembled, but he didn't say anything. His eyes were full of guilt, apology and even a trace of farewell.

Zhao Wanqing also seems to see what her husband wants to do. She holds Xiao Yunhai's hand tightly and shakes her head vigorously. Her tears can't help falling.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's face has not seen a trace of panic, although there are tears in his eyes, but his face is showing a smile.

He gently wiped away the tears on his face for his wife. His eyes were full of reluctant to give up. Then he suddenly forced his wife's hand and let her lie on the ground crying, and walked to the door without looking back.

Zhao Wanqing cried twice, suddenly thought of something, hurriedly picked up the phone, with shaking hands dial out a number.

Everyone knows she's calling the police.

"Good, stop!"

Zhang Tianfang suddenly woke up and looked at the golden boy and jade girl in front of him. Thinking of their wonderful performance, Zhang Tianfang took the lead in clapping.

This was unprecedented in his class, and it was obvious that their performance moved him.

The students on the stage did not mean their applause. For two minutes, it stopped with Zhang Tianfang's gesture. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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