Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:53 AM

Chapter 619

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Next, we asked a lot of questions to the two American actors. With the help of the interpreter, their answers were commendable.

It took two hours for the press conference to finish. Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Xiao Yunhai asked everyone to have lunch first and then go to the studio to shoot.

In fact, the movie "Inception" basically can't use the buildings in Hengdian film and television city. The reason why Xiao Yunhai still chooses to start the movie here is mainly because he needs to use Hengdian's modern studio to shoot those special effects scenes.

In order to improve the efficiency of shooting, Xiao Yunhai directly rented two studios to shoot in reverse.

Wu Hao directly sent more than 20 special effects technicians with the best technology to help shoot.

Soon, the news of Xiao Yunhai shooting the new film "Inception" in Hengdian spread all over China, and the fastest spread was undoubtedly the Internet.

"Ha ha, the first movie of emperor Yun's marriage was actually to cooperate with Qinghou's husband and wife. It's wonderful."

"Come on. We must sweep the world again. "

"As soon as I hear the name" Inception ", I feel handsome

"Yunhuang said in the interview that one person can enter another's dream, and I was thinking about how to shoot it."

"We are omnipotent in our dreams. Look, there will be a lot of things that violate the laws of physics in this movie of emperor Yun. Special effects should be fully utilized at that time. "

"What's not said is just two words. It must be read."

For fans, Xiao Yunhai's new film makes them feel a strong expectation.

But to the insiders, Xiao Yunhai's new film is of course important, but what is more important is the information about special effects technology released by him.

A dream special effects image company, which is famous for not changing the classics, has developed a new type of special effects technology, which has aroused great concern all over the world.

Xia Hongda has been worried about the embezzlement of Hongda music website recently. He has not laughed for more than a week.

The employees of Hongda film and television company did not dare to stab their boss when they saw that the boss was not happy. Therefore, everyone worked very hard during this period of time, for fear that he would set fire to himself.

When Xia Hongda was depressed, Xiao Yunhai's new special effects undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and sprinkled a handful of salt on his wounds.

"Xiao Yunhai, you son of a bitch, you fucker me again."

Looking at the video of "Inception" Conference on the computer, Xia Hongda was furious. The new cup just changed banged, and made a close contact with the wall, and fell into pieces.

Several employees passing by the door, heard the voice inside, looked at each other, and quickly stepped up to slip away.

Xia Hongda was so angry that he couldn't stop his chest. When he bought Columbia's patented technology, he worried that Xiao Yunhai would hinder him, so he bought it for three years at once.

But I didn't expect that in just four months, Xiao Yunhai developed a new technology, which is just a trap.

In recent days, he has also received news that the special effects teams of many companies have gathered together in a special effects company called "dream" to learn new special effects technology.

Xia Hongda knows that dreamland is Xiao Yunhai's company. He thinks that Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin want Xiao Yunhai to help set up a special effects team. Now, it seems that this is not the case. They should be learning the application of new special effects technology.

When Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin delayed the signing of the contract when they were negotiating in the United States, Xia Hongda now understands that these two guys are working together with Xiao Yunhai.

They are also because Xiao yunhaikou learned from the dream of new special effects technology, so they did not sign with Colombia and magic.

"Peng Huaibin and I will never cheat you

Xia Hongda now hates his two partners, but he can't help it. The strength of Oriental entertainment and pengpai entertainment is equal to that of himself, and he has nothing to do.

In addition to Hongda, other entertainment companies are secretly glad that they have only signed for one year and will be able to introduce Xiao Yunhai's new technology next year.

The last place I want to see this is Colombia.

It took them many years to come up with a better technology than magic. As a result, in just a few months' efforts, they have made a better one.

Fortunately, their patent fees have all been collected, and they are far more than the R & D expenses. Otherwise, they will cry to death.

Xiao Yunhai asked Wu Hao to make a statement on the company's homepage, telling everyone that entertainment companies that want to use the latest special effects technology can send people to Yanjing to study in advance.

After learning, you can sign with dream according to your actual situation.

In the first year, the patent fee was 150 million Chinese dollars; in the second year, it was reduced to 140 million yuan; then, it was reduced by 10 million yuan every year until 100 million yuan in the fifth year.

A one-time signing can give a 10% discount for three years, a 20% discount for five years, and a 60% discount for 10 years.As soon as the news was announced, dreamlike special effects company was immediately overcrowded. Not only the major entertainment companies in China came to visit, but also the eight major Hollywood cinema companies and some non bankrupt special effects companies arranged technicians to come to study.

The simulation degree and efficiency of the new technology developed by Xiao Yunhai are much higher than those in Colombia, which is really too important for the whole industry.

Moreover, in less than a week, dream special effects image company has received more than ten lists, including four Chinese films, three Chinese film and television dramas and six Hollywood blockbusters.

Xiao Yunhai was very happy to learn about it.

He told Wu Hao that with so many free labors studying here, they could help with the work together, and there was no need to waste it.

According to 1.5 times the cost of special effects, these more than ten films can bring income of 950 million Chinese dollars to Xiao Yunhai.

"Inception" shooting is very smooth, only in half a month, the use of special effects lens parts were completed.

Next, he will go to the United States to take pictures, and then hand over the shooting things to Wu Hao. He can start to do special effects there.

"Inception" is a pure commercial blockbuster. It doesn't have high requirements for acting skills, but it has some troubles in action.

Fortunately, with the strong support of Luo Jiaban, Xiao Yunhai, Zhang Xiaojing and others are masters of Kung Fu, so relatively speaking, the shooting efficiency is still very high.

While Xiao Yunhai is busy filming, Hu Yaoting is in the conference room of Huaxia Jiujiu music network headquarters.

Since the annexation of Hongda music network, for a long time, music network has become the king of network music, with a market share of 62%.

The contracts of more than ten music companies that had originally cooperated with Hongda have been transferred to Jiujiu music online.

In order to appease these companies, Hu Yaoting gave them a profit of 3%, which made them calm down quickly.

However, she is not without troubles.

This year, I don't know why. Several young singers with excellent singing and writing appeared in the Chinese music circle.

They are very excellent, not worse than last year's Li Xugang, and some are even better than him.

Just like a Taiwanese newcomer named Shen Xiangquan, with a "Troy" album, it has spread all over China and sold 12 million copies, quite like Xiao Yunhai's dominance in the song world.

Another female artist, Xue Haidi, is only 22 years old. With her superhuman creative ability, excellent appearance and perfect voice line, Shen Xiangquan is not allowed to specialize in beauty at all. Her album "lover's tears" has sold more than 9 million copies.

As a result, netizens named Shen Xiangquan, Xue Haidi and Li Xugang as the three kings of Chinese music.

And Xiao Yunhai changed from the king of Chinese music to the emperor of Chinese music.

Although the three of them are very powerful, they are far from the achievements of Xiao Yunhai, so they can only be called kings.

If you want to be the emperor, you have to be like Xiao Yunhai and take over all the awards in the Golden Cup Music Festival. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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