Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:42 AM

Chapter 626

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After the auction of the eastern cinema, the southern cinema began.

Sure enough, after the price reached 250 billion yuan, the situation became a contest between foreign forces, and was finally bought by eight major film companies for 295 billion yuan.

The host has received Xiao Yuanyang's instruction and said: "next, we are going to compete for the hidden bid. Our staff need to prepare the bidding documents for the competitors. Now please have a rest. We'll bid again in ten minutes. "

Cao Huaqian, Xiao Yuanyang and others left the venue. After a while, Li Guoke, Yu Hai, Xue Tianhua and other bosses in charge of bidding were called out by the staff.

Looking at the back of their departure, Angu cruise, Paramount's boss, said with a smile: "it seems that the Chinese people are going to be impatient."

Tony of Columbia company said with a smile: "four cinemas were taken by several European consortia, and we took another. They are not in a hurry. Mr. angel, you are the general manager of our eight major companies. How much are you going to invest in the following secret bid? "

Angu thought for a moment and said, "we have prepared a total of 445 billion Chinese dollars this time. After buying the southern cinema, we have only 150 billion left. Obviously, we can't afford to buy the remaining two. So, we need friends. I think the Toshir family seems to be very interested in Chinese cinema. I would like to talk about cooperation with them. What do you think? "

Tony laughed and said, "I agree."

Kerry nodded and said, "I agree."

Representatives of other companies agreed.

So Angu went to a representative of the Toshir family and talked for a while.

Then, the representative made several crazy phone calls.

After a while, when angle came back, his face showed a happy look and said, "it's done. They are also willing to give 150 billion yuan to share the shares with us, with the goal of northern cinema. "

"Ha ha, great." Representatives of Hollywood's eight cinemas all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the smiles of his old friends Angu and Kerry, frowned tightly and said, "wife, we are in big trouble now. Hollywood and the Toshir family seem to be coming together. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile: "husband, I'm afraid our efforts in front of us will be wasted. The strength of the other party is really too strong."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope those managers who have negotiated in the past can bring good news."

Ten minutes later, Cao and others almost came back.

From their faces, Xiao Yunhai did not see anything.

After a while, the staff sent the tender to the representatives who bid for the secret bid.

Although hundreds of people came to the meeting hall, most of them were like Xiao Yunhai. Only a small number of them were representatives jointly promoted by major companies, and the total number was about 20.

After they finished filling in the form, the staff took back the bidding documents, and the host said, "please wait a moment, we will go to count the results."

"Wait a minute."

As soon as the host's voice dropped, Angu suddenly stood up and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I think it's more appropriate for us to open the bid on site for the sake of fairness."

"That's right." Another foreign consortium representative said, "I agree with Mr. angle. We have a total of about 20 tenders, and the ranking is only a few minutes. It is better to be in public. "

The host frowned and said, "Sir, don't you believe us?"

"Yes. It's a business of hundreds of billions. Don't talk about you. Even myself, I don't believe it. "

His words have aroused the unanimous approval of all foreign representatives, and they have asked for on-site bid opening.

The host was at a loss and could only look at the gloomy Cao Huaqian below.

Seeing this situation, those representatives even gave up.

"You don't really want to cheat, do you?"

"If you don't dare to open the bid on site, it means there must be something wrong with it."

"Please open the bid immediately. We need to see the result with our own eyes."

"Faltering, what is your Chinese government trying to do? Do you really want us to sue you in the International Court of justice? "

Cao Huaqian and Xiao Yuanyang looked at each other, but they were helpless.

Finally, Xiao Yuanyang got up and said, "OK. In order to show you the fairness of the hidden bid, we will open the bid on site. "

The host nodded and said, "then please prepare the statisticians. I'll talk about the price and you'll make statistics. The first is the northern cinema. "

" Tianhua entertainment media company, 230 billion. "

"The Hessel consortium, 265 billion."

"Changlong iron and Steel Group, 255 billion."

………………… .

"eight Hollywood film companies, 295 billion."

"Northern cinema, the ultimate winner is the eight Hollywood film companies.""Yes."

Angu and others were jubilant. As a result, their eight Hollywood film companies had more than 7000 screens in China. Together with their cooperation with the tohill family, most of China was in their hands.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai seems to see that the major Hollywood companies have sounded the horn of attack to China. Next, I'm afraid it's the showdown between Chinese movies and Hollywood movies.

Zhao Mingsheng looked serious and said, "it's hard to do this now."

On the stage, the host continued to open bids, and the Western cinema was finally won by three Japanese consortia with 280 billion yuan.

When the results came out, Cao Huaqian's body suddenly leaned on the chair and said, "it's over."

Xiao Yuanyang is also pale, quietly scolded: "these shortsighted entrepreneurs."

Tian Jishang frowned tightly. Although his face had been pulling, he looked at Cao Bu Chang with a hint of joy in his eyes.

The Ministry of culture didn't want foreign forces to participate in the auction.

But after the news spread, the United States and European countries all collectively sent a protest, accusing China of protecting its local entertainment industry.

Under pressure, Huaxia had to agree with foreign enterprises to participate in the auction.

However, what we didn't expect was that the Chinese cinema would be completely divided up by these foreign forces, but our own country did not occupy it at all.

We should know that Huaxia cinemas occupy 60% of the whole Chinese film market. Once foreign films are attacked without any restrictions, it will definitely be a devastating blow to China's local film and television industry.

As the Minister of culture in charge of all this, Cao Huaqian is undoubtedly to take full responsibility.

If Cao Huaqian is to step down as a result, it will definitely be a good opportunity for Tian Jishang.

With his qualifications and Li family background, Tian Jishang is likely to take over the post of minister of culture.

As for Liang Qianqiu, although he has done very well since taking office, he has only stayed in the Ministry of culture for only one year, so it is impossible for him to turn to him.

Therefore, Tian Jishang is very happy to see all this, of course, his face is certainly not shown. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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