Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:54 AM

Chapter 618

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After lunch, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went home.

"Wife, did Huaxia cinema give us the money of Jingwu hero?"

It has been more than half a month since the painting of hero of Jingwu. After taking into account the share of Huaxia cinema and various kinds of annoying taxes, Xiao Yunhai can finally get 2.263 billion yuan, but there is still no movement. This makes Xiao Yunhai a little anxious.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I asked yesterday. They said they could call the money today."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good. Well, it's hard to live without money. "

As soon as the voice dropped, Zhao Wanqing's mobile phone rang for a moment. She opened it and looked at it. Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing and said, "we have money again now."

Xiao Yunhai said: "great. Wife, we will go to Hengdian in two days to prepare for the shooting of inception. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "are you all set up?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. I've already got in touch and they will arrive the day after tomorrow. I'm going to finish the part that uses special effects first, and then I'll shoot the others

A few days ago, the world patent Association and the China Patent Association all came to dreamland company to investigate the new special effects technology for 10 days, involving more than 30 new technologies. It is estimated that the patent certificate will be issued soon.

Today, dream special effects image company has gathered hundreds of people to learn the application of new software, not only from magic effects company, but also from Tianhua, surging, Oriental and other entertainment companies.

"Inception" needs to use a lot of special effects lens, just as a topic for them to practice.

First, it can better let you learn to use the new software; second, through the concerted efforts of these experts in inception, the special effects will certainly be very good; third, there are so many free labor, no need to use it in vain.

Xiao Yunhai will definitely not let go of the matter of killing three birds with one stone.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "have you found the actors?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai plays the hero Zhao Yongsheng, Zhao Wanqing plays the heroine Zhao Yongsheng's wife Zeng Xiaomeng, the dreamer is played by Lin Lu, the outpost Hu Cailin is played by Zhang Xiaojing, and the disguised Zhang Bo is handed over to Huang Bo.

Different from his previous life, Zhao Yongsheng and Zeng Xiaomeng both know Chinese Kung Fu, and they are brothers and sisters of the same school. Hu Cailin, the outpost, also knows Kung Fu.

Other characters, Xiao Yunhai did not change much.

Because the film will not only be released in China, but also be taken to America, so Xiao Yunhai finds the Hollywood second-line star Sirian Murphy to play the role of "target" Fisher, while Saito, the original tycoon, has become the old Hollywood actor Tom Hardy.

These two people's acting skills are very good, but lack of opportunities, do not have their own representative.

Therefore, when Xiao Yunhai invited them through the Hollywood actors union, they agreed without thinking about it.

Xiao Yunhai's movie "Jingwu hero" has been popular all over the world. With an investment of 65 million US dollars, Xiao Yunhai has won 4.9 billion US dollars at the box office. Such a legend makes all actors all over the world hope to cooperate with him.

Xiao Yunhai himself did not know that he had become a world-class director and star. His value had already soared to 30 million US dollars, and countless fans all over the world.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai is famous only for his kung fu, not for his acting skills.

"Is inception going to be released globally?" Zhao asked

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Wife, what do you think of the play? Is there any possibility of a fire? "

Zhao Wanqing solemnly said: "there is no doubt that this is a world-class script. As long as you can shoot it well, it will surely spread all over the world. "

Zhao Wanqing has read the play "Inception" for more than ten times. He has almost recited it from the bottom of his head. He is astonished by Xiao Yunhai's fantastic dream setting.

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "in the original Jingwu hero, you didn't play. Now I also give you a "Inception" to ensure that you become an international female star. At that time, your price will go up, and we will make a profit. "

Zhao Wanqing saw Xiao Yunhai's langdang appearance and said with a smile: "husband, you are really a financial fan."

On November 16, Xiao Yunhai's new work "Inception" held a press conference in Hengdian.

Once the news was sent out, all the media reporters, large and small, rushed to Hengdian crazily.

Early in the morning, the press conference of Jinbao Island Hotel was full of people.

The press conference was held at nine, and many of them arrived at seven.

This time, the hotel showed great mercy and directly put the reporters in without letting them wait outside.

At 8:50, the conference room, which can accommodate 300 people, has been packed with reporters and photographers.

Roughly estimated, Xiao Yunhai's press conference at least 150 media.No way, Xiao Yunhai's identity is different now.

The success of "Jingwu hero" has made him one of the world's first-line directors, which has become a business card of China's entertainment industry. His new film naturally attracted the wide attention of almost all media in the entertainment industry.

At nine o'clock sharp, the door of the conference room was pushed open by the staff, and Xiao Yunhai came in with seven or eight film makers.

"Why, how can there be American artists?"

"It seems that the film of emperor Yun will be shown all over the world again."

"Ha ha, it's here after sunny."

"It seems that this is the first time that yunhuangqing has officially cooperated in the film. Their influence alone can bring tens of millions of fans into the cinema."

"Yes. With both of them, the minimum box office of the film in China will be more than 2 billion. "

Looking at the reporters on the stage, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "thank you all for coming to the press conference of my new film inception. For this movie, I define it as an action science fiction film that walks between dream and reality. Chinese Kung Fu is definitely indispensable, special effects technology will be used to the extreme in this film. "

"When it comes to special effects, I have good news for you. I set up in Yanjing dream special effects image company has developed the latest special effects technology, the simulation degree has reached 97%, the efficiency has increased 50% compared with the original magic. Now I can tell you clearly that Huaxia's special effects technology has surpassed that of Hollywood. In the future, they will pay us the patent fee. "

"Wow, no, really?"

"Our Chinese special effects technology has become the first in the world. My God, it's amazing."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. He made such a big move quietly."

"It's great. We've finally caught up with Hollywood."

"This is absolutely extraordinary news. The spring of Chinese entertainment industry is coming."

All the reporters were excited to discuss it.

Xiao Yunhai coughed twice, and the voice disappeared immediately. The reporters under the stage cast their eyes on him.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't be too excited. What questions can I ask now? That beautiful female reporter, you come first. "

The female reporter stood up, first said thanks, and then asked, "Mr. Xiao, have your special effects technology been authorized by the world patent association?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "the day before yesterday, the China Patent Association issued a special effects patent certificate to me. The world patent Association called me yesterday, and the certificate is in my magic special effects company. My movie will use the new special effects software just developed to do the later stage. When the movie is shown, you can enjoy the eye opening scene. "

"Mr. Xiao, your film is called inception. Is it related to dreams?"

"Yes. We all dream when we sleep. In dreams, we can do anything. Let's imagine what happens when one has the ability to enter another's dream? This is where the film was set. "

"Mr. Xiao, will you and Ms. Zhao Wanqing play husband and wife in this film?"

"Of course. However, we are just a couple in my dream. She exists in my subconscious. Ha ha, I know that when I say this, everyone will feel very confused, but I really don't know how to explain. I can only say that our relationship is very interesting. After the film comes out, you can go to the cinema to have a look. However, I want to tell you, don't be confused by dreams. "

"May I ask Ms. Zhao Wanqing, what do you think is the most attractive part of this film?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it's very attractive from the beginning to the end. The structure of this film is very complicated. None of the films I have seen can compare with it in the overall structure. It has a feeling of Hollywood blockbuster. I believe it will be as popular all over the world as "Jingwu hero."

"So it's going to be shown all over the world?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course."

"Mr. Zhang Xiaojing, after" Jingwu hero "was popular all over the world, it is said that your pay has doubled. Can you tell me how much you're paid for acting in Mr. Xiao's film this time? "

Zhang Xiaojing said with a smile: "this is my business secret. I can't say it. However, I can tell you that director Xiao is the most generous director in China. He never uses his relationship to discount the remuneration of our actors. We will get a lot of money from Xiao. Therefore, we actors most hope to cooperate with director Xiao. "

"Mr. Huang Bo, what role do you play in the film?"

"I play the assistant of the protagonist. I have a special ability to become anyone in other people's dreams, just like the monkey king's 72 changes. It's very powerful. "

"Mr. Shaw, who are these two American actors? Can you tell us something about it? "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. The young actor, named Sirian Murphy, will play our target character Fisher in the film. The middle-aged actor, Tom Hardy, plays an American tycoon. Both of them are Hollywood actors, and their acting skills are very good. I'm very honored that they can participate in my film , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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