Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:50 AM

Chapter 621

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The next day, Yang Bin and Huang Xiaotian flew to New York.

When they found Xiao Yunhai, he was shooting an action play on the roof of a building. Helicopters are also used.

Xiao Yunhai knows on the phone that they are going to come over, but he is both a director and a leading actor. He is really too busy. He can only ask Zhao Wanqing to receive them for himself. As for the negotiation, Zhao Wanqing is naturally fully responsible for the negotiation.

In a coffee shop near the studio, Zhao Wanqing sat down with Yang Bin and Huang Xiaotian.

"General manager Yang and Minister Huang, Yunhai has already told me what they want. But I don't quite understand why Mr. Hu wants to sell us shares? "

Zhao Wanqing thought about this problem all night, but he didn't think about it clearly.

You know, for a long time, music network is backed by Hu's science and technology group, with sufficient funds and no need for financing. And it is now the industry leader, market share has reached more than 50%, a month's profit can reach at least 500 million.

It can be said that Jiujiu music network is definitely one of the best companies nowadays. If you want to raise money, I don't know how many rich people will break their heads for it.

But such a good thing, suddenly came to her husband's head, which let Zhao Wanqing some can't believe.

Yang Bin said with a smile, "Miss Zhao, we are not hiding from you. Despite a long time, the music website is now the industry's No. 1 worthy of its reputation. In fact, its position is not stable. We have begun to be challenged by many music websites. The reason why Mr. Hu is willing to sell the shares of the website to Mr. Xiao is mainly due to his talent in music. We think that as long as Mr. Xiao is there, our website can be invincible. "

Zhao Wanqing suddenly realized that he was trying to win over my husband. In fact, you don't have to. The sea of clouds has always been a word, believing in a promise. Since he has promised to put his music works on your music network for a long time, he will certainly not break the appointment. "

Yang Bin said: "I know Mr. Xiao's character. But in any case, it's not secure. Hu owes two 8 billion yuan, and she is willing to pay back with 10% of the shares of Jiujiu music. What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "of course we agree to such a good condition. Ha ha, I didn't expect that after a turn, we were back to the original point. Moreover, it seems that we have earned a lot of defecation. "

Yang Bin said: "each other. Miss Zhao, there is one more thing, that is, whether the songs of their wedding can be uploaded to our Jiujiu music website

"No problem, of course."

Zhao Wanqing took out a USB flash disk from her bag and gave it to Yang Bin. She said, "there are not only ten songs that we sang at the wedding, but also all the new songs we have from the concert at the beginning of the year to now. There are 22 songs in total. You can handle them as you like."

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Yang Bin's face showed a color of ecstasy and said, "Miss Zhao, are you not going to make an album?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "we have no time this year. We can only use this way to thank our fans for their support."

Yang Bin solemnly said: "you can rest assured that I will make good use of these songs."

After that, Yang Bin took out Hu Yaoting's signed contract from his bag and handed it to Zhao Wanqing, saying, "this is our printed contract. Please have a good look at it. If there is no problem, we can ask Mr. Xiao to sign. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and looked at it carefully. There was no problem. She signed her name directly on it.

Yang Bin was surprised and said, "Miss Zhao, are you going to be a shareholder of the music network for a long time?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, Yunhai and I are husband and wife. It's estimated that we can't separate in this life. Who signs is the same."

Yang Bin sighed: "the love between the two is really enviable."

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "my husband will have time in the afternoon. When he arrives, let him treat you well."

Yang Bin waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xiao is so busy that we won't disturb him. The company has a lot of things to do recently, so we will fly back immediately. "

Not long after the negotiation ended, a large banner appeared on the homepage of Jiujiu music website, which was dangling around. It said: "after Yun Huangqing, she sang ten songs specially for her wedding. One song is uploaded at 8:00 every day. Please pay attention."

As soon as the news came out, tens of millions of fans of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing appeared one after another.

"Ha ha, Emperor Yun has finally sent out a new song. It's still for wedding. That's great. "

"There is no tiger on the mountain. The monkey is called overlord. Those so-called kings of music should be careful recently

"These people are more arrogant than others, and even speak ill of emperor Yun in the program. Now, the emperor of cloud has finally issued a new song. Let's see when they can still sing. "

"In a word, when the emperor goes out, the kings retreat."

Xiao Yunhai's songs have not been released, the whole network is boiling up.

Want to know, cloud emperor produces, must belong to high-quality goods, this sentence is from the network fans there spread out, two years, all the songs of Xiao Yunhai have never let you down.Now that he's going to post a new song, it's natural to respond in groups.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai's first song "have to love" was passed on. In just one hour, the number of downloads reached 7.3 million.

In a villa in Shanghai, after breakfast, Shen Xiangquan opened the homepage of Jiujiu music website and downloaded Xiao Yunhai's songs.

Shen Xiangquan, 23, graduated from the Taipei Conservatory of music. He is handsome and charming. He is the school grass in the school and is loved by countless girls.

After four years of hard work and his unique talent, Shen Xiangquan is a top-notch player in writing, composing, composing and singing.

In just one year, he became popular in the whole treasure island with a "Troy" album, and then extended to the mainland of China.

Half a month later, the album sales reached more than 10 million, more than 10 million fans, and became a king level artist.

His uncle is a Taiwan tycoon Shen Weijun, worth hundreds of billions. Seeing his nephew's genius, he set up a music company in Yanjing for him, and let him develop in the mainland.

In the past two years of China's entertainment industry, the most cattle of all is Xiao Yunhai. In two years, he wrote dozens of classic songs, almost a legend.

As a musical genius, Shen Xiangquan will not admit that Xiao Yunhai is better than himself. Therefore, he has been writing songs at home recently, preparing to release another album to reach the point of being emperor in World War I.

On the Internet last night, he saw that Xiao Yunhai's new song for the wedding was online at eight o'clock every day. So he noticed it and wanted to see how wonderful the so-called cloud emperor's product must be a high-quality product. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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