Published at 11th of May 2022 05:53:05 AM

Chapter 611

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The financial turmoil continues to rage in the United States. Suicide occurs every day on the New York Stock Exchange, and the stock index plummets by 60%.

Affected by this, the world economy is in a doldrums, and several European countries have broken production.

Although China has also been a strong shock, the overall stock plunge 34%, but relatively speaking, is relatively good.

Hu Yaoting's action is very fast. In just a week, she merged and Hongda into a new Jiujiu music network, in which Xia Hongda's shares dropped to 21%.

As soon as the news spreads, the Chinese entertainment circle is in a big uproar, and the PP music network is even more facing a formidable enemy. I can't help it. For a long time, the music network is too strong now. After the merger, the market share has reached 58%, and the market value is 83 billion Chinese dollars.

Although it is a difficult time now, we all know that once the financial crisis is over, the music network will surely usher in a take-off trend for a long time.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's wedding is scheduled to be held in Los Angeles manor villa on October 16.

Before October 1, they sent out the wedding post.

In order to make it convenient for everyone to go to Los Angeles, they also went to Yanjing International Airport and paid a huge sum of money to charter a large airliner, which took off at 10 a.m. on October 14.

All they need is an invitation to board.

After taking wedding photos in China, they arrived in Los Angeles on October 6. Yan Feiyun and Xiao Yunling went with them.

As for Xiao Yunhai's family, it is estimated that they will come by plane tomorrow.

On October 7, Xiao Yunhai and others came to the manor villa.

Looking at the villa that can only be seen on TV, Xiao Yunling is silly.

When she chatted with Zhao Wanqing on the Internet, she heard Zhao Wanqing say that they had bought a big villa in Los Angeles and had seen photos, but that was all local. Anyway, she didn't expect the villa to be so big.

Even the well-informed Yan Piaoyun is a little shocked, let alone Xiao Yunling, who has never seen the world.

Xiao Yunhai saw her sister's silly appearance, and with a slight smile, she flicked it on her head and said, "ling'er, is it silly to see?"

Xiao Yunling said in disbelief, "brother, this is really your home with sister Wanqing. My God, it's too big. "

Zhao Wanqing took her hand and said, "America is vast and sparsely populated. Villas like this are not uncommon."

"How much did you spend?" Yan asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "almost 100 million dollars."

Xiao Yunling opened his mouth and said, "one hundred million dollars. Brother, you are such a loser. "

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yunling immediately realized that there was something wrong with her words. Ah, she said to Zhao Wanqing in a hurry: "sister Wanqing, I didn't say you."

Zhao Wanqing knew that she had no intention and said with a smile: "when you get married in the future, let your brother buy you a house, how about it?"

Xiao Yunling shook his head and said, "I don't want it. It's too big. I'm afraid I'll get dizzy

At this time, housekeeper iver Spencer came over with a smile and said politely, "Sir, madam, lunch is ready."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said to Yan Piaoyun and Xiao Yunling, "let's go to dinner. I'm starving to death."

After dinner, Xiao Yunling looked at the villa from inside to outside many times.

In the evening, she spent more than an hour in the swimming pool with Zhao Wanqing. Finally, tired really can not hold, this just chose a big room, fell asleep.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai's grandfather, parents, aunt also came, naturally very surprised at such a large villa.

Xiao Yunhai didn't pay much attention to the wedding. Besides, with the help of Yan Piaoyun and Chen Xiuzhu, Xiao Yunhai can't get in at all.

He went to magic effects most of the time.

Due to the financial crisis in the United States, Hollywood's small and medium-sized special effects companies have gone bankrupt, and thousands of special effects technicians have become unemployed.

Xiao Yunhai asked Daniel to select more than 200 excellent technicians from this group of people to join magic, and a signing is five years.

As for the rest of the staff, Xiao Yunhai is going to recruit them later.

Since magic hasn't had much work recently, Xiao Yunhai sent most of his employees to Yanjing to learn how to use the new special effects technology.

After getting married and having a honeymoon, Xiao Yunhai is ready to shoot a blockbuster that requires a lot of special effects.

After the bankruptcy of the original plan to shoot the immortal, Xiao Yunhai recalled numerous Hollywood films from his mind. After careful consideration, he finally chose "Inception" shot by former Hollywood director Christopher Nolan.

After the film was released at that time, it won numerous praise, and its fans scored very high, second only to Shawshank Redemption and Godfather.

More importantly, "Inception" is very suitable to be changed into a Chinese film. There are many fighting scenes in it. Xiao Yunhai can add Chinese Kung Fu to it.In China, Xiao Yunhai has already finished the script, and at the same time contacted the crew to determine the schedule.

The leading actor and actress must be Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. As for the other actors, he has not confirmed, but he also has a number in mind.

If there is no accident, the play will start in mid November.

This day, Kerry called Xiao Yunhai and asked him to have a steak in an Italian restaurant.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to the restaurant and found a middle-aged man in his fifties besides Kerry.

"Shaw, this is my father, Phil Smith," Kerry said

Xiao Yunhai was surprised. He reached out his hand and shook Phil with a smile. He said, "Mr. Smith, I've heard a lot about you."

Phil Smith said with a smile, "each other. Mr. Xiao's "Jingwu hero" is very good, but I've watched it several times in a row. "

With that, he made a sign for a seat.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm really flattered that this film can be liked by Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith, what can I do for you to ask Kerry to invite me here

Phil said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Xiao is also an acute person. I heard Kerry say that Mr. Shaw is very interested in American cinema. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Last time Kerry and I also discussed about the cinema. What we didn't expect was that the financial crisis broke out in the United States the next day. "

"At the beginning of this year, Wall Street heard that there might be an economic crisis this year, but we didn't wait for a long time. We thought it was a false alarm," Phil said. We didn't expect that it would explode suddenly, and the intensity was so strong that we didn't expect it. Therefore, our preparatory work has not been done in place, leading to some problems in the company. Mr. Xiao, I wonder if you are still interested in MGM at this time? "

"Mr. Smith, do you want to sell me the shares of MGM?"

Phil nodded and said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai asked: "why? It seems that the court has not decided yet? "

Phil said: "it's not decided yet, but we already know the final result. The top eight Hollywood film companies can keep up to 30 percent of their shares, and the rest will be sold. And I can't wait for that now

Nearby Kerry said: "Xiao, to tell you the truth, we MGM is in urgent need of a cash flow, so we want to sell you part of the cinema shares as soon as possible."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Kerry, although we are good friends, we are in business. You should know that this is not the best time for me to buy cinema shares."

The original market value of MGM cinema was more than $62 billion, but under the strong impact of the economic crisis, it has dropped sharply to $43 billion. If you wait a few days, it may even drop to 30 billion or even 20 billion. If you buy it at that time, Xiao Yunhai will undoubtedly take advantage of it.

Phil nodded and said, "so we are willing to sell it to you at 70% of the current market price."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "Mr. Smith, how much are you going to sell me?"

Phil said, "I'll sell you 21 percent at the most."

Hearing this number, Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly.

Phil accounts for 30% and himself accounts for 21%. That adds up to 5 billion. In this way, Phil Smith can still take control. As long as you support him all the time, the MGM theater line is still under his control, and it is legal.

But Xiao would have to pay $6.2 billion to buy a 21% stake in MGM.

According to the current exchange rate of 1:2.34 between us dollar and Chinese currency, 6.2 billion US dollars is 14.5 billion Chinese currency, which has occupied half of Xiao Yunhai's property.

This is very disadvantageous for him to purchase Huaxia cinema next.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I may not be able to buy so many."

Kerry seemed to know what Xiao Yunhai was worried about, and said with a smile: "Xiao, you don't need to worry about the affairs of Huaxia cinema. By that time, we MGM should have been out of trouble and could help you get a mortgage from the bank. You know, we have a very good relationship with the bank. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Kerry, I need to go back and discuss with my wife. How about giving you an answer tomorrow

Kerry said with a smile, "of course. Xiao, I heard that you are going to have a wedding, right? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded, took out two invitation cards from his bag and said, "Kerry, I sincerely invite you and Jesse to see my wedding with Wanqing."

Kerry took the red invitation and looked at it curiously. He found that half of it was in Chinese and half in English. He couldn't help laughing and said, "this is really interesting. Whether we can cooperate or not, I will go. "

Seeing that his son and Xiao Yunhai have such a good relationship, Phil is still very happy.Before cooperating with Xiao Yunhai, Phil asked someone to conduct a detailed investigation on Xiao Yunhai. He was very impressed that he could achieve such a high achievement in two years. More importantly, he did not have any scandal, and his personality was surprisingly good.

Such an excellent young man, Phil naturally hopes Kerry can get in touch with Xiao Yunhai.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai went home and told Zhao Wanqing about it.

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "seventy percent is too high. This financial crisis is much more serious than before, and no one knows how long it will be. Now, the U.S. dollar is devaluing crazily. In less than two weeks, the exchange rate with the Chinese currency has dropped from 1:3.12 to 1:2.34, and then it may fall even more. And the more we fall, the better it will be for us. MGM's 70% discount is not enough. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, if we buy it now, how much do you think is suitable?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "fifty percent."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "you are too cruel."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said with a smile, "husband, do you know what your biggest problem is?"

"What?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Zhao Wanqing said: "it's just too much about righteousness. To the enemy, you can be ruthless and merciless. But for friends, you can't. Husband, have you never heard of the saying that shopping malls are like battlefields? No matter how good your relationship with Kerry is, you should not confuse the public with the private. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I don't have one."

Zhao Wanqing said with a playful smile, "dare you say that you don't have the heart to help Kerry?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and had to admit that he did have the idea of helping. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I found that I was not suitable to be a boss when you said so."

Zhao Wanqing said: "this is your advantage, but also your shortcoming. You say you are thick skinned all day long, but actually you are the one who needs to face most. Well, honey, I'll be in charge of the negotiation with MGM tomorrow. How about that? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course."

The next day, they arrived at MGM.

In the morning, Zhao Wanqing gave full play to her business talents and had a verbal battle with MGM's team.

After presenting facts and reasoning, the two sides finally reached a consensus.

Xiao Yunhai used 10 billion Chinese dollars to buy 21% of the shares in MGM, which must be a cash transaction.

MGM guarantees that Xiao Yunhai and the films invested by Hanhai will arrange no less than 40% of the films in the first three days of the MGM line, and the schedule is determined by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai, on the other hand, must unconditionally support all the decisions of the smiths on the MGM line's board of directors. Of course, the premise is not to damage Xiao Yunhai's own interests,

these are the most important articles in the treaty, and there are more details.

After both sides signed the agreement, Kerry punched Xiao Yunhai and said, "Xiao, you are so lucky to have a wife like Wan Qing. In your Chinese language, Wanqing is definitely a virtuous helper. "

Phil Smith nodded his head and agreed with Kerry.

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulder and said with a proud smile, "that's it. I don't want to see whose wife this is." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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