Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:21 AM

Chapter 641

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Major websites have also reported this news, the movie forum is full of discussion topics about Infernal Affairs.

Even some big directors and stars have offered their best wishes to the Infernal Affairs crew on their homepage.

There is no way, foreign films in China, as the backbone of the entertainment industry, they are also very anxious, hope to have a film to play the momentum of domestic films, to give everyone a boost.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, the whole China will soon become the world of Hollywood blockbusters.

It can be said that Xiao Yunhai's Infernal Affairs has already attracted the attention of all Chinese filmmakers before shooting.

Some experts have even predicted that Infernal Affairs, with the appeal of the director and several film queens, will reach at least 3 billion box office.

Just before Infernal Affairs was filmed, the first issue of "millionaire" was launched in Anhui TV station.

As the third variety show planned by Xiao Yunhai, once publicized, it caused a sensation among the whole people.

In addition to Xiao Yunhai's fame, what is more attractive is its 10 million yuan bonus.

If you answer only 15 questions correctly, you can get 10 million. For ordinary people, this kind of thing is too attractive.

However, it is not easy to get on TV.

First of all, we have to pay a registration fee of 1000 yuan, conduct a written examination, and select the best 200 people for interview. After passing the interview, only 50 people will be left, and then they will appear on the TV station according to the ranking order.

The whole program is not recorded, but live. Therefore, there may be many unexpected situations.

In order to improve the interest, after the contestants have answered 14 questions correctly, Xiao Yunhai will be contacted by telephone for the final question.

After Xiao Yunhai handed over the plan to Chen Zhan, Anhui TV began to make intensive preparations the next day. In a short week, as many as 100000 people came to register.

So many people can't get together to arrange the exam.

Therefore, Anhui TV station has come up with a solution. Every player who has paid the registration fee will have an account number. Through this account, you can answer questions online. The top 500 will be promoted to Anhui TV station for written examination and interview.

There are a total of 100 questions in this test, which need contestants to finish in an hour. If the scores are the same, the fastest contestants will be ranked at the top.

Soon after the contestants finished answering the questions, the computer gave the ranking in less than 10 minutes, and there was no possibility of cheating in the middle.

After the 500 contestants were selected, Qi Qi came to Anhui TV station. He had written examination and interview in a school, and finally selected 50 people to be on the TV station.

The first season of "multimillionaire" has 12 issues in total. According to the calculation of 90 minutes in one issue, there are about 20 players who can really step onto the stage and are qualified to attack 10 million.

Therefore, the competition in front of the group of five is very cruel. Everyone wants to answer the three correct questions first, so as to have a chance to win 10 million yuan.

In order to achieve the program effect, Anhui TV station invited a famous stage designer to reconstruct the live room, striving to reflect a kind of high atmosphere, so that people can fully feel that knowledge can change their fate.

The host of "100 billion rich man" gave it to Lu Zhe, a pillar of Anhui TV station. He is 32 years old. He is knowledgeable, eloquent and quick to respond. He can fully meet the requirements.

For this program, Xiao Yunhai came to the TV station at the request and threat of his uncle, but he stayed in the data monitoring room all the time. Unless someone can answer the first 14 questions correctly, he will appear at the scene.

The publicity of this program is not big, but its influence is very wide. 120000 people participated in the network answering questions alone. It is conceivable that how many people will pay attention to this program in China.

As a result, with five minutes to go before the program starts, the audience rating has already exceeded 5%, far ahead of the variety shows of other TV stations.

After all the preparatory work was completed, the first episode of "100 billion dollar" officially started at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 23.

Lu Zhe, the host, stood on the stage with high spirits and said: "ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the millionaire."

There was a round of applause.

"Multimillionaire" is an educational program sponsored by Anhui TV station and invested and planned by our cloud emperor, Mr. Xiao Yunhai. Through a series of examinations, we have found 50 participants from 120000 ordinary friends, including workers, farmers, students and teachers. From 65 to 17 years old, they will have the opportunity to attack our ten million prize. Come on, please say hello to our friends on the spot and in front of the TV


All 50 players on the east side of the stage stood up and waved to the camera.

Lu zhe said: "we all know that Mr. Xiao Yunhai is a rich man. He doesn't care about the eight million. So you must answer the questions well. It's best if you can produce several millionaires in each issue. Tell me, do you have faith? ""Yes."

The scene was filled with laughter.

Lu zhe said: "just now, if Mr. Xiao heard me, I would be miserable. Maybe, when he gets angry and changes me as a host, it will be troublesome. I'm counting on the show to be a hit. "

"Ha ha ha."

Sitting in the monitoring room, Xiao Yunhai appreciated Lu Zhe's hosting style and said, "uncle, the host you are looking for is really good."

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "he is the pillar of our platform. He is not inferior to those famous hosts in terms of eloquence and ability. He just lacks an opportunity."

At this time, the monitor said happily, "director, Mr. Xiao, the ratings have broken through seven percent."

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "very good."

On the stage, Lu zhe just finished the rules, and the competition officially began.

"Please come to our stage and stand in front of the answering machine. Whoever answers the three questions first will be eligible to win 10 million yuan. Remember, if you answer wrong, you will lose your chance. "

"Are you all ready?"


"Let's start. What is the highest peak in the world

"Player 3"

"Mount Everest."

"The answer is correct. Second, who discovered the law of universal gravitation

"Player number three again."


"The answer is correct. Four, you guys, you're going to come on. If you get one more question right for player number three, you'll lose , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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