Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:25 AM

Chapter 638

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After they all took their seats, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, the bodyguard who just went out seems not simple."

Shen Weijun said with a smile: "it's just a matter of knowing how to handle crops with two hands. It's hard to get into the hall of elegance. Let Mr. Xiao laugh."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you are a master of transforming strength, you can't get into the hall of elegance. Who dares to say that he knows Kung Fu that day."

Shen Weijun patted his forehead and said with a smile, "I almost forgot that Mr. Xiao is a Kung Fu expert. He once knocked down the American boxing champion face-to-face. It's his luck that my brother can get into your eyes."

Huang Qiusheng said: "Mr. Shen, Yunhai, let's not discuss Kung Fu. Now the most important thing is to fill up the stomach. Seriously, I'm really hungry. "

Shen Weijun said with a smile, "then let them serve the food quickly."

After a while, when the food and wine were ready, Shen Weijun took up a glass of wine and said to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, "Mr. Xiao, Ms. Zhao, I asked Mr. Ye and Mr. Huang to invite you to come here this time, just to make an apology for you. Yesterday's Golden Cup Music Festival Award Ceremony video, I watched it on the computer, Xiangquan did a little too much, that is to say, they are highly cultivated and did not get angry on the spot. If it had been for me, it would have been a long time ago. Xiangquan, what are you doing

Shen Xiangquan raised his glass and said to Xiao Yunhai reluctantly, "I'm sorry."

Shen Weijun directly put the cup on the table and said angrily, "are you admitting your mistake?"

Shen Xiangquan said wrongly, "uncle, I said I'm sorry. What do you want me to do?"

Shen Weijun glared at him and was about to teach him a lesson. Ye Yongren shook his head and asked with a smile: "Xiangquan, I heard that Yunhai and you don't know each other. It's also the first time to meet at the award ceremony. Why do you want to do this? Is there anything wrong with Yunhai

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing also looked at him with puzzled faces.

Shen Xiangquan said: "I am not convinced. Why do you call me the king of music, but you call him the king of music, and keep me steady. "

Hearing Shen Xiangquan's reason, everyone was stunned and then all laughed.

Shen Xiangquan became angry and said, "what are you laughing at?"

Ye Yongren held back his smile and said, "Xiangquan, if you are because of this, I advise you not to enter the entertainment industry and go back to help your uncle manage the company."

Shen Xiangquan asked, "why?"

Ye Yongren said: "the so-called king of music, the king of music, is just those magazines, newspapers, in order to increase sales, just at will. I have been on the road for more than 40 years. I have sung hundreds of songs and acted in hundreds of films and TV plays. Everyone gives face and calls me king of heaven. The emperor is not as good as the emperor. Do you mean that I have to find the trouble of Yunhai. In the whole entertainment industry, there are many Queen's songs. Do all of us have to look for him? "

"In our entertainment industry, competition is very cruel. Without a big heart, we can't do it at all," said Huang Qiusheng. For a song, for a role, we secretly fight for a life and death, head broken blood, this is very normal, not a new thing. But no matter how we fight and how to rob, we will be very polite on the surface. Even after meeting, we will sit together and talk and laugh. You will never tear your face until you have to. Because we all know that the entertainment industry is so big that we can't see each other when we look up and look down. It's not good for anyone to tear up their faces. "

"In music, you are unconvinced by Yunhai and feel that he should not be in front of you. This is normal. There is no first place for literature and no second place for martial arts. You can prove by your talent and ability that you are better than the sea of clouds. In this way, people will think you are very manly. But in public, if you do this, you will be too self willed and self-cultivation, which will make you rejected by the whole entertainment industry. "

After hearing what ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng said, Shen Weijun realized that the problem was more serious than he had imagined. He said angrily, "do you hear me? Mr. Ye and Mr. Huang can say these words with painstaking care. Don't you know that you are wrong? "

Shen Xiangquan thought for a moment, took a deep breath, picked up his glass, stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, I was wrong about yesterday's matter. I apologize to you. But I still want to compete with you, for nothing else, just to prove that I am the best in music

When Shen Weijun saw his nephew still clinging to him, he angrily said, "you....

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and interrupted Shen Weijun's words. Looking at Shen Xiangquan's stubborn face, he said with a smile:" Mr. Shen doesn't need to be angry. Mr. Shen's ability to say so proves that he is open-minded and open-minded. Compared with those who are honeyed with their swords in their mouths, the villains with the same set in front of them are much stronger than those in the back Yes. Mr. Shen, in the entertainment industry, face is the most important thing. Now that you've apologized, I can take it as if it didn't happen. However, I want to make a statement in advance. When I go back, I will tell you on my homepage that you forgot to shake hands because you were too excited because you won the prize. This can be regarded as an explanation to the outside world. If a reporter asks you, you should say the same thing, do you understand? "

Shen Xiangquan said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and picked up his glass. He touched Shen Xiangquan and drank the wine out of the glass. He accepted his apology.Shen Weijun, Huang Qiusheng and ye Yongren all applauded.

Xiao Yunhai said: "as for your challenge, my husband and wife have accepted it. It is based on the album sales within one month. If you win, all the income we get from the album goes to you. If you lose... "

SHEN Xiangquan said," I will give you all my album income. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, just donate money to the foundation we founded in the name of our husband and wife."

Shen Xiangquan said, "yes."

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "that's right. Healthy competition is very necessary. Lao Huang and I often audition for a role, who is suitable and who is on. But we are still very close friends in private. Right? Lao Huang. "

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said, "yes. No one can say anything if you eat according to your ability. "

Shen Weijun said: "Xiangquan, the words of the two predecessors, you should keep it in mind. These are golden laws and good words."

Shen Xiangquan said, "I know, uncle."

The matter was successfully solved, and everyone had a meal.

Seeing Shen Weijun off, Xiao Yunhai looks at Huang Qiusheng and ye Yongren and says, "two teachers, are you free to have a cup of tea?"

Ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng looked at each other and said with a smile, "go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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