Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:27 AM

Chapter 637

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The next day, major media and newspapers also published the grand event of Jinzun Music Festival. In addition to introducing the attribution of major awards, they all focused on Shen Xiangquan's failure to give Xiao Yunhai face.

"The newcomers don't respect their predecessors and openly slap the emperor on the podium."

"Shen Xiangquan, the best album winner, challenged the emperor and claimed that he must be defeated."

"Shen Xiangquan's attitude is bad. He slaps the emperor in the face. When the sun is clear, he is eager to protect his husband. His backhand is a slap in the face."

The whole entertainment circle is discussing Shen Xiangquan's affairs and watching how Xiao Yunhai will deal with it.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai, who was busy making music, received a call from Huang Qiusheng.

"Yunhai, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "write songs for my wife. What can I do for you, Miss Huang? "

Huang Qiusheng said, "Lao ye and I will treat you to dinner tonight. Are you free?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you two invite me to dinner. If you don't have time, you have to squeeze out the time. I'll take Wanqing with me

Huang Qiusheng said: "great. In fact... This... "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" Mr. Huang, if you have anything, you can say it directly. What's the matter with us? Do we have to dither? "

Huang Qiusheng said: "Yunhai, in fact, it's Shen Weijun, the boss of Taidao Electronics Group, who asked you to go there tonight. Lao ye and I are just company."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Shen Weijun? Is it about Shen Xiangquan? "

Huang Qiusheng said, "that's right. He said he came to make amends to you. I also watched the award party last night. Shen Xiangquan is really a disgrace. However, the young man is very angry. You can give him another chance in the face of me and Lao Ye. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Huang, Shen Xiangquan is very talented and has a strong musical ability. At the moment when foreign entertainment companies are attacking China, I don't want to block this one. You know my character. I am not the kind of person who has nothing to look for, but in my position, face must be taken back. Otherwise, how can you let me mix in the circle in the future. I told his agent that as long as Shen Xiangquan could admit his mistake to me and apologize, it would be over. After all, our face is worth some money. "

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "I knew that you have the courage and won't bully others."

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Huang, don't put on a high hat for me. If he still refuses to give me any face, then I can't say that I will be bullied. "

Huang Qiusheng said, "I understand. If the boy really refuses to apologize, Lao ye and I have no face to be the middleman. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Huang, does Shen Weijun have a good relationship with you and Mr. Ye? I can ask two people to speak for him. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "this Shen Weijun is not an ordinary character."

It turns out that Shen Weijun is a character who covers the sky with one hand in Taiwan Island. Apparently, he is the boss of the Taidao Electronics Group. In fact, he is one of the core figures of the three alliance Gang, the largest gang organization. He has a high position and a worth of hundreds of billions. He is very powerful.

In this world, Taiwan island has long been recovered by Huaxia peace. Like Xiangjiang, it belongs to the Special Administrative Region and has its own way of life. The state, with the exception of sending troops and police to control it, is in their own hands.

In the past, triads were rampant and public order was very poor. After 9:00 p.m., ordinary people were afraid to go out.

After the Chinese government took over, the original intention was to wipe out the gangs with the momentum of thundering. However, unlike Xiangjiang, these black forces have penetrated into all aspects of Taiwan's politics, economy, culture and life, and can't be uprooted at all.

For example, in Shen Weijun's Sanlian Gang, many gang members are senior officials in the government, and there are many well-known figures in the society, who are also gang members.

If it is really like Xiangjiang, I'm afraid the whole island will collapse.

In order to avoid the unrest on Taiwan Island, the Chinese government adopted the method of radish and stick. First, the gangsters that had little impact on the society were knocked out, and tens of thousands of people were arrested to give an account to the people in Taiwan.

However, it took ten years to wipe out the big forces such as the Sanlian gang and the Sihai gang.

Now, like Xiangjiang, the gangs on Taiwan Island no longer exist. Instead, they are commercial groups.

Shen Weijun's Taidao Electronics Group is the product of this kind of gang. However, it is said that he secretly raised a lot of thugs, who were responsible for dealing with things that were inconvenient for him to appear. In addition, there were also his people at the top of the government on the island. Therefore, few people dare not give Shen Weijun face in Taiwan.

Huang Qiusheng finally said: "Yunhai, I know you have a security company, and the Changfeng was destroyed in your hands. But it's easy to hide a clear gun, but it's hard to defend a secret arrow. We don't need to offend Shen Weijun for the sake of a Shen Xiangquan. As long as the face can pass, then forget it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I know it in my mind."

At 6:40 that evening, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived at the hotel box where they had an appointment.At this time, Huang Qiusheng and ye Yongren have arrived and are sitting there chatting.

Seeing the couple, ye Yongren stood up and said, "we seem to have made an appointment at seven o'clock. Are you two coming early?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if it's someone else, we'll have to wait for ten minutes at least. But with Mr. Huang and Mr. ye here today, we have to give them face. "

Huang Qiusheng laughed and said, "I'm very warm about your words. I'm going to call Mr. Shen now. It's true that when all the guests are here, but he's not here, it's a bit out of place. "

Huang Qiusheng's voice had just dropped when a loud voice came from outside the door.

"Miss Huang, there's no need to call. I've arrived."

They turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes and a thin looking middle-aged man came in with a reluctant Shen Xiangquan, followed by a bodyguard.

Xiao Yunhai guessed that the middle-aged man was Shen Weijun, but his eyes did not stop on the other side, but focused on the bodyguard.

This man looks very ordinary. From height to appearance, he belongs to the kind of character that can't be seen in the crowd. However, Xiao Yunhai smells danger from him and feels like Gao Xiangfeng.

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile, "Mr. Shen, you are the latest one. It's rude."

Shen Weijun said with a wry smile: "who knows the traffic jam in Yanjing is so serious. I remember two years ago, it was not so powerful. I had known that I had come here half an hour earlier. These are Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Ms. Zhao Wanqing. I'm really sorry. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Mr. Shen is serious. We are early."

Shen Weijun has a good way of speaking, which makes people feel very comfortable and pleasant.

Xiao Yunhai can hardly even connect him with the boss of the underworld. No wonder the other party can develop the company to this extent.

Similarly, Shen Weijun feels that Xiao Yunhai in front of him is not an ordinary artist. Although he speaks politely, the momentum that looms from his body gives him great pressure.

Shen Weijun said, "Mr. Xiao is polite. Let's sit down and talk." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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