Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:41 AM

Chapter 627

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The bosses of the major film and television companies in China are not very good-looking at this time. It is undoubtedly a very terrible thing to be controlled by foreign companies in China's local cinemas.

In the future, if you want to release a movie, you need these foreign devils to nod. Naturally, you have to look at their faces and act. In this way, you can imagine the price that people pay.

Zhao Mingsheng thought of the following serious consequences, can not help but shake his head and sigh: "the Chinese film is over."

In order to get the shares of Huaxia cinema, Xiao Yunhai made a lot of preparations. He contacted Hu's technology, Yu's real estate, and major film and television companies. However, it turned out that he had nothing to do, which made him feel extremely depressed.

Zhao Wanqing was very clear about her husband's importance to Chinese cinema. She said, "husband, don't lose heart. Even if they get the cinema, what can they do. As long as our magic effects company can always stay ahead, they won't dare to block our movies. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said thoughtfully, "I understand. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. "

"What do you mean?" asked Zhao Wanqing

A ray of wisdom flashed in Xiao Yunhai's eyes and said, "wife, if I contact with his real estate and Hu's technology company to apply for the establishment of a national cinema, do you think the state will agree?"

Zhao Wanqing's eyes brightened and she said with mixed surprise and joy: "it didn't happen before, but now it's not necessarily."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as the saying goes, if you have the right to use it, it will be invalid if it is expired. Uncle is the head of the Ministry of culture. Why not? Besides, it's not about abusing power for personal gain. We set up theaters for the development of Chinese film and television industry. Do you think so? "

Zhao Wanqing hit Xiao Yunhai for a while and said with a smile, "you, if you want to do it, you need to find so many reasons?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'll discuss it with general manager Yu and general manager Hu. There are many forces behind them. There must be no problem taking this big list."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "go ahead, dad and I will go back first."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, just wait for my good news."

Taking out his mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai respectively called Hu Yaoting and Yu Hai and asked them to drink tea in the teahouse next to the hotel.

They agreed without hesitation.

Xiao Yunhai is about to leave when Kerry smiles and meets him.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Kerry, the 600 billion movie theater has forced you to raise to 1.2 billion yuan. You are really cruel. I don't understand. Now that the economic crisis has just eased down, where did you get so much money? "

Kerry said with a smile: "we have the support of big consortia on Wall Street behind us. What is this money. If it was not for the financial crisis, with our strength, it would not be impossible to take down all the theaters. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "yes, you are good. Anyway, my movie, you have to show it for me

Kerry said: "what else? You boy now developed a stronger special effects technology, which film and television company dare not give you face. Are you free now? Let's have a drink

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "forget it. I'm in such a bad mood that I don't want to celebrate with you. I have something urgent. Let's get back to you. "

Kerry shrugged and said, "it's up to you."

Xiao Yunhai walked out of the hotel and came to the teahouse nearby.

At this time, Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting have been sitting there waiting for him.

Xiao Yunhai repeatedly apologized and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm late."

Hu Yaoting poured him a cup of tea and said, "it doesn't matter. I just arrived with Yu Zong."

Yu Hai took a sip of tea and sighed, "at the beginning, I wanted to buy two cinema lines. Now it seems like a joke."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no one thought that the state would let foreign forces in, let alone that they would be so crazy. A cinema line of 300 billion yuan, which is simply money as waste paper. It can also be seen that we have seriously underestimated the Chinese film industry. "

Hu Yaoting nodded and said, "in the middle of the ten minutes, Cao, director of the Ministry of culture, called us all over. I hope you can work together to keep the other two lines. But he didn't think about it. How could we agree with hundreds of billions of dollars. Don't say no, even if there is, we can't do this

General manager Hu Yun, don't you know what I'm looking for in Haihai cinema

Xiao Yunhai looked solemn and said solemnly: "since the ready-made courtyard line is impossible, why don't we build one ourselves. Uncle, Mr. Hu, I want to cooperate with you to build a cinema line covering all cities in the country. What do you think? "

Hearing this, Yu Hai shook his head and said, "no, the state will not approve. To tell you the truth, before I went to the auction, I had found a relationship and hoped that I could prepare to build a cinema line. I once asked people to calculate that if I built it myself, I could build the second Huaxia cinema with a maximum cost of 400 billion yuan. Unfortunately, the above directly tells me that it is impossible to approve the construction of a fifth cinema line within ten years. "Hu Yaoting sighed, "yes. If this road can go, who will be stupid to buy Chinese cinema line

Xiao Yunhai said: "but this time is different from the past. It is impossible for the state to allow this kind of thing to happen, which should have belonged to China, but now it has become one of those people abroad. Therefore, the government will definitely try every means to check and balance it, otherwise our cultural industry will be finished in a short time. If we hand in an application now, maybe things will come true. "

Hu Yaoting said: "even if the country is relaxed, it may not be our turn."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "if it's our turn?"

As soon as Yu Hai's eyes brightened, he said, "I can guarantee that within one year, all cities above the second tier will have our cinemas. Within two years, a new Chinese cinema will be born, covering all the large and medium-sized cities in China. Cloud sea, do you have any way? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I know a senior official who can help us to deal with everything."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Yu Hai, who was originally looking forward to, seemed to have been poured down by a basin of cold water from the top of his head, leaning back on the chair and shaking his head with a bitter smile.

Hu Yaoting also said with a smile: "I also know the Minister of culture, Cao. What's the use of it. Don't even think about it unless you can talk to the second Chief Executive in charge of economy and culture. Ah, this meat is so delicious that it is not too much to say that he is a treasure pot. It is impossible for us to argue with others. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea, and with a smile, he said, "what's the last name of that chief?"

Hu Yaoting said: "of course, it's Xiao. "

speaking of this, Hu Yaoting was suddenly stunned, and then her eyes widened. She pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with an incredible look:" don't say you have relatives with chief Xiao. "

Hearing Hu Yaoting's words, Yu Hai's body can't help leaving the chair, staring at Xiao Yunhai tightly, waiting for his answer.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "coincidentally, my surname is Xiao, and he really has relatives."

"No way. Yuexian told me everything about you. If you have relatives with chief Xiao, how can you go the way of being a star? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's hard to say anything about our Xiao family. In a word, I can tell you clearly that my grandfather's name is Xiao Leshan, who once served as No. 1 chief. My uncle's name is Xiao Chongyang. He is now the second chief. Xiao Yuanyang, director of the film and Television Bureau, is my cousin. I have never told anyone about this relationship. Please don't spread it out to the public. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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