Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:10 AM

Chapter 63

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Xiao Yunhai just lightly looked at Hu Haitao, and then tightly staring at Xu Qianqian.

The pretty face in the memory of my predecessor would always give him the most beautiful smile, but now, this beautiful face is full of pride, and the moving eyes are full of indifference.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's inner obsession slowly disappeared. It seemed that he had nothing to love. Before he disappeared, he finally said, "take good care of my family."

Xiao Yunhai relaxed and controlled the whole body again.

He knows that today's self is a perfect fusion of the two people's all.

"Yunhai, let's go. Individuals have their own choices, and you can't stop them. " Zhao Wanqing, who has not spoken for a long time, suddenly comes forward, holding Xiao Yunhai's arm, and looks like a bird in love with others.

This scene surprised everyone.

Are you kidding? Who is Zhao Wanqing?

The first beauty of the college in the past ten years is talented, with a strong family background, and has made great achievements in music and film. It took only half a year to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. How can such a gorgeous figure like Xiao Yunhai.

Regardless of whether Zhao Wanqing's performance was true or not, Huang Bo also opened his voice and said, "third brother, my sister-in-law invited us to dinner. We can't let people spoil our interest. Let's go. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded, handed Zhao Wanqing a grateful look and said, "let's go."

Xia Xiaohu, Hu Haitao, Xu Qianqian, they look at the back of the three, speechless.

Finally, Hu Haitao said bitterly: "this must be false."

Xia Xiaohu said: "even if it's fake, if Zhao Wanqing can help him like this, their friendship will certainly be good. OK, stop talking. Qianqian, let's go. Haitao, don't forget, we are going to rehearse the stage play in the auditorium this afternoon, and it will officially start performing in a few days "

with that, Xia Xiaohu left with Xu Qianqian in his arms.

Hu Haitao looked at their backs, Pooh, and murmured: "adulterer, adulterer, what thing."

Xiao Yunhai three people came to the Zihe restaurant not far from the school, ordered a few dishes at random, asked for a small private room, and sat down.

Xiao Yunhai saw that both of them were looking at themselves quietly. Knowing that they were worried about themselves, Xiao Yunhai laughed at Zhao Wanqing and said, "thank you for your help. Thank you for helping me save that little bit of self-esteem. But I'm afraid it's not very good for you to do so? "

Although Zhao Wanqing is a student, she has already made a name in the entertainment industry and is a real public figure.

She took Xiao Yunhai's arm in public and said those intimate words on purpose, which could easily cause misunderstanding from the outside world and put herself in the forefront of the entertainment industry.

"What's the big deal? If people who enter the entertainment industry don't have a big heart, they just go home and be an ordinary person. "

Zhao Wanqing's words are very domineering. Huang Bo admires him very much. He gives Zhao Wanqing a thumbs up and says, "Zhao Wanqing, you are this."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "as long as you don't say I'm a man, I'm a woman. Xiao Yunhai, I helped you today. Are you going to help me

Xiao Yunhai said seriously: "no matter what you have, as long as I can do it, I'll die."

"It's not that serious." Zhao Wanqing waved her hand and said with a smile, "my second album is about to be released. The company has collected ten songs for me. To be honest, I feel very ordinary. I hope you can write a song for me. The price is sure to be OK. "

Huang Bo was surprised and said, "Zhao Wanqing, you are so good. Today, in March, you made your first album, and then you made two plays in succession. One of them is "Emperor Kangxi", which is the focus of CCTV

"Now it's only September, and you're about to release your second album. Can't you stop? Let's just go home and plant the fields

Xiao Yunhai agreed with Huang Bo's words and said, "the fourth is right. Zhao Wanqing, you are really a workaholic. Come on, what kind of song do you want? Let me see if I can write it for you? "

"As long as it's about love."

"About love?" Xiao Yunhai searched dozens of classic love songs in his mind. Any capital can be used as the main song.

In the music world of the past life, the songs about love are undoubtedly the most.

Not to mention anything else, there are more than a dozen princes or divas who can get on the stage. It's not easy to find one for Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said with a smile, "I just got a song by accident the other day. I was going to sing it myself. Since you are in a hurry to release an album, I'll leave it to you. Do you have any paper? "

As soon as Zhao Wanqing's eyes brightened, she took out a pen and a notebook from her bag and handed it to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai takes it over and glances at it at will. It is Zhao Wanqing's experience in filming.Zhao Wanqing blushed and explained, "I just write what I see and learn every day. It's privacy. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and turned directly to the last page to write.

Huang Bo asked in a low voice: "third brother, can you do it?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "music this thing, as long as you are willing to think, you are sure to go." Then he wrote it on the paper.

Five minutes later, the dishes were served and Xiao Yunhai's songs were written.

Give it to Zhao wanting and eat it without saying a word.

"Understanding?" Zhao wanting gently read out, the name is very meaningful.

Zhao Wanqing continued to look down. The more she looked, the brighter her eyes were. At the same time, she could not help showing a surprise look on her face.

This kind of song is so wonderful that it can become a classic as long as you sing it well.

After reading the song, Zhao Wanqing glanced at Xiao Yunhai who was eating crazily. A trace of tenderness and pity appeared in her eyes, and she said in her heart, "Xiao Yunhai is really infatuated with Xu Qianqian. How could you have written such an unforgettable Lyric without that heartbreaking feeling. "

Thinking of this, Zhao Wanqing suddenly envied Xu Qianqian.

To be able to get a man so obsessed with love, is the dream of every woman.

It's a pity that Xu Qianqian missed it.

If a man did this to me...

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai. If a man treated me like he did to Xu Qianqian, I would not let go.

Xiao Yunhai felt Zhao Wanqing's eyes, raised his head and said with a smile: "what's the matter? Not satisfied with the song? "

Zhao wanting's face turned red. She waved her hand and said, "of course I'm satisfied."

She put the notebook in the bag and put it away. Admiringly, she said, "Xiao Yunhai, you are really a genius. Do you have the idea of joining an entertainment company? I can introduce it to you. With your acting skills and musical ability, you can be a big star. "

Xiao Yunhai gnawed at a chicken leg and said, "I'm still a student now. I'm ready to learn more in school. I haven't planned to enter the circle completely."

"It's a pity," Zhao said

Huang Bo said in one side: "Zhao wanting, if you don't eat, the food will be gone."

After listening to Huang Bo's words, Zhao wanting noticed that the six dishes on the table were almost eaten. She pointed to the two people and pretended to be angry and said, "you can eat too much, right?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "for me, the sky is big and the earth is big, eat the biggest, you also hurry to eat it."

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "you are really a big bucket."

After dinner, Zhao Wanqing asked, "in three days, our school will hold a new year's party. Will you go there?"

On hearing this, Huang Bo immediately said, "of course. Every year, we go to the new year's party. This year, whether it is still hosted by you, we will cheer for you from below

Zhao wanting nodded and said, "it's really my host. But it won't do just to refuel. Xiao Yunhai, you are so good at singing. It's better to report a program. How about it? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "no problem. I'll prepare a show, but it's not necessarily singing. "

Zhao wanting said with a smile, "it's up to you."

After the three people separated, Huang Bo said something was wrong and left alone.

Last afternoon, Xiao Yunhai took a class as a director. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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