Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:38 AM

Chapter 629

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As soon as Cao Huaqian left, Xiao Chongyang threw the application on the table and said, "Hu's technology group and Yu's real estate consortium are the leading large companies in China. I have no objection to their joint construction of cinemas. Can you tell me why there is a sea of clouds in it

Xiao Chongyang thought that his nephew was making profits for himself in the name of Xiao family, so he looked very serious.

"What identity are you asking me?" Xiao asked

Xiao Chongyang frowned and said, "is this important?"

Xiao Yuanyang said: "if you ask me as a chief executive, I will tell you that as a 100 billion millionaire who started from scratch in only two years, Xiao Yunhai naturally has the ability to fund the construction of cinemas. If you ask me in your father's personal capacity, I will tell you that Yunhai did not do anything under the banner of Xiao family. He loaned 120 billion dollars from the bank as collateral for magic effects, movie theater shares throughout North America, and the copyright of all film and television novels. Originally, he wanted to cooperate with others to buy Huaxia cinema, but he didn't know what to do

"After seeing that the Chinese cinema was controlled by foreigners, he felt that the state would not sit idly by, so he contacted Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting to write the application. This is a decision made by him, which has nothing to do with the Xiao family. Besides, he is now a hundred billion rich man, and his vision will not be so short-sighted. "

Xiao Chongyang once had his nephew checked, but he still had some knowledge about his talent and conduct. When I saw his files for the first time, there was even a faint admiration in my heart.

With their own efforts, they have gained hundreds of billions of wealth. They are also keen on charity. With their influence, they have set up charity foundations, built thousands of schools and hundreds of homes for the aged. In China, no one can beat them.

Xiao Chongyang said: "our Xiao family has always been public and private. Since he has participated in this project with his own ability, I will not deliberately obstruct him. But on the issue of capital, he can not have any problems, especially can not accept the benefits of the other two investors, otherwise, the nature will change. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yuanyang nodded and said, "don't worry, Yunhai is not that kind of person. Of course, I'll take your words to him. So, have you approved their application? "

Xiao Chongyang said: "tomorrow, I will take it to the meeting and talk about it. If there is no objection, there should be no problem. But the time of one year is too slow, it is better to advance to half a year. You know, foreign consortia won't give us too much time. "

Xiao Yuanyang nodded and said, "I will inform them."

Xiao Chongyang said: "although you can't be entirely blamed for this incident, you also have unshirkable responsibilities. To be sure, you didn't realize the seriousness of the matter before. You were very unprepared. This time, though I've put it down, I don't want to have another one. "

Xiao Yuanyang said, "yes, chief."

Out of the office, Xiao Yuanyang saw Cao Huaqian waiting for him by the car.

Xiao Yuanyang walked quickly and came to him.

Cao Huaqian looked worried and asked, "ocean, what does the chief executive say?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "this time it was suppressed by him, but it is not allowed to appear for the second time."

After hearing Xiao Yuanyang's words, Cao's heart was finally released and said, "great."

Back to the film and Television Bureau, Xiao Yuanyang called Xiao Yunhai.

"Brother, did you bring me good news?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "you're too good at cutting corners. My Dad agreed, but he asked me to tell you. When building a cinema, you can't use the Xiao's brand to make a profit for yourself. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm not so worthless. I don't have a billion dollars in my eyes. Don't worry. We'll share the whole courtyard equally. I won't give them a cent. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "the second problem is that the speed of building cinemas is too slow for Huaxia to wait. He asked you to double the time. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I need to ask the general manager about this."

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "OK. I tell you, this opportunity is very rare, we must seize it. "

After talking with Xiao Yuanyang, Xiao Yunhai can't wait to call Yunhai.

"Uncle, it's done."

Yu Hai said excitedly, "it's so good."

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't be happy too early. My uncle made a request that we build the cinema twice as fast as we planned. I wonder if your company can do it? "

Yu Hai thought for a while and said, "this is no problem. It's a big deal. Let's spend more money and ask the real estate company outside to build it together. "

"But the quality must be guaranteed. It's better to use some pollution-free environmental protection materials," Xiao added. If we want to build, we should build the best, so as to avoid all kinds of problems in the future. "

Yu Hai said with a smile: "OK, ha ha, it seems that our company will be busy next time."

Xiao Yunhai said: "President Hu and I can only provide financial support for you, and the rest depends on you."Yu Hai said with a smile: "don't worry, this is my old line. As long as there is enough money, everything will be OK. "

Then, Xiao Yunhai and informed Hu Yaoting, the matter is completely settled down.

In the future, we only need to send a few financial management accountants as supervisors.

That night, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to their parents in law.

After Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Mingsheng about it, Zhao Mingsheng was very happy.

If his son-in-law has a cinema, Hanhai doesn't have to ask other people to show films.

In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai has been staying in dreamland, the late stage of inception.

"Love apartment 2" is a total of 20 episodes, which ended in just two weeks, with an average audience rating of 9.2%, breaking the 10-year viewing record of Anhui TV station and bringing in 420 million advertising revenue for Xiao Yunhai.

The second round of broadcasting rights, Xiao Yunhai did not sell out, but directly put on the Xianyue video website.

A week later, the number of package downloads of "love apartment 2" reached 8.3 million person times. With online viewing, it got 340 million revenue. It should be no problem to finally exceed 400 million.

After the news reached the circle, I didn't know how many directors died of envy.

In fact, "love apartment 2" is nothing. What really scares people is "Jingwu hero".

At the beginning, after "Jingwu hero" was painted, Xiao Yunhai gave it to Yu Yuexian.

According to a ticket of 30 yuan, regardless of the movie, the movie finally won 3.8 billion box office. In fact, only 8% of the total population of the country actually went into the cinema.

Therefore, when "Jingwu hero" appeared on Xianyue website, netizens on the Internet were crazy to download it. So far, the number of people has exceeded 130 million, setting several records.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai made more than four billion yuan.

Together with the songs he published on the Internet for a long time, Xiao Yunhai has made a full of 2.1 billion yuan in this month. You know, this does not count the money he made to the Red Cross Society of China. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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