Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:24 AM

Chapter 639

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When they came to an antique teahouse, the four sat down.

Xiao Yunhai asked for a pot of good Biluochun, added good tea for everyone, and said with a smile, "teacher ye and teacher Huang, are you busy recently?"

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile, "I'm fine. Yes? You don't want to film with us. "

He knows that Xiao Yunhai is very busy now. On the one hand, he wants to do the late stage of inception, and on the other hand, he wants to help Zhao Wanqing make the album. So Huang Qiusheng said this, but he was just making a joke.

However, Xiao Yunhai even nodded and said, "I really have this plan."

Ye Yongren was surprised and said, "are you serious? Why do you have time to make a movie? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it takes more than two months for the post production of special effects of inception to be completed. I have already said that the rest can only be done by the technicians. It is the same if there is me or not. As for Wanqing's music album, I can finish all the songs in less than two days. With her singing skills, there is no problem recording records

Huang Qiusheng asked, "what kind of film are you going to make?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the most classic theme of the police and bandits in Xiangjiang."

Ye Yongren frowned, shook his head, and said: "this subject matter, the Xiangjiang side has been it to shoot rotten, want to open up a new path, really difficult."

Xiao Yunhai can't laugh at any subject matter. I've made four movies in total, "Charlotte trouble" and "don't disturb me very much" won by funny, "Jingwu hero" won by sharp action, and "Inception" under production won by special effects and suspense. The police and bandit film I'm going to shoot will win with unexpected plot and actor's acting skills, so I found two. "

Ye Yongren said, "what's the name of this play? How long does it take? "

Xiao Yunhai said solemnly: "its name is Infernal Affairs.". There is no big scene in this play. The whole plot depends on the acting skills of our actors. If the team is well prepared and our acting skills are awesome, we can finish it in less than ten days. Mr. Ye and Mr. Huang, I can tell you clearly that the Infernal Affairs will be the peak of the Xiangjiang police and bandit movies. The most important reason for me to shoot this play is to snipe at those foreign blockbusters, so that they will not continue to wreak havoc. "

Since Huaxia cinema was occupied by foreign forces, Hollywood blockbusters have appeared on the stage after you have sung. Under their attack, domestic films have no strength to fight back.

For example, MGM's "dinosaur wars" swept the whole of China. In a short period of half a month, it won a super high box office of 3.6 billion Chinese dollars.

"Dinosaur war" premiered only three days ago, Paramount's science fiction film "super soldier" grand release, two days time, sold 840 million box office.

There are also Columbia's war blockbuster "behind the World War II" and the 21st Century Fox fantasy film "the queen of vampires" and so on, which have been wildly sought after by Chinese fans.

According to statistics, in half a month's time, Hollywood films have taken 13 billion box office receipts from China, while domestic films have been miserable, adding up to no more than 1.2 billion. The difference between the two cannot be justified.

When Xiao Yunhai saw this happening, he was not very happy.

Although he did not have the lofty ideal of revitalizing Chinese films as his own duty, he also did not want to see foreign films rampant in China. It was basically impossible for inception to be released years ago.

So he's going to make a movie that doesn't take long and attracts audiences into the cinema. After thinking about it, Xiao Yunhai finally chose the classic movie Infernal Affairs.

This film was the peak of the game of wits in the last world. It was jointly directed by Liu Weiqiang and Mai Zhaohui, and joined by the four film giants. It was Xiangjiang's rescue work at that time. I heard that it took only a week to shoot it, and it has won numerous favorable comments.

At the various awards ceremonies in those years, they were brilliant and won numerous awards. Even Hollywood bought its adaptation rights and made the American version of Infernal Affairs.

Ye Yongren said: "since you dare to use this film to attack those Hollywood blockbusters, it seems that you are very confident. Are you going to show it all over the world? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Infernal Affairs is not only suitable for domestic, but also suitable for foreign countries. What do you think of Mr. Ye and Mr. Huang? "

Huang Qiusheng said, "I'm one of them. Our domestic movies can't lose to those foreigners. "

Ye Yongren said, "I have no problem. Yunhai, can you tell me the general content of the film first

"Of course."

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai told the plot of Infernal Affairs from the beginning to the end. Huang Qiusheng and ye Yongren listened to each other with their eyes shining. The more they listened, the more excited they were.

After Xiao Yunhai finished speaking, Huang Qiusheng patted the table and said, "good film."

Ye Yongren also said with admiration: "this is simply the extreme of the game of wits, no wonder you have so much confidence."

Zhao Wanqing, who had not spoken for a long time, said with a smile: "the more important thing is that there is no big scene. As long as the preliminary work is in place and the actors play well, it will be over soon."Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "so this film has very high requirements for actors' acting skills. Those who do not meet the standards are not allowed to do so. Mr. Ye plays Liu Jianmin, Mr. Huang plays your own Huang Zhicheng. I play the roles of Chen Yongren and Han Chen. I hope Mr. Liang Hui can play it, but I don't know if he is willing to. "

Huang Qiusheng said happily, "Lao Liang's business is settled with Lao Ye. Such a good film, I don't believe that he is indifferent. Ha ha, when the time comes, we four big movie masters will have to kill those Hollywood blockbusters. "

Ye Yongren, I want to write the script quickly. Don't be crushed by the three of you at that time, and I'll lose face. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "with several teachers, the biggest pressure is me, OK? In two days, I will write the script and send it to two teachers. Tomorrow, I will start to set up a crew and ask them to go to Xiangjiang in advance to find the shooting site. The choice of other roles is up to me to ensure that they are all first-class actors. "

"This year's Spring Festival is February 28. We try to finish shooting before February 5 and release it on February 20. I've seen the schedule of Huaxia cinema. They will show several blockbusters in the Spring Festival. Let's have a good time with their coaches based on Infernal Affairs. Just one target. Kill them. "

Ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng, said by Xiao Yunhai, were boiling with blood and said in unison: "good."

Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, I want to play li Xin'er. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "in terms of acting, there is no problem. But aren't you going to make an album? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Li Xin'er's role is so small that if the shooting goes well, I'm afraid it will take less than a day to shoot."

Huang Qiusheng chuckled: "Yunhai, you'd better hurry to agree. This Li Xin'er and you have a passion drama, if you push again, it shows that you have a problem in mind. Ha ha. "

Ye Yongren couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Wanqing's face turned red and said, "there is no such thing."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. And the role of Liu Jianmin's fiancee. I'd like to invite sister Yu to play it. She seems to be preparing for her wedding, so I'll say hello to her in advance. After booting up, shoot the two of you and try to finish it in one day. So you won't be delayed. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "good."

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "in this way, the lineup of our film can be incomparably strong."

Xiao Yunhai took up his tea cup and said, "let's drink tea instead of wine. Let's drink to the great success of Infernal Affairs."

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