Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:39 AM

Chapter 628

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Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

After a long time, Yu Hai recovered and said, "since you have this relationship, why do you come to us?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "our Xiao family has always been clear about public and private affairs, and we will never seek personal interests. Otherwise, I will not follow the auction of Huaxia cinema. In a word, do you want to do it

Hu Yao Ting said: "such a good business, do not do is not become a fool."

Yu Haidao: "yes. Yunhai, if this thing is done, we can give you 10% of the shares for your hard work. "

Hu Yaoting nodded and said, "I promise."

Xiao Yunhai said: "a gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way. I don't want such hard work. The most important thing for us now is to apply to the Ministry of culture as soon as possible. Each of us accounts for 30%. I propose that another 10% be donated to the Red Cross Society of China as the feedback of our cinema to the society. In this way, the government will be more favorable to us. What do you think? "

Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting said at the same time, "good."

After the discussion, they found a place and immediately began to write an application for the cinema line, which took two hours to complete.

By this time, it was already 13:30 p.m.

After writing, Xiao Yunhai called Xiao Yuanyang directly and asked, "brother, what are you busy with?"

Xiao Yuanyang said, "I'm on my way to Huaxia general office. This time, the old man personally asked me and chief Cao to come over. It was estimated that he would get a lecture. If we can't get it right, we'll lose all our black hats. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "do you have any remedial measures?"

Xiao Yuanyang said angrily, "remedy? How to make it up. Can't those foreigners spit fat out of their mouths? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brother, I have written an application to build a new cinema line covering all major cities in China with Yu's real estate company and Hu's technology company. What do you think?"

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Xiao Yuanyang took a long time to say, "Yunhai, you are still a quick thinker. Where are you now? Give me the application and I will report to the old man directly. Maybe, this is what Minister Cao and I have to protect our lives. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not far from the general office of Huaxia. It's estimated that I can arrive in ten minutes. You can wait for me for a while."

After calling, Xiao Yunhai said to Hai and Hu Yaoting: "Minister Cao and my brother are going to see my uncle. He has promised to hand in this application."

Yu Hai clapped his hands and said happily, "great."

Hu Yaoting said, "I'll just pass by Huaxia general office when I go back. Let me show you."

Xiao Yunhai, in Hu Yaoting's car, only took five minutes to arrive at the gate of Huaxia general office. He happened to see Xiao Yuanyang and chief Cao get out of a car.

Xiao Yunhai with the application, rushed to Xiao Yuanyang in front of the things to him.

Xiao Yuanyang said: "we don't have time to read it now. You can talk about the main content in general."

Xiao Yunhai said: "in order to resist the large-scale invasion of the Chinese film industry by foreign companies, I, Yu's real estate and Hu's technology company applied to build a new cinema line covering all cities in China, mainly showing our excellent domestic films. Foreign films will not exceed 20% in a year. The investment is about 350 billion yuan. Because Yu's group is engaged in real estate, we have the ability to cover all the second tier cities in China within one year and become a new Chinese cinema line in two years. Moreover, we will not set up a film company. Everything is based on the box office, so there is no possibility of monopoly. In order to reflect our sense of social responsibility, we can donate 10% of our profits to the Red Cross Society of China every year. That's about it. "

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's brief report, Xiao Yuanyang showed an appreciative look and said: "very good, you go back and wait for my news."

Xiao Yunhai smiles, nods to Minister Cao, and then turns to leave.

Cao Huaqian looked at Xiao Yunhai's back and sighed, "this young man is really amazing. His eyes are very keen. Ocean, this application may be our life-saving straw. "

Xiao Yuanyang said, "yes. Minister Cao, you'd better report to us. I hope you can pass this test. "

Cao Huaqian nodded in a dignified manner and said, "go, time is coming."

When they arrived at the government office, they sat for about half an hour before a government official took them into Xiao Chongyang's office.

Although Xiao Yuanyang and Xiao Chongyang are father and son, it is the first time for Xiao Yuanyang to enter his office.

He didn't have enough grades before. Even now, if it wasn't for such a big thing, he couldn't get in.

Xiao Chongyang did not get angry, but let them sit down and directly asked, "what should we do next? What measures does your Ministry of culture take? "

Time is very precious to achieve Xiao Chongyang's position. Therefore, we should speak and do things directly to the core. As for the responsibility, naturally some people will investigate.Cao Huaqian said respectfully: "chief, this time we have not considered carefully, we did not expect..."

Xiao Chongyang waved his hand and said, "I know that the responsibility is not entirely on your head. We have opened the entertainment market in China. Naturally, those big international alligators will not miss such a big piece of fat. My main point now is to ask, what remedial measures do you have? "

Cao Huaqian handed the application written by Xiao Yunhai to Xiao Chongyang, saying: "chief executive, our measures are only in a simple word, supporting new cinemas and preventing the massive invasion of foreign culture. This event is a huge warning to us. Although China's cultural industry has made great strides in recent years, there are still some very big gaps compared with foreign countries. "

"Now Huaxia cinemas are in the hands of foreign consortia, and the other three private cinemas can't compete with them. Therefore, we believe that the most urgent task now is to open up one or two courtyard lines to compete with them. Otherwise, in a few years' time, our cultural industry may be hit unprecedentedly, and the whole market will be occupied by Hollywood films, with unimaginable consequences. "

"This application is made by the Hu family

next, Minister Cao generally repeated Xiao Yunhai's words.

While listening, Xiao Chongyang glanced at the application form, but there was no problem with the content. Only when he saw that the last applicant was Xiao Yunhai, he stopped looking, but his face was still and said, "I agree with you in principle. China's entertainment industry is related to our whole Chinese culture and should not be ignored. Minister Cao, I will hold a special meeting to discuss this issue. Well, you go out first. Director Xiao will stay for a while. I have something to ask you. "

Cao Huaqian agreed, looked at Xiao Yuanyang, and then turned to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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