Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:49 AM

Chapter 622

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At 8:00, Shen opened the homepage of the music network for a long time, found xiaoyunhai's songs and directly clicked download.

Since the music network has been merged for a long time, it has changed its larger capacity servers, so the download speed is very fast.

After the song download is completed, Shen Xiangquan clicks on the play key and the cheerful Prelude rings.

This "have to love" is a male and female song, sung by Pan Weibai and xuanzi in the past, with a very happy melody.

Zhaowanqing: every day you need your love, my mind is guess by you. Iloveyou, I want you, and make me wonderful every day. Every day, I put it on the lips. What is true love. Iloveyou, how many points are said faster than you think.

The first section is sung by zhaowanqing, whose voice is very thin and soft, but the tone is very high, which makes people feel comfortable.

Xiaoyunhai: it is our rich and generous feelings, or there is a heaven arrangement. We were the school or we were not willing to be too good. It was that time I didn't come to the appointment, making me cry like a child. We are anxious to prove that I exist, or we will be dazed if we don't love.

The xiaoyunhai voice that followed the singing dropped rapidly, at least two tones, the sound was deep but full of magnetism, and the stability was very high.

It is like Zhao Wanqing singing on the mountain, while xiaoyunhai sings in the sea. One mountain and one sea, the two levels are different, but closely connected.

Zhaowanqing: I have to love [br >

xiaoyunhai: otherwise, where can happiness come from.

Zhaowanqing: I have to love [br >

xiaoyunhai: otherwise, where will Sorrow come from.

Zhaowanqing: I have to love

xiaoyunhai: otherwise I will lose my future.

It seems that I can't help myself, but I can't fail myself, but I have a wonderful life every day.

The cooperation between the two people can be said to be seamless. Both skills and feelings have reached the top of the singing and the absolute singing skills.

Shen Xiangquan listened to the earphone many times, but the melody of the song was ringing in his mind, and he sighed: "the cloud emperor is the cloud emperor. The song written is really strong. However, it seems like a drool song, and it can be put on the Internet, but in the ears of music commentators, I'm afraid nothing is. "

Shen Xiangquan is right. There is no strange thing about the song. It is simple and easy to listen to. It is very suitable for KTV.

However, the musician is a musician, and the fans are fans. It is difficult to draw the same sign between them.

Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing sing this "have to love" is the representative of saliva song. Many musicians are very disappointed after hearing the song, and most of them have given bad comments.

But the fans, on the contrary, found the songs very pleasant to listen to. In just one day, the download volume was mentioned by the fans of the two people by 43 million people.

You know, the number that makes it hard for other singers to look after is less than a fifth of their fans.

At 8:00 the next morning, the second sweet honey was uploaded to the Internet, and the music world was detonated again.

This song is a representative work of DengLiJun in the past. Zhaowanqing sings in no way inferior to the color. In one day, he has obtained 56 million downloads. "Have to love" has risen to 63 million people.

Next, today I will marry you, dimples, appointment, love you more everyday, the most beautiful, husband and husband I love you, love people, wedding march music and other eight songs. On the long-term music network, one song a day has been passed on, so that fans are addicted to it.

Many young men and women married during this period directly used their songs.

Xiaoyunhai's new songs are uploaded from December 3, one day, and by 24:00 on December 12, the download volume has exceeded 650 million.

The market share of music network has been increased from 51% to 68% for a long time, up 17 percentage points, which makes Hu Yaoting and Yang Bin very happy.

Countless advertisers waved money to music network for a long time. In just ten days, advertising costs reached 560million.

But the vertical and horizontal music network just started the momentum, but not fermentation, was hit down, the market share from the original 6% to 4%, PP music network although also launched two first-line singers of new songs, but the results are very small, good in the end Li Xugang three new songs upload, is to stabilize the decline momentum.

Seeing xiaoyunhai's songs finally finished, all the music network owners were all in a breath.

Just wanted to regroup, but they didn't wait for them to move, and the annoying red banner of music network appeared again.

"In order to thank the fans for their love and support after yunhuangqing, all the new songs of the two couples this year will be published on this website, two songs a day, please pay attention to them."

Fans were immediately happy. Those songs sung at the concert after yunhuangqing were very good. Unfortunately, they neither produced albums nor uploaded the Internet. If they wanted to listen, they could only watch the concert video, which made it very inconvenient for the fans.Now, these songs will finally appear in the long music network. How can the fans of the couple not tell each other.

The first day of uploading "hair such as snow" and "women's flowers" in just two hours, the download amount exceeded 70 million, setting an unprecedented record, and it is estimated that no one will come after.

The next songs, the results are also good, no words.

Li Xugang and Shen Xiangquan once sang to stop Xiao Yunhai from killing all directions, but they were defeated in the end.

Throughout December, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's songs were popular all over China. The number of downloads of 22 consecutive songs reached 1.436 billion, which shocked the entertainment industry.

When asked about the incident in an interview, Tsai Ping ya, a pop star, sighed: "the cloud emperor is no longer what we earthlings can stop. I'm glad I didn't sing this month, and I'll avoid him in the future. Because this person is a non-human, more than 20 songs, the first classic, Xiao Yunhai, what do you want us to do? "

After Xiao Yunhai's bombardment, the market share of Jiujiu music website increased to 78% in December. The fire was in a mess, and all music websites were squeezed.

Looking at the financial statements in her hand, Hu Yaoting laughed and said, "Lao Yang, it's really right to bring Mr. Xiao in. Our website's advertising and music revenue, this month's revenue actually reached 2.4 billion, it's really amazing. "

"It's because there are more than 20 classic songs that appeal to fans and advertisers. I'm afraid it won't happen next month," Yang said

Hu Yaoting waved her hand and said, "I understand. But our new Jiujiu music network has achieved success, and its popularity has been greatly improved. The whole China does not know that our estimation is not available. You are right. With the emperor of cloud, we are in an invincible position. By the way, did Mr. Xiao call back the profits from the songs? "

Yang Bin nodded and said, "it has already been called. After taking into account the individual income tax, the total is 1.16 billion yuan. "

Hu Yaoting sighed: "what a genius. Twenty two songs won 1.1 billion, and the whole entertainment industry is him. "

Yang Bin said: "yes, when I signed him to join, I didn't expect that he had come to this point in only two years. It's really amazing. "

Xiao Yunting didn't care about Xiao Yuanhai's songs when she was making 1.1 billion yuan. He devoted himself to filming inception. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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