Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:09 AM

Chapter 64

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The auditorium of Yanjing Film Academy is full of people.

An hour before the start of the party, the students had already arrived at the scene.

Especially the freshmen who have just entered the school are excited one by one. After dinner, they come in groups.

Backstage of the party, all the cast members have been in place, making the final preparations.

The school attaches great importance to each new year's party, mainly to strengthen the freshmen's sense of belonging to the school, and will also invite some successful graduates to watch to show the strength of the college.

As for those famous students, of course, it is no exception. Even if you are filming outside, you have to ask for leave to come back to the party.

It's a dead order from the Academy.

At 7:30 p.m., accompanied by warm applause, the leading teachers of the college came in one after another.

It's followed by a lot of stars.

"You see, that's Gu Yuanlong. It's said that our college specially invited him to come here to support the academy this time!"

"Wow, it's Yili Huang. I love her little princess!"

"Ah, I didn't expect Yang Jing to come too. What a big scene this year's new year's party is!"

"Damn it, isn't it? Who is that?"

"My God, I didn't dream. Is that the pride of our school, Yu Yuexian?"

"Yes, yes, she is. It's because I like the moon goddess that I applied for the film academy. "

The students were excited when they saw their idols coming.

But because of the repeated orders from the school before coming, even those iron powder did not do anything out of the ordinary!

In a corner of the backstage of the party, Xiao Yunhai said to a nervous Huang Bo: "neck, what's the matter with you? It's not that I haven't acted in a stage play before. Why are you so nervous today? "

"Third brother, you want me to act. What I didn't say is absolutely full of confidence. But I really don't have much confidence in this funny sketch. "

"We have practiced more than ten times, but we have no confidence. You see, elder martial Sister Zhang Ya's lines are so much more than you, and you are not nervous. As a big man, you are afraid of this. Is it disgraceful to lose it? "

Zhang Ya is a girl in her twenties. She is one level higher than Xiao Yunhai. She is in the same class with Xia Xiaohu. Her appearance can only be regarded as middle and low in the film academy with beautiful women. However, her acting skills are very strong and her sense of humor is full.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhang Ya said with a bitter smile: "in fact, I'm also very nervous. I'm very worried about destroying Xiao Xuedi's elaborate sketches."

This time, Xiao Yunhai asked her to come here to perform a sketch "help or not".

This sketch was created by Xiao Yunhai's favorite comedy team, happy Mahua. It was released at the 2014 Spring Festival Gala and was loved by the audience.

"If you meet an old man who falls to the ground or not" has also become the focus of people's heated discussion at that time.

Xiao Yunhai thought of Hong Dao's father's affairs, and then he had the idea of writing this sketch.

"Don't worry. We've played it so many times. It's no problem."

At this time, Zhao Wanqing also came in, nodded to Zhang Ya and Huang Bo, then took Xiao Yunhai to one side and said, "do you know? Today's new year's party is arranged by the school's literature and art department. The Minister of literature and art is familiar with Xia Xiaohu and Hu Haitao. They specially arranged your program behind their program today. Xia Xiaohu will also sing a new song. It is said that it is specially written for him, that is, to hit you in the face

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and pretended to be heroic and said: "don't worry, just a few clowns jumping on the beam.". If they can't get through this, I'll just go back home and plant. "

"That's good." Zhao Wanqing said, "in fact, I am also worried. At your level, as long as it is normal, there is no problem

She saw three people's sketches yesterday and laughed at her on the spot.

Xiao Yunhai showed a strange smile and said, "Miss Zhao cares so much about me, does she like me? Let's marry a man and a woman. There's nothing to be ashamed of? "

"Bah, nonsense." Zhao Wanqing's face turned red, and she gave Xiao Yunhai a hard look. She said angrily, "I won't talk to you. I'm going to prepare for hosting." Then he turned and left.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing's beautiful figure and thought of her shy expression just now. He said in his heart, "this Zhao beauty doesn't really like herself, does she?"

"Three elder brother, wake up, Zhao's beauty has gone, what's wrong with her?"

Huang Bo comes to Xiao Yunhai and shakes his hand in front of him intentionally and laughs playfully.

"Who's in a daze? I'm thinking about something else." Xiao Yunhai regained consciousness and said, "OK, the party will start soon. Let's go to make up and change clothes."

Finish saying, Xiao Yunhai goes to the changing room.

Zhang Ya touched Huang Bo and asked, "they are not really in love, are they?"

Huang Bo thought about it for a while and replied, "I think it's eight to nine. Zhao Da Mei seems to be interested in my third brother."Soon, the new students' Party of Yanjing Film Academy in 1998 officially began!

Xia Xiaohu and Zhao Wanqing came on stage one after another, which caused warm applause on the field.

Xia Xiaohu really has a few brushes. He hosts the program with a steady atmosphere and a certain degree of relaxation.

Although compared with Zhao Wanqing, there is still a clear gap, but it is also very good.

As in previous years, leaders speak on the stage and guests make speeches, which are old-fashioned things, without any new ideas!

Fifteen minutes later, the program officially starts!

The first program was a chorus jointly organized by four grades of the college. It immediately brought the atmosphere into full swing. The applause was endless and the scream was not stopped. It made a good start for the next performance.

After a few song and dance programs, Xia Xiaohu took the microphone and said, "the next program is for you to bring us a stage play, which is composed and directed by us, including Xu Qianqian and Hu Haitao. I hope you can enjoy it."

With the sound of music, Xia Xiaohu and their performance began.

Their performance is really good, especially the couple played by Xia Xiaohu and Xu Qianqian. Under the oppression of the villain played by Hu Haitao, they are full of emotion and handle the details in a proper way, which has won the applause of the students.

Looking at Xu Qianqian's performance on stage, Xiao Yunhai looked very calm and did not feel any discomfort on his face, as if he was watching a person who had nothing to do with himself.

This makes Zhao wanting, who secretly observes him backstage, very surprised.

On that day, Xiao Yunhai's feelings after seeing Xu Qianqian were absolutely not fake. The pain from the heart in his eyes could not be performed at all. What's more, there was the understanding of the song that made people cry.

Now Xiao Yunhai seems to have put it down, quite a feeling of becoming a Buddha.

Zhao wanting is happy for no reason.

After the performance of the stage play, Xia Xiaohu performed his host's work again and said, "how was our performance?"


The students are very cooperative.

"The following program is a new song of mine called" wonderful life ", which is composed by famous musician Han An'an and Mu Ling. Today I will dedicate this song to you, I hope you can enjoy it. This is the first time to sing. "

"Good! Great There are thousands of cheers under the stage, and we are looking forward to the songs coming down.

Among all the cheers, Xia Xiaohu played and sang the guitar and performed this song "wonderful life" very well, which made some people on the stage shout loudly.

However, in the ears of professionals like Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, Xia Xiaohu's singing skills are just like that. In the singer world, he is not even a third rate singer.

After singing the song, the scene was shrouded in a storm of applause.

His singing was a great success. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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